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Origins of Life on Earth: Biology Presentation

the origins of life on earth
(or, a History of our planet in 90 minutes or less)
biology 1
• How old is this planet anyway?
• Theories of Origin
• Geological and Biological
• Phylogeny
How old is this planet anyway?
– The Universe is probably ~13 billion years
old (Big Bang Theory/Doppler Shift)
– Earth is ~4.5 billion years old (begins with
cooling of crust/solidification)
– Earliest records of life ~3.5 billion years ago
– First humans (Australopithecus), 0.005
billion years ago
– Discovery of Australopithecus fossils ,
0.0000000002 billion years ago
The Fragility of Life - Coincidence #1
• Life can only exist
within temperatures
corresponding to the
boiling and freezing
point of water
• This range is a
fraction of the range
between absolute
zero (-273°C) and
the temperature of
the sun (106°C)
How did life evolve?
• Three theories
– Creationism
– Extraterrestrial origin (Panspermia)
– Spontaneous Origin (Coincidence #2)
• Black smokers?
Physical conditions of early Earth
- Coincidence #3
• Temperatures in correct range (in
general, water in fluid state, carbon
compounds non-brittle)
• Size of planet retains an atmosphere
• Early atmosphere lacked oxygen,
therefore highly reductive
• High energy bombardment from sun
promotes generation of organics
Spontaneous origins of life - 4 steps
• Abiotic synthesis and accumulation of
organic compounds
• Polymerization
• Aggregation of polymers into nonliving
structures (Protobionts)
– Oparin’s Bubble theory
• Origin of heredity
Experimental evidence of
Spontaneous Origin
• Theories of Oparin and Haldane—tested by
Miller and Urey—demonstrate formation of
organics under conditions typical of early
• Polymerization can occur with appropriate
• Abiotically produced proteins (proteinoids)
self-assemble into Protobionts (selectively
permeable membrane)
The final key - Heredity
• First passage of genetic information
probably occurred through short strands
of RNA (also autocatalyst, e.g
• Mutations cause variation
• “Natural selection” of molecular
• Origin of DNA
Biological time scales
• Biological timescales by necessity follow
geological timescales
• Often, geological events marked by key
biological events (mass
• First fossil record of life 3.5 billion years
ago (prokaryote), in the Precambrian
• Earliest eukaryote ~1.5 billion years ago
(endosymbiotic theory)
Earth - The Early Years
• Late Precambrian saw the first
eukaryotic multicellular life
• Boundary between Precambrian and
Cambrian (580 mya) marked by a rapid
adaptive radiation/diversification of
marine life (Cambrian explosion)
• By the middle of the Cambrian, all of the
animal phyla existing today had evolved
The drive behind Macro-Evolution
• Biological forces: natural selection
working in general, but particularly
effectively on genes controlling
allometric growth (differential growth of
parts of body
• Physical forces
– Plate tectonics, leading to formation and
splitting of supercontinents
The study of evolutionary history:
• Modern Darwinian synthesis suggests
adaptive radiation from a common ancestor
• Concept of phylogeny supported through
studies of homology
• Traditional classification systems (Linnaeus)
are monophyletic, based on homology 
parallel or divergent evolution
• Some groupings are polyphyletic, with
analogous structure  convergent evolution
The Kingdom System
• Scientists follow various taxonomic
systems: Campbell uses the 5 kingdom
classification scheme
– Monera
– Protista
– Plantae
– Fungi
– Animalia
Monera :
the Pioneers of Life on Earth
• The most ‘successful’ group of
organisms on the planet
• 3.5 billion year history
• Although only 4000 species known, the
number of extant species is thought to
be ~4,000 – 4 x106
• Found in all ecological niches, including
some where other forms of life cannot
The phylogeny of Prokaryotes
Early Prokaryote
Kingdom Protista
Red algae
protists ( Spirogyra )
Rhizopoda, water molds, diatoms,
brown algae, heliozoans, slime nets
Heterotrophic symbiotic flagellates
(Trichomonas , Gardia)
Choanoflagellates and ANIMALS
and cellular slime molds
Dinoflagellates and ciliates
prokaryotic ancestor
(eubacteria? )
Kingdom Plantae
(flowering plants)
An gios perma e
se eded vascular
pl ants
Coniferophyta (Conifers)
Gymnos perma e Cycadophyta ( Cycads
Ginkgophyta ( Ginkgos)
Gnetophyta ( Gnetae )
se edle ss vas cul ar
pl ants
no nvascular
pl ants
Algal ancestor
(Photosynthetic protist?)
Psilophyta ( whiskferns )
Lycophyta (club mosses)
Spenophyta (Horsetails)
Pterophyta (Ferns)
(mosses, liverworts,
hornworts )
Protistan Ancestor
Kingdom Animalia
Phylogeny recounts the “natural
selection” of species
(Earth: the Middle Years)
• First major extinction at end of the Paleozoic era
(the Permian Extinction), probably caused by
collision of tectonic plates to form the
supercontinent, Pangaea
• Pangaea marks the birth of a new era, the
Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous)
• Mesozoic ends with second mass extinction—
the Cretaceous Extinction (impact hypothesis)
Kingdom Animalia (Vertebrata)
Cho rda ta
Ur ocho rda ta
Cep haloch ord ata
( Veter bra ta )
Class : Pisc es
Su bclass :Osteich th yes
Class :Amp hibia
Class : Ag natha
Su bclass :Cho ndr yichthye s
Class : Rep tilia
( Ance stral amniote
Eo such ia n)
Sa uro psids
Or der :An apsids
( tu rtles)
Ichthy osau rs/
Pleios aur s
Sy naps id s
Diaps id s
Th era psids
Sq uamates
Or der :Liza rds
Or der :Sn akes
Or der :Cr ocod iles
Pter osa urs
Ar cho saur s
( Thec odon ts )
Class : Mamma lia
Sa urisc hians
Or nith is chians
Class : Av es
The Evolution of Man
“Mankind stood up first and got
smart later”
Stephen Jay Gould
Placental mammals included the Hominoids...
• Apes include Gibbons (Hylobates),
Orangutan (Pongo), Gorillas (Gorilla)
and Chipanzees (Pan)
– Most are ground dwelling and lack tails
– Some are closely related to Homo sapiens
in terms of nuclear DNA:
• Gorilla (97.7%) diverged 8 mya
• Pan (98.4%) diverged 6 mya
• Hominids include Ardipithecus,
Australopithecus, and Homo
• Earliest hominids diverged ~5 mya (Ardipithecus)
• Distinguished by bipedal stance
• Most fossil specimens of early hominids are
• Appearance in fossil record coincident with
cooling of Africa to convert rain forests to
savannah plain, resulting in a rapid adaptive
radiation of at least 6 species
Australopithecus - forerunner or
evolutionary dead end?
• Apelike - large face, small skull/brain size
(400 cm3). Bipedal, developed grip
• Well developed teeth, indicating movement to
tougher foods that required more physical
• Systematics provide little information on
relationships between various species of
– e.g. “Lucy”, 1974: A. afarensis
The first humans, early Homo
• Genus Homo distinguished by larger brain
size ≤ 700 cm3, evolving 2 mya
• First association with tools: Homo habilis,
“handy man”. Short, long arms - intiially
thought to be a species of Australopithecus
• Mystery species H. rudolfensis had larger
brain, appeared to co-exist with H. habilis
Late Homo
Homo erectus, the first true human?
Very large brain: 1000cm3
Probably not the direct ancestor of modern man
May have had speech ability
Cave-dwelling hunters, used fire, clothed in
animal skins
• Nomadic, responsible for rapid spreading into
Asia and Europe by 0.5 mya
The final phase...
• Homo neanderthalensis orginated in Africa,
but rapidly spread to other continents. Very
common 100,000 years ago, but not the
ancestor of modern man. Disappeared
35,000 ya
• Examination of burial grounds suggests social
ritualism - the first evidence of abstract
Homo sapiens
• probably evolved from H. heidelbergensis, a
close relative of H. neaderthalensis
• Oldest known H. sapiens fossil is 130,000 years
old, cranial capacity of 1500 cm3
• Controversy over origin
– Monogenesis model*
– Multiregional model
And now...
• Currently in the Recent epoch of the
Quarternary period of the Cenozoic era
• History may tell of a third mass
• Radically changing planet will continue
to apply selective pressure to species