Electronic commerce(E-commerce): Q/ what is the meaning of commerce ? commerce: is the exchange of goods and services for money Q/ what are the components of commerce ? the component are: 1. buyer: these are people who wont to purchase a goods or services 2. sellers: these are people who offer goods and services to buyers 3. producers: these are people who create the products and services that sellers offer to buyer Q/what are the elements of commerce ? 1. You need a product or service to sell. 2. You need a place to sell the product. 3. You need to figure out a way to get poeple to come to your place. 4. You need a way to accept orders. 5. You also need a way to money. 6. You need a way to deliver the product or services often know as fulfillment. 7. Sometimes customers do not like what they buy, so you need a way to accept returns. Q/what is the meaning of internet ? The Internet is an opne world-wide communication network, linking countless computer network through mixture of private and public telephone lines. Q/why we use the internet ? The internet and specially the web can be a device for reducing three risks : 1. Demand risk 2. Innovation risk 3. Inefficiency risk Q/what is the meaning of network ? Network is a series of points or computer interconnected by communication paths, network can interconnect with other network to form global networks. Q/what are the benefits of the network ? 1. 2. 3. 4. Facilitates resource sharing Provides reliability Cost effective Provide a powerful medium across geographical divide. Q/ define the WWW ? WWW: is the short form of world wide web, and it is a collection of linked documents or pages that spon the internet. Q/ for what purpose we use the following expressions(symboles): (com, net, org, gov, mil, int) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Com: commerical purpose Net: internet service providers Org: nonprofit commercial groups Gov:reserved for government Mil: reserved for military Int: reserved for international organization Q/what are the kinds of geographical distance: 1. LAN: is the local area network wich is a small area sharing a single server 2. MAN: is the metropolitan area network that can bridge serveral LAN’S 3. WAN: is the wide area network wich is a broader covered area that can include sevral MAN’S Q/what is the meaning of E-commerce ? E-commerce: is distributing, buying, selling and marketing product and service over electronic system Q/ what is the meaning of EDI and EFT EDI: is the electronic data interchange, it is used to transfer electronic docments or business data from one computer system to another computer system. EFT: are the electronic fund transfering it is used to transfer money from one account to another. Q/ drawdiagram wich shows the process of E-commerce ? order company delivery customer World wide web shipment internet order Order request achivement cart E-nitification Online transectiom Q/ what are the advantages of E-commerce ? 1. Saving time: using E-commerce everywhere and anytime. 2. Comprison: the customer can search many websites for finding the lowest price of an item to buy. 3. Cost effective: E-commerce process needs few of employees, therefore it reduces employee cost. 4. Economy benefits: there is no need for physical reposiories to advertise or show the product to the customer. 5. Availability: the customer can buy/sell item at any time. Q/what are the disadvatages of E-commerce ? 1. Security: a very important topic is security of payment process. 2. Fraud: the customer is always worried about his personal information to be miused by thieves. 3. Unofficial website(fake): it effects badly on E-commerce anlits development. 4. Product quality: there are no exact information about quality of the product. 5. Bargaining: the customer is not able to bargain with companies(sellers). 6. Shipping cost: online order will increase the shipment cost and fees. 7. Satisfaction: there is no interaction between seller and customer. Q/ what are the features of E-commerce ? give an example for each of them. 1. Ubiquity: ex: you can shop from your desktop at home, work or from your car. 2. Global search: ex: you can order a book from USA and buy a bag from CHINA. 3. Universal standards: ex: online universal standards are the same wether you buy from CHINA or ENGLAND. 4. Richness: ex: any online merchant can deliver marketing messages with text, video, audio to an audience of millions. 5. Interactivity: ex: a merchant in ENGLAND can engage with consumers in AUSTRALIA and USA at the same time. 6. Information density: ex: reducing communication costs while increasing accuracy and timeliness information. 7. A. Personalization: ex: a merchant can send you personally a marketing message B. customization: ex: the merchant is allowed to change the delivered product based on user’s preferences 8. social technology: ex: millions of users are able to generate content consumed by millions of other users. Q/draw a diagram which shows the four categories e-commerce? Business originating from: Business consumers And selling to: Business B2B C2B Consumers B2C C2C B2B=business to business B2C=business to consumers C2B=consumers to business C2C=consumers to consumers Q/talk briefly about the following types of e-commerce supporting your answer by a diagram? 1/business to business (B2B): This types of e-commerce involves businesses selling to businesses. For example : nestle company as a manufacturer sells its products (kitkat, candy bar) to retailers (business owners) business organizations Orders processing whole saler sels customer orders website 2/business to consumer (B2C): This type of e-commerce involves businesses selling to consumers. For example: dell computer company was one of the first companies that started selling its product directly to consumer using e-commerce business organization Order processing customer order website 3/consumer to businnes (C2B): This type enables consumers to offer products and services to companies and those companies pay them. For example: you create an idea to a specific company, and this company will buy your idea in return webiste Places money For particular service Order processing business organization Receives product customer Receives money 4/consumer to consumer (C2C): This type means consumer sell to each other For example: you may advertise your used car on an online website to sell it to another consumer. Places advertisement webiste Want to Buy product Want to sell product customer 1 Receives product Receives money customer 2 1/ credit card: the most popular form of payment it is simple to use: the customer has only to enter their credit card number, date of expiry in the appropriate are on the seller’s web page. To improve the security system, we use the CARD VERIFICATION NUMBER (CVN) 2/debit card: with the debit card, the customer can only pay for purchased with the money that is already there in his/her account. Q/ what is the difference between credit card and debit card? With credit card: where the amount that buyer spends are billed to him/her and payment are made at the end of billing period While with debit card: the customer can only pay for the purchased goods with the money that is already in her/his account