Informative Writing Rubric Common Core Standards G.11&12 INFORMATIVE Description 5 Exceptional 4 Skilled 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Inadequate Focus: The text clearly The text focuses on an The text has a topic The text has an The text has an The text focuses on a focuses on a interesting topic that that informs the unclear topic with unidentifiable topic topic to inform a reader compelling topic that informs the reader with reader with ideas, some ideas, with minimal ideas, with ideas, concepts, informs the reader ideas, concepts, and concepts, and concepts, and concepts, and and information that with ideas, concepts, information that creates a information that creates information. information. creates a unified whole. and information that unified whole. a unified whole. The text contains limited facts creates a unified whole. Development: The text provides The text provides relevant The text provides The text provides facts, The text presents facts, significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, facts, extended definitions, details, extended definitions, facts, extended concrete details, definitions, concrete quotations, and/or concrete details, definitions, concrete quotations, and/or details, quotations, examples that attempt quotations, and details, quotations examples that sufficiently and/or examples to develop and explain examples. The text and/or examples that develop and explain the that develop the the topic. The text may provides a conclusion thoroughly develop and topic. The text provides a topic. The text provide a conclusion that supports the topic explain the topic. The competent conclusion provides a conclusion that supports the topic. and examines its text that supports the topic that supports the implications and provides an engaging conclusion that supports and examines its implications and topic and examines significance. the topic and examines its significance. significance. and examples related to the topic. The text may or may not provide a conclusion. its implications and implications and significance. Audience: The text consistently The text anticipates the The text considers the The text illustrates an The text lacks an The text anticipates the addresses the audience’s knowledge audience’s knowledge inconsistent awareness of the audience’s background audience’s knowledge level and concerns about level about the topic. awareness of the audience’s knowledge of the topic. level and concerns the topic. The text The text includes audience’s knowledge knowledge level The text includes about the topic. The text includes appropriate formatting, graphics, level about the topic. about formatting, graphics, includes effective formatting, graphics, and/or multimedia The text may include the topic. The text and/or multimedia when formatting, graphics, and/or multi- media that when useful to aiding some formatting, includes limited or useful to aiding and/or multimedia that strengthen comprehension. graphics, and/or inaccurate formatting, comprehension. enhance comprehension. multimedia that may graphics, and/ or be distracting or multimedia that irrelevant. impedes comprehension. The text uses words, The text contains comprehension. The text contains few, uses words, phrases, The text skillfully uses words, phrases, and clauses limited words, if any, words, and clauses to link the phrases, and clauses to to link the major phrases, and clauses phrases, and clauses ideas and concepts. major sections of text. link the major sections of sections of the text. to link the major to link the major The text includes The text explains the the text. The text identifies The text connects the sections of the text. sections of the text. appropriate and varied relationships between the relationship between topic and the The text attempts to The text does not transitions and syntax. the topic and the the examples and/or connect the topic and connect the topic and examples and/or facts. examples and/or facts. facts. the examples and/or the examples and/or facts. facts. Cohesion: The text strategically The text explains the relationship between topic and the Informative Writing Rubric Common Core Standards G.11&12 Language and Style: The text presents an The text presents a The text presents a The text illustrates a The text illustrates a The text presents a engaging, formal, and formal, objective tone. formal, objective tone. limited awareness of limited or inconsistent formal style and objective tone. The The text uses precise The text uses relevant formal tone. The text tone. The text uses objective tone and uses text uses language, vocabulary, language, vocabulary, attempts to use imprecise language, language, vocabulary, sophisticated and techniques such as and techniques such language, vocabulary, vocabulary, and and techniques such language, vocabulary, metaphor, simile, and as metaphor, simile, and some techniques limited techniques. as metaphor, simile, and techniques such analogy to man- age the and analogy to such as metaphor, and analogy to manage as metaphor, simile, and complexity of the topic. manage the simile, and analogy. the topic. analogy to manage the complexity of the complexity of the topic. topic. Conventions: The text intentionally The text demonstrates The text demonstrates The text demonstrates The text contains The text demonstrates uses standard English standard English standard English some accuracy in multiple inaccuracies standard English conventions of usage conventions of usage conventions of usage standard English in Standard English conventions of usage and mechanics while and mechanics while and mechanics while conventions of usage conventions of usage and mechanics while specifically attending to suitably attending to the attending to the norms and mechanics. and mechanics. attending to the norms the norms of the norms of the discipline in of the discipline in of the discipline in which discipline in which they which they are writing which they are writing they are writing (MLA, are writing (MLA, APA, (MLA, APA, etc.). (MLA, APA, etc.). APA, etc.). etc.).