Uploaded by Melissa Pollard

Allusion Definition & Examples | Literary Device

In a short story, novel, poem, etc., an allusion is a reference to something in
history, literature, the Bible, mythology, etc. used to make a larger point with
fewer words.
“Terry was no Scrooge, but he spent his money wisely.” The underlined portion is an allusion to
the novel, A Christmas Carol. The author is using this allusion to tell the reader that Terry is not a
cheap man, like Scrooge.
Note that ALLUSION is different from ILLUSION. An illusion is what magicians use
in their magic acts.
In a short story, novel, poem, etc., an allusion is a reference to something in
history, literature, the Bible, mythology, etc. used to make a larger point with
fewer words.
“Terry was no Scrooge, but he spent his money wisely.” The underlined portion is an allusion to
the novel, A Christmas Carol. The author is using this allusion to tell the reader that Terry is not a
cheap man, like Scrooge.
Note that ALLUSION is different from ILLUSION. An illusion is what magicians use
in their magic acts.