Uploaded by Jennifer Veyuidea

NYCSL Market Analysis: Urban Apparel & Brand Strategy

Zeina Mohamed,
Emma Bernet,
Jennifer Veyuidea
A Tale of Two Markets Write-Up
Lynn Lambert, the creator of NYCSL was a successful actress in New York City. Lynne thought the subway
presented a glance at the true nature of New York City, with its diversity of cultures and people. NYCSL
was born in 1995, the first MTA apparel licensee. At the time it was a small company licensed by the
MTA to manufacture merchandise with MTA symbols on it. The first attempt at a big department store
“Macy” ended up with a loss to the company’s bottom line in the second order. The NYCSL needs to
understand its target market and their segmentation. To do this they had to strategically introduce the
product in a different setting.
The company so had to set sight on a different market, the upscale gift market. To be successful in the
gift market, price competitiveness and wide distribution are key. NYCSL product is different than the
average gift merchandise and thus despite the higher price point, customers seemed to appreciate the
content of the product. The products sold very well in the gift stores, often at prices even exceeding
those of the trendier SoHo apparel boutiques. NYC subway Line garnered some periodic success
attracting fashion-forward stores such as Kate’s Paperie, the Terence Conran store, and Takashimaya,
the famous Japanese department store. By 2008, Lynne had established relationships with over 300
resellers. As of 2009, NYC Subway Line offered a range of men, women and children's clothing and
accessories, including approximately 90 different products. Popular products included t-shirts, hoodies,
bags, belts, hats, wallets, etc. Lynne generally designed her own apparel.
Zeina Mohamed,
Emma Bernet,
Jennifer Veyuidea
A Tale of Two Markets Write-Up
1. Improve SEO so that the NYCSL appears on the first page of Google. The website is extremely
hard to locate when typed into a search engine.
2. Focus on Urban apparel (hip hop and general) and Brand improvements
3. Continue with the promotional strategy but add a higher budget to create more awareness
4. Hire additional sales from New World Sales
5. Create apparel differentiation from gift merchandise
1. Optimizing the search engine (SEO) to improve website traffic quality and quantity. By making the
website or more accessible to web search engine users. SEO enhances unpaid results and excludes
direct traffic / visitors and pay placement purchase. NYCSL can start with keyword research, with
google AdWords or other free sites. Also, by doing research to understanding their competition.
What they doing well? What content themes do they have that you’re lacking? Do they structure
their site differently to target more valuable keywords? Do they have interesting features to better
engage their prospects?
2. On page 73 you can see that Apparel in Urban General and Urban Hip Hop the sales totaled
$763,670 in an average of 4 years. This is a total of 23.82% of total sales from 2004 to 2008. Out of
those 23.82 percent ($763,670), 38.28% ($292,339) comes from HipHop apparel that was
introduced in 2005. Even though sales decreased by -234 percent by 2008 ($50,662), this is a market
worth enticing. This is the only market that seems to truly identify with out brand image and style.
Zeina Mohamed,
Emma Bernet,
Jennifer Veyuidea
A Tale of Two Markets Write-Up
The over all goal is to increase exposure to the outlets and their average consumer. We have to
focus our understanding on what is the Urban HipHop style and stay relatively close to the trends in
the classification. By increasing our value proposition statements of what we do, how we do it, and
who we do it for, and what makes us different than our competitors. This will help in knowing
exactly who our target audience is by building a buyer persona that allows us to improve our brand
based on what is interesting or valuable to our target audience. It also helps build content that fits
each stage of the journey they take to becoming a customer. The most important part is the
strategic plan to attract new customers and keep them loyal to the business. Loyal customers
increase the company's turnover; the increase of company's awareness is a great tool to increase
customer’s loyalty. Raising awareness among the young people is particularly important for every
company for successful expanding of the business in the future, because if the business is not done
in time, no new clients grow older existing loyal.