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Internships Overview

Seattle Department of Recreation Intern Program
Internship definition:
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), position statement defines an internship as,
“a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with
practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the
opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are
considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.”
SPR Internships
SPR Intern Program is designed to provide meaningful opportunities for college students to align
experiential learning with their educational goals. Students can gain valuable work experience and skills
in a work setting while building relationships with our department as a potential employer. These are
paid learning experiences for students enrolled at a college or university.
Why now?
SPR is a recognized throughout the city as a department that creates pathways to employment for both
youth and adults. Many of those opportunities are afforded to candidates who represent both women
and people of color. Because many of our pathways are geared towards youth or adults, we’ve yet to
dedicate funding and identify projects to increase opportunities for college students. In addition to
fulfilling the need to build a stronger SPR internship program, Mayor Durkan has asked all departments
to increase their Seattle College student interns by 25% in support of Seattle Promise.
Department Benefits
Establish consistency in the process for both
hiring supervisors and applicants
Better tell our story
Increase pathways to employment in Green and
STEM roles
Meet The Mayor’s goal in supporting Seattle
Promise students
Increase diversity within SPR
Maintain commitment to creating Pathways to
city employment
Professional development opportunities for
employees seeking supervisory and mentorship
skill development
Cultivate future workforce leaders
Gain short-term talent to perform special
Mentor and cultivate our future workforce
Student Benefits
Provides a full and realistic view of the world-ofwork.
Earn college credit
Fulfill degree requirements
Integrates academic preparation with practical
application and skill development in the
Provides hands-on work experience.
An opportunity to network with professionals in
one's field of interest
A chance to explore career options and develop
transferable skills
ORCA pass
Access to Cornerstone to be assigned and
complete training
Sick and Safe leave
Program Expectations
• Internships are developed to provide meaningful, experiential learning for the student to gain
valuable skills. All opportunities should be project based.
• All SPR internships should be advertised and selected using the SDHR internship process
• All SPR interns will be paid and hired using the Intern title. Interns are not volunteers or
temporary employees
• Hiring supervisors will work with the Internship Coordinator to develop a diversity recruitment
plan and identify solutions for attracting community college students, people of color and
• Internship work cannot supplant the work of a regular employee
Immediate plan for divisions
• Larger divisions will identify two opportunities for 2019. Smaller divisions should identify at least
• Identify meaningful projects that can be developed into an internship opportunity
• Work with the internship coordinator to identify timeline for advertising each opportunity
• Where possible, prioritize projects that support green jobs and pathways
Proposed Long term plan
• Each division identify funding for at least two interns and projects that can be developed into an
opportunity by 2020. This would create at least 14 new opportunities
• Commit to sustaining these positions as an ongoing effort to support pathways to city
A year-round intern at the undergraduate rate of $16.56/hr. for 20 hours a week (on average) results in
a cost of about $17,000 per intern, per year. There is no premium pay and interns receive an ORCA pass
and access to Cornerstone for training.
Ways to Identify Funding
• Salary savings from unfilled or underfilled positions
• Evaluate use of temps. Can you hire fewer temps and utilize funds for interns?
• Fund what you can for the remainder of 2019. Part-time, summer only, fall only etc.
SPR Internship Overview
Types of Internships
• Full Time Internship
• Summer Internship
• Part Time Internship- You identify the length and time of year
Identify the body of work and duration of the internship and ensure adequate
funding is available in your budget for the position
Complete Intern Request Form (found on SDHR InWeb page)
Work with Internship Coordinator develop diversity recruitment plan
Department submits form through their HR department by quarterly due date
*Exceptions can be made. Please work with the Intern Coordinator
Reviews materials
Submits to SDHR
Translates approved requests into an announcement and posts
Accepts applications, screens for minimum qualifications, and sends
applications to the HR contact and hiring manager for Subject Matter Expert
(SME) review
Drafts and submits interview questions to Internship Coordinator
Identify interview panel members
Chooses their interview pool from qualified applicants, schedules and conducts
the interviews, and then chooses a finalist
Provides an onboarding orientation for selected students, add them to the
Web Time payroll system, and maintain employment files
Internship Coordinator
Coordinate Intern meet and greet
Schedule SPR Orientation
Mentor assignment (implementation
in 2020)
Complete Pre-internship evaluation
Intern Supervisor
Identify learning goals with intern
Works with intern on career
mapping (implementation Winter