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Elderly Abuse in Nursing Homes: Persuasive Speech Outline

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience about elderly abuse and
neglect in nursing homes
INTRODUCTION- Today I am here to talk to you all about a problem that
is sweeping the nation.
1. Attention-Getter:
a. 500,000 to 1,000,000 cases of Elderly abuse or neglect are
recorded every year by authorities. Most of them are true,
but the saddest thing is for every one of those cases there
are between 12 and 15 cases that are not reported to proper
authorities. (Video)
2. Bond: Link-to Audience:
a. I recently had the misfortune of having to put my
grandparents into a nursing home, or assisted living
facility and have already had an issue with the facility. My
grandmother was recently rushed to the hospital from the
nursing home. They said it could have possibly been a “
med error” meaning they gave her the wrong medication
causing her sugar to drop severely resulting in her
collapsing in a type of seizure.
3. "Credentials" of Speaker (Credibility):
a. I have done much research on this topic before I had to
move my grandparents into their facility.
4. Destination / Objective Sentence:
a. I have decided to talk to you all about Nursing home
neglect and abuse because I want to make you aware of the
dangers in nursing homes. My goal in this speech is to help
spread the word about this disgraceful behavior. I hope that
after my presentation you will possibly help me spread the
word about nursing home abuse and neglect.
b. Today I want to make you realize that nursing homes are an
industry nothing more and nothing less.
5. Explain your Map to your Destination: Speech Preview:
a. Today I plan to explain
1. Types of Elderly Abuse
2. Statistics behind Nursing Home Abuse
3. Nursing Homes are an Industry
4. What needs to be done.
B. BODY of your Speech
“Tell them”
1. Main Point #1
a. First to define elderly abuse and its different forms.
1. Physical Abuse
2. Emotional Abuse
3. Sexual Abuse
4. Neglect
5. Financial Exploitation
6. Health care fraud
Transition: Next I want to discuss with you the information gathered
for the year 2009.
2. Main Point #2
1. Some of the frightening statistics behind nursing home
abuse or neglect are.
a. 2.6 million people live in either short term nursing
homes or longer term assisted living facilities.
b. 44 percent of nursing home residents have suffered
from some type of abuse.
c. 48 percent reported having been treated or handled
d. 38 percent reported having witnessed the abuse of
e. 81 percent report having seen some form of verbal,
physical, or other form of abuse last year
f. 66 percent of nursing home residents suffer from
Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive problems
which limits their ability be aware that abuse is
g. 85% of the staff of these nursing homes blame the
abuse on insufficient staff and staff shortages.
h. Only approximately 20% of all cases of abuse are
reported. The reasons they are not reported are
either because those being abused are too
cognitively impaired to remember enough to report
it, or they are afraid of further abuse and not being
Transition: Next I want to say how nursing homes and assisted living
facilities are nothing more than an industry.
3. Main Point #3
1. What I mean when I say these places are an industry is they
are around to make money granted there are some places that
do care about the well being of their residence.
2.They care for our elderly, my grandparents and possibly
your loved ones at the lowest cost possible. Meaning:
a. Minimal qualifications
b. Inadequate staff
c. Low wages
4. Main Point #4
1. From an official “Report to Congressional Requesters”
Ensure that state survey agencies immediately notify local law
enforcement agencies or MFCUs when nursing homes report
allegations of resident physical or sexual abuse or when the
survey agency has confirmed complaints of alleged abuse.
• Accelerate the agency’s education campaign on reporting
nursing home abuse by (1) distributing its new poster with
clearly displayed complaint telephone numbers and (2)
requiring state survey agencies to ensure that these numbers
are prominently listed in local telephone directories.
• Systematically assess state policies and practices for
complying with the federal requirement to prohibit
employment of individuals convicted of abusing nursing home
residents and, if necessary, develop more specific guidance to
ensure compliance.
• Clarify the definition of abuse and otherwise ensure that
states apply that definition consistently and appropriately.
• Shorten the state survey agencies’ time frames for
determining whether to include findings of abuse in nurse aide
registry files.
I believe all nursing homes should have heightened security, possibly
noninvasive cameras in individual rooms, or an easily accessible
panic button in each room as well as throughout the facility directing
the tenants to the emergency services as well as nurses in the facility.
1. After I have discussed with you What Elderly Abuse is, the
Statistics behind Nursing Home Abuse, how Nursing Homes
are an Industry, and What needs to be done. I hope I have
opened your eyes to just how serious the problem of Nursing
home abuse and neglect is.
2. Call-to-Action: I urge all of you to take a harder look at just what
is happening behind closed doors in these so called “assisted”
living facilities. It could be one of your loved ones like it was
mine, or someday in the future it could be anyone of us. So, let us
do something to stop it now before the problem gets out of hand,
and before more innocent people who can’t defend themselves
have to suffer this could be one of your loved ones.
Sources :
GAO. "United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional
Requesters." Nursing Homes.
GAO, Feb. 2002. Web. 26 Mar. 2010.
Belmonte, Joelle. Elder Abuse and Neglect. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2010.
"Nursing Home Abuse Statistics." Articlesbase.com. ArticlesBase SC
#801584, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2010.