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Networking Essentials Assignment: Subnetting, Troubleshooting, Essay

The Assignment consists of three parts. Part 1 is a subnetting question, Part 2 is a troubleshooting
problem and Part 3 is an essay on a selected topic in networking.
The time limit for the write up of the assignment is 80 minutes.
Part 1
A network diagram will be given a network diagram indicating the required subnets.
You will be required to subnet an IP address range given the size of each of subnet .
Part 2
The network diagram and the configuration of devices in a network will be provided in Week 8.
Students will need to detect errors in the network configuration and remove them so that all devices
can be reached from any device in the network. Students will need report on these errors, discuss
how they are fixed or removed, and discuss how the network is tested and verified. (30%)
Part 3
Students are to research these topics between Week 3 and Week 7. Students are also required to
write up their research and findings during the LTU on Week 8. These write ups should be between
400 and 550 words.
Students will be graded on the relevance, accuracy, comprehensiveness, organisation and use of
correct English of their write up. (45% made up of 36% of knowledge of networking knowledge and
practice plus 9% for clarity of expression and correct English)
References are not required.
Students are required to complete all preparation and research must be complete entirely
individually and on your own. Any form of collaboration or content sharing is strictly
Any attempt to present other people’s work as your own or in any way to mislead your tutor/lecturer
regarding your ability in relation this assignment is regarded misconduct and will be reported to the
Academic Conduct Committee. Please see the subject outline and the Academic Misconduct Policy
(https://student.insearch.edu.au/Home/policies-and-procedures/Education/All-Education/AcademicMisconduct-Policy/Academic-Misconduct-Policy) for further information.
The essay must be written in a way that can be easily understood by a general educated reader with
little to no expert knowledge in networking.
Monday 12 – 15:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
LTU1 and 6
Discuss what is meant by Quality of Service. Why is it required? Discuss the operation of Quality of
Service (QOS) mechanisms. Discuss some challenges and issues associated with QOS.
Here are some keywords, but this write-up is not limited to these: Differentiated Service, QOS
marking, shaping, prioritisation, policies, voice traffic, video traffic, data traffic, video conferencing,
buffering, congestion management and avoidance, ISP issues and laws applicable.
Tuesday 14:00 – 17:00
Discuss the concept of cloud computing. What is cloud computing provisioning? Discuss storage and
security challenges of cloud computing.
Here are some keywords, but this write-up is not limited to these: Cloud computing, provisioning,
storage, data centres, public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds, benefits of cloud computing, agility,
scalability, costs, Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, security
Wednesday 11:00 – 14:00 and 14:00 – 17:00
LTU9 and 11
Discuss what is meant by the Internet of Everything. Contrast this with the Internet of Things.
What are some of the security and privacy implications of the Internet of Everything? Discuss cases
where security is important.
Here are some keywords, but this write-up is not limited to these: Things, People, Data, Processes,
embedded systems, embedded processors, Miniature TCP/IP devices, Real-Time monitoring and
processing, P2P interactions, P2M interactions, M2M interactions, malware, spam, worms, virus,
botnets, Trojan Horse, Reconnaissance attack, Denial of Service, Access attacks, filtering, firewalls
Thursday 9:00:12:00, 12:00-15:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
LTU8, 10 and 4
Discuss how the Internet of Everything be applied to the healthcare industry. You may start by
discussing the definition of the Internet of Everything. Contrast this with the Internet of Things. What
are the possible benefits of the Internet of Everything on the healthcare industry? Provide concrete
Here are some keywords, but this write-up is not limited to these: Things, People, Data, Processes,
embedded systems, embedded processors, Miniature TCP/IP devices, wearable technology,
real-time tracking, heart rate monitors, pacemakers,ingested sensors, patient monitoring,
telemedicine, networked medical devices, networked sensors, smart sensors
Friday 9:00:12:00, 12:00-15:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
LTU2, 3 and 5
Discuss how the Internet of Everything be applied to the energy industry. You may start by
discussing the definition of the Internet of Everything. Contrast this with the Internet of Things. What
are the possible benefits of the Internet of Everything on the energy industry? Provide concrete
Here are some keywords, but this write-up is not limited to these: Things, People, Data, Processes,
embedded systems, embedded processors, Miniature TCP/IP devices, wearable technology,
real-time tracking, control applications, embedded internet, embedded control, smart grid, power
management, load balancing, energy management, networked sensors, smart sensors.