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Food Pyramid Fruits PowerPoint Instructions

Food Pyramid - Fruits - PowerPoint
Create 4 blank slides in PowerPoint.
Research the internet for images and information about fruits you like to eat, health benefits of fruits
and recommended daily servings of fruit.
Slide 1 – Title Slide
Add a title “Food Pyramid – Fruits”. Add an image of the food pyramid or fruits. Add your name.
Slide 2 – Fruits I Eat
Add a title “Fruits I Eat”. Add 4 or more images of fruits you like to eat. Add a list of the 4 or more fruits
you like to eat.
Slide 3 – Health Benefits
Add a title “Health Benefits”. List 4 or more health benefits of eating fruits. Add 2 or more related
Slide 4 – Fruits – Daily Servings
Add a title “Fruits – Daily Servings”. Add information about the recommended daily serving suggestions
for fruits. Add one or more related images.