CARCINOGENESIS – I (MOLECULAR BASIS) Presented by, Dr.Lakshmi S Anand II MDS NORMAL BODY CELLS GROW, DIVIDE AND DIE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. Cancer cells are different because they do not die, they just continue to grow and divide in a disorderly fashion. "A neoplasm is an abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues, and persists in the same excessive manner after cessation of the stimulus which evoked the change” - WILLIS SOME FACTS.......... Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally. ORAL CANCER INDIA New cases: 11,57,294 Death : 7,84,821 (GLOBOCAN 2018) Kerala – 2016 Crude cancer rate is highest 135.3/100000population “IF YOU LIVE IN KERALA, YOU ARE TWICE AS LIKELY TO GET CANCER AS A JHARKHAND RESIDENT” - MEDIBULLETIN september 2018 When will there be a cure for cancer???????????? • PATHOGENESIS •MOLECULAR BASIS ORIGIN Hippocrates – Greek words carcinos/carcinoma Neoplasm – new growth Oncology There are two types of tumors: Malignant tumors : spread to other areas in the body. Benign tumors: stay in one place. Basic components: •Parenchyma •Stroma Teratoma : tumor which contain mature/immature cells representative of more than one germ layer Hamartoma :A benign (noncancerous) tumor-like growth consisting of a disorganized mixture of cells and tissues normally found in the area of the body where the growth occurs Choristoma : tumor-like mass consisting of normal cells in an abnormal location CHARACTERISTICS OF BENIGN & MALIGNANT NEOPLASM Differentiation & anaplasia Rate of growth Local invasion Metastasis DIFFERENTIATION show wide range of parenchymal cell differentiation ANAPLASIA Lack of differentiation( both structural and functional) Microscopic features of anaplasia • pleomorphism : variation in the size and shape of cells and cell nuclei •Hyperchromatic nuclei •Increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio •Increased and atypical mitosis •Loss of polarity •Bizarre cells •The more anaplastic a tumor is,the more aggressive it is. RATE OF GROWTH Benign tumors: slow growth, influenced by blood supply and pressure constraints Malignant tumors: rate of growth is inversely corelated with level of differentiation LOCAL INVASION • Benign tumor : remains localised at its site of origin. Doesnot have the capacity to infiltrate ,invade or metastasize to distant site. •Malignant tumor: grow by infiltration,invasion,destruction,and penetration of surrounding tissue METASTASIS o secondary implants of a tumor that are discontinuous with the primary tumor and located in remote areas. oProperty of malignant neoplasm o3 pathways: seeding within body cavities lymphatic spread hematogenous spread Seeding within the bodycavities: Seeding of body cavities and surfaces may occur whenever a malignant neoplasm penetrates into a natural body cavity.Most often involved is the peritoneal cavity , but any other cavity—pleural, pericardial, subarachnoid, and joint space—may be affected. Such seeding is particularly characteristic of carcinomas arising in the ovaries. LYMPHATIC SPREAD oTransport through lymphatics is the most common pathway for the initial dissemination of carcinomas ,and sarcomas may also use this route. oTumors do not contain functional lymphatics, but lymphatic vessels located at the tumor margins are apparently sufficient for the lymphatic spread of tumor cells oThe pattern of lymph node involvement follows the natural routes of lymphatic drainage. oBecause carcinomas of the breast usually arise in the upper outer quadrants, they generally disseminate first to the axillary lymph nodes. oCancers of the inner quadrant may drain through lymphatics to the nodes within the chest along the internal mammary arteries. Thereafter the infraclavicular and supraclavicular nodes may become involved Carcinomas of the lung arising in the major respiratory passages metastasize first to the perihilar tracheobronchial and mediastinal nodes. Local lymph nodes, however, may be bypassed—"skip metastasis"—because of venous-lymphatic anastomoses or because inflammation or radiation has obliterated lymphatic channels. A sentinel lymph node is defined as "the first regional lymph node that receives lymph flow from the primary tumor” Biopsy of the sentinal lymph node allows determination of the extent of spread of the tumor and can be used to plan treatment. HEMATOGENOUS SPREAD Hematogenous spread is typical of sarcomas but is also seen with carcinomas. Arteries, with their thicker walls, are less readily penetrated than are veins. Arterial spread may occur, however, when tumor cells pass through the pulmonary capillary beds or pulmonary arteriovenous shunts or when pulmonary metastases themselves give rise to additional tumor emboli. With venous invasion, the blood-borne cells follow the venous flow draining the site of the neoplasm. liver and lungs are most frequently involved secondarily in such hematogenous dissemination. CARCINOGENESIS a process bywhich a normal cell is transformed into a malignant cell and repeatedly divides to become a cancer Multistep process resulting from accumulation of multiple mutations. Non-lethal genetic damage lies at the heart of carcinogenesis. Genetic damage (or mutation) - environmental agents 1-The growth promoting protooncogenes. Four classes of normal regulatory genes are the principle targets of genetic damage 2-The growth inhibiting tumor suppressor genes. 3-Genes that regulate programmed cell death (apoptosis). 4-Genes involved in DNA repair. 24 Proto-oncogene : normal cellular genes usually involved in cell growth and cell division Oncogene : a protooncogene that has been mutated /overexpressed. Results in a dominant gain of function phenotype Tumor suppressor gene: normally restrain cell growth,loss of function results in unregulated growth THEORIES OF CARCINOGENESIS Somatic mutation theory Tissue field organisation theory SOMATIC MUTATION THEORY Cancer is derived from a single somatic cell that successively has accumulated multiple DNA mutations Mutations occur on genes that control cell proliferation and cell cycle The default state of cell proliferation in metazoa is quiescence Carcinogenesis takes place at the cellular or subcellular hierarchical level of complexity TISSUE FIELD ORGANIZATION THEORY Carcinogenesis is a problem of tissue organisation Proliferation is the default state of all cells Carcinogenic agents destroy the normal tissue architecture thus desrupting the cell –cell signalling and compromising genomic instability Carcinogenesis takes place at the tissue hierarchical level of complexity HALLMARKS OF CANCER Posed by Douglas Hanahan and Robert Weinberg in 2000 Douglas Hanahan Robert A. Weinberg As refined by Douglas Hanahan and Robert Weinberg in 2011 1.SELF SUFFICIENCY IN GROWTH SIGNALS •Growth factors •Growth factor receptors •Signal transduction genes •Nuclear transcription factors •Cell cycle regulators FUNCTIONS OF CELLULAR PROTO-ONCOGENES 1. Secreted Growth Factors 2. Growth Factor Receptors 3. Cytoplasmic Signal Transduction Proteins 4. Nuclear Proteins: Transcription Factors 5. Cell Growth Genes 17 GROWTH FACTORS • Most soluble growth factors are made by one cell type and act on a neighboring cell to stimulate proliferation paracrine action • Cancer cells, however, acquire the ability to synthesize the same growth factors to which they are responsive, generating an autocrine loop • Note: – In most instances the growth factor gene itself is not altered or mutated – They are forced to secrete large amounts of growth factor GROWTH FACTORS Increased growth factor production is not sufficient for neoplastic transformation But, growth factor driven proliferation may contributes to spontaneous or induced mutations in the proliferating cell population GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTORS • GF receptors are transmembrane proteins with an external ligand-binding domain and a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain • GF binding results in dimerization of and tyrosine phosphorylation of several substances down the signalling cascade • The oncogenic versions of these receptors are associated with constitutive dimerization and activation without binding to the growth factor Growth factor receptors can be constitutively activated in tumors by multiple different mechanisms: – Mutations – Gene rearrangements – Overexpression Example: RET oncogene In MEN-2A: mutations in the RET extracellular domain cause constitutive dimerization and activation, leading to medullary thyroid carcinomas and adrenal and parathyroid tumors. In MEN-2B: mutations in the RET cytoplasmic domain alter the substrate specificity of the tyrosine kinase and lead to thyroid and adrenal tumors without involvement of the parathyroid Protooncogenes MOA Associated human tumors EGF receptor family ERB1,2 Overexpression SCC FMS like tyrosine kinase 3 FLT3 Amplification Breast ,ovary Receptor for neurotrophic factor RET Point muat tation MEN 2A 2B, MTC PDGFR PDGFR B Overexpression Leukemia Receptor for stem cell factor C-KIT Point mutation GIST, Seminomas, leukemias. Category Growth factor receptors SIGNAL-TRANSDUCING PROTEINS • Most such proteins are strategically located on the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, where they receive signals from outside the cell (e.g., by activation of growth factor receptors) and transmit them to the cell's nucleus Eg: RAS family of guanine triphosphate (GTP)- binding proteins (G proteins) ALTERATIONS IN NONRECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASES • Non-receptor-associated tyrosine kinases normally function in signal transduction pathways that regulate cell growth • ABL protooncogene • Mutations take the form of chromosomal translocations or rearrangements that create fusion genes encoding constitutively active tyrosine kinases ABL-BCR FUSION IN CML Protooncogenes MOA Associated human tumors GTP binding K RAS H RAS N RAS Point mutation Colon pancreas Bladder kidney Hematological Non receptor tyrosine kinase ABL Translocation CML RAS Signal transduction BRAF Point mutation Melanomas WNT signal pathway B catenin Point mutation HCC Category Proteins involved in signal transduction TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS • A host of oncoproteins, products of the MYC, MYB, JUN, FOS, and REL oncogenes, are transcription factors that regulate the expression of growth-promoting genes, such as cyclins • Of these, MYC is most commonly involved in human tumors CELL CYCLE REGULATORS Category Nuclear regulatory proteins Transcriptional activators Protooncogenes MOA Associated human tumors C MYC N MYC L MYC Translocation } Amplification Burkitts Neuroblastoma, small cell carcinoma lung Cyclin D Translocation, amplification Mantle cell lymphoma, breast & oesophagus Cyclin E Overexpression Breast ca CDK4 Amplification glioblastoma Cell cycle regulators Cyclins CDK 2. INSENSITIVITY TO GROWTH INHIBITORY SIGNALS TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES Normal function - inhibit cell proliferation Absence/inactivation of inhibitor --> cancer 3.EVASION OF APOPTOSIS Apoptosis in normal cell is guided by cell death receptor CD95/Fas (extrinsic pathway) & by DNA damage (Intrinsic pathway). The integrity of the outer mitochondrial membrane is regulated by pro- apoptotic and anti- apoptotic members. Reduced CD95 level Binding of FLIP inactivates death- induced signalling complex Loss of P53 leading to reduced levels of BAX Reduced cytochrome c from mitochondria due to increased BCL2 Loss of APAF-1 *FADD- Fas associated via death domain, *IAP-inhibitors of apoptosis *APAF-1- Apoptotic peptidase activating factor-1 IAP inhibits caspases 4.GENOMIC INSTABILITY Normally p53 gene is responsible for detection and repair of DNA damage. Defects in 3 types of DNA-repair systemsMismatch repair, nucleotide excision repair and recombinant repair, they contribute to different types of cancers. 1) Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer(Lynch Syndrome)It is a familial carcinoma of the colon. There is a defect in genes involved in DNA- Mismatch repair . pair mismatch re 2) Xeroderma PigmentosumDefect in Nucleotide excision repair system. 3) Ataxia telangiectasia- Hypersensitivity to DNA damaging agent such as ionizing agents 5. Limitless Replicative Potential:Telomerase After each mitosis(cell doubling) there is progressive shortening of telomeres which are the terminal tips of chromosomes. However , it has been seen that after repetitive mitosis for a maximum of 60-70 times, telomeres are lost in normal cells and the cells cease to undergo mitosis. Replication of somatic cells, which do not express telomerase, leads to shortened telomeres. -In the presence of competent checkpoints, cells undergo arrest and enter nonreplicative senescense. -In the absence of checkpoints, DNA repair pathways are inappropriately activated, leading to the fomation of dicentric chromosomes. At mitosis, the dicentric chromosomes are pulled apart at anaphase, resulting in new double stranded DNA breaks. This Bridge- fusion breakage cycle repeats and produces mitotic catastrophe and cell death. -Re-expression of telomerase allows the cells to escape the bridge-fusionbreakage cycle, thus promoting their survival. 6.DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINED ANGIOGENESIS Tumor cells cannot enlarge beyond 2 mm of size unless they are vascularized. required for normal metabolism- oxygen and nutrients Dual effects: Perfusion supplies required nutrients & oxygen. Newly formed endothelial cells secreates GF and contributes for growth of new tumor cells. Angiogenic switch involves production of angiogenic factors& loss of anti angiogenic factors. Tumor associated angiogenic factors ( VEGF & FGF )are produced by tumor cells & inflammatory cells (macrophages) which infiltrate tumors. Additionally Mutational inactivation of both p53 alleles, causes ↓ in antiangiogenic factors like thrombospondin – 1 & ↑ in VEGF & Hypoxia inducible factor – 1 ( HIF – 1) 7.INVASION AND METASTASIS : Biologic hallmarks of malignant tumors. Invasiveness is a reliable feature that differentiates malignant from benign tumors. Metastasis – tumor implants discontinuous with the primary tumor. Dissemination occurs with one of the three pathways a. Hematogenous spread b. Lymphatic spread c. Direct seeding of body cavities or surfaces. Metastatic cascade can be divided in 2 phases : i. Invasion of extracellular matrix ii. Vascular dissemination and homing of tumor cells - a)Invasion of ECM Active process involving the following steps. 1. Loosening up of the tumour cells from each other. Downregulation of E Cadherin. 2. Degradation of ECM proteolytic enzymes MMP, Cathepsin D, UPA. 3. Attachment of tumor cells to novel ECM proteins Loss of adhesion in normal cell induces apoptosis.Tumor cells resistant to apoptosis & additionally matrix modified. MMP2, MMP 9 produces novel sites that bind to tumor cells and stimulates migration. 4. Migration: Final step of invasion, tumor propells through the BM. Complex multistep process . Cells attach at the leading edge, detach from the matrix at trailing edge and contract the actin to move forward. 8.REPROGRAMMING ENERGY METABOLISM 9.EVASION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 10.TUMOR PROMOTING INFLAMMATION •Tumor associated inflammation aid in tumor growth by suppling the tumor microenvironment with •Growth factors •Pro angiogenic factors •Survival factors THERAPEUTIC TARGETING OF HALLMARKS OF CANCER CONCLUSION Cancer is a broad term to describe a large variety of diseases, the common feature of which is uncontrolled cell division .Carcinogenesis is a complex process which involves many mechanisms acting together / independently. Knowledge about the underlying molecular pathology helps the research field to find targeted therapies that can resolve the problem completely. References 1. Robins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Diseases, 7th Edition 2. Devi PU. Basics of carcinogenesis. Health Adm. 2004;17(1):16-24. 3. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA. 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