1706893 PTP401- Professional Studies- Learners and Learning Caroll and Alexander (2016, p.14-5) converse how careful consideration and attention to detail must play a part in the design of the classroom environment if children are going to be stimulated and motivated to learn. For this essay I will be focusing on the aspect of establishing a stimulating environment for pupils within Standard 1 of the Teachers’ Standards (DfE, 2011). I will explore the ideas of different theorists and how these translate to the classroom, particularly focusing on the educational theories of Montessori and Piaget as well as the philosophies of the Reggio Approach. Within this, I will also be reflecting on and referring to my school placement, where I was primarily based in a Year 1 class. Year 1 could be viewed as the transition class from early years to lower primary, therefore a lot of early years methods remain to be seen in many Year 1 classrooms and set up of the classroom environment is often similar. For example, on placement in Year 1, the children had access to their own designated outdoor learning area that was often used at the same time as the indoor classroom space, this setup of the classroom environment is often seen in a Reception class. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) is known for developing an approach to early childhood education (Pound, 2006, p.29). Allen and Gordon (2011, p.41) present Montessori as a scientist, using the classroom to observe children and, following which, then find ways to encourage their development. Through these observations O’Donnell (2014, p.36) identifies Montessori’s four approximate developmental phases, the first plane was ‘infancy’ (0-6 years) when children possess an unconscious absorbent mind, the second plane ‘childhood’ (6-12 years) children have a conscious mind, the third plane ‘adolescence’ (12-18 years) when children used abstract thinking and the fourth plane ‘adulthood’(18 years onwards). Allen and Gordon (2011, p.41) summarise the approach of Montessori, in her aim to develop the whole child, conclusively that children learn best by doing. Isaacs (2012, p.1) identifies her aim to unfold the potential of each individual child, recognising young children as active learners requiring choice and independence, where their learning can be facilitated in a favourable environment to their development. Isaacs (2012, p.18) comments Montessori was one of the first to advocate how important the first six years the life of a child was, as they lay a firm foundation for the whole 1 1706893 child. Isaacs (2012, p.19) continues to discuss the belief had by Montessori that during these formative years children establish conceptual frameworks based on sensory experiences. Isaacs (2012, p.99) comments that criticisms of the Montessori approach are due to a lack of knowledge regarding the work of Montessori and the misuse of the Montessori approach in practice. Chen (2016) notes that are can be implications when the classroom is based on a ‘freedom’ learning environment as advocated by Montessori. Others criticise how Montessori did not clinically document her findings and observations (Helfrich, 2011, p.16). Nehring Massie (2017) identifies the link made by Montessori between concentration and human development, explaining how attention is the prerequisite for the foundation for learning. Nehring Massie (2017) suggests there are many factors that can influence a child’s attention including the learning environment. Mooney (2013, p.49) discusses the way Montessori urged teachers to organise their classrooms to create stimulating environments for the children and enable the children to manage on their own. The classroom environments at my placement school had been designed with this concept at the forefront of their plan. The school had consulted their pupils and parents on where they considered they learn best. This resulted in many tables and chairs being removed from the classrooms and a variation of furniture brought in, ranging from a bed to a sofa or a tent in a reading corner, to the wendy-house and a cupboard through to ‘Narnia’ in the library. Mooney (2013, p.38) comments that beautiful, orderly, child-sized environments are a part of the legacy of Montessori. The Year 1 classroom was highly decorative, it contained one childsized horseshoe shaped table and chairs to accommodate about five learners, a lowered table where children and adults would sit on the floor to work at and a small breakfast bar with four bar stools along the window. The children would be directed by the teacher to position themselves to work where they thought that they would work best, with whom they would work best. This unrestrictive approach appeared to particularly engage Jack, who would not necessarily always choose the same position either in the room or in the outside area but would always rise to the challenge of working his best and to engross the task at hand. 2 1706893 Mooney (2013, p.38) discusses Montessori’s belief that children learn best through sensory experiences and that teachers should ‘educate the senses’ in their classroom environment. O’Donnell (2014, p.64) clarifies that Montessori alleged that this promotes creativity. Mooney (2013, p. 39) further talks about the sounds the children may hear, including whether music is played and if so, what music is played and when. Music was often played in the classroom on placement but a time that always stood out for me was handwriting practise. Handwriting practise would usually occur after a break, the soothing music would be playing as the children lined up ready to re-enter their classroom. The children knew that this music meant it was time to work on their handwriting and they would quietly concentrate on the task at hand, the hustle and bustle of the playground forgotten. The music helped provide a calm yet stimulating environment for the children to engage with their work. Mooney (2013, p.37) states the work of Montessori provided a foundation for the work of later theorists, including Piaget. Jean Piaget (1896-1980), (described by Pound (2016, p.36) as the Swiss expert dominating thought on the progression of the thinking and learning of a child), saw children as the constructors of their own knowledge, using people and objects in their environment to gather information and thus create meaning (Aubrey and Riley, 2016, p.33). As reiterated by Starko (2018, p.130) Piaget saw curiosity as an urge to explain the unexpected which led to new understandings. Pound (2006, p.36) revels the attention given by Piaget in the intellectual progression of the child and notes how Piaget suggests that the mind of a child develops through a series of pre-determined stages through to adulthood. Hayes (2010, p.46) reports how Piaget broadly defined these stages as the Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years), the Pre-operational stage (2-7 years), the Concrete Operational stage (7-11 years) and the Formal Operational stage (11 years and older). Johnston and Nahmad-Williams (2009, p.114) remark on the fact Piaget believed that the development of each child happens in the same order, yet each child will have varied experiences and hence, their cognition will vary. Isaacs (2015, p.55) notes the work of Piaget has been criticised for not being sufficiently scientific, not properly standardised or controlled. Following this, as mentioned by Pound (2006, p.38) the results, from not only observations of his own children but also from his experiments, are over-generalised from a narrow range of children. Pound (2006, p.38) also highlights that the stages of development simply 3 1706893 offer a snapshot of development, further observations may have shown continuous development rather than the shifts in thinking as Piaget proposed. Mooney (2013, p.79-80) observes the thought of Piaget that it was the children’s interaction with the environment that generated the learning, as children engage they start to make sense of the people, activities and objects in their surrounding environment and consequently begin to understand how things work. Mooney (2013, p.77) also depicts how Piaget questioned how children arrive at what they know as opposed to what children have learnt and when. Pound (2006, p.38) evaluates these ideas and suggests ways Piaget’s theory can be put into practice including openended activities and questions, uninterrupted periods of exploration and with the children having control over their learning. On placement, the Year 1 class would often be given a choice of varying tasks to complete, with the option for the children to gather any resources they require to complete their chosen activity. For instance, the teacher might complete the input for the Maths lesson together with the whole class but then allow the children to decide which task they would like to complete to consolidate their learning, before coming back together as a class for a plenary, a chance for questions and opportunity to share their learning. This could be seen to be using the role of the teacher as the facilitator as considered by Selepe and Moll (2016) who debate Piaget’s theory of teaching as facilitation. This approach appeared to work well for James and Laura who would often choose to position themselves to work together yet would normally decide upon different tasks and would therefore end up sharing different learning experiences. We can reflect upon this using Lindon and Brodie (2016, p.40) who observe Piaget’s insistence that children are active learners and adults should construct environments in which children are able to discover for themselves. Within Year 1 the children would be at the Pre-operational stage, the earliest stage of cognition, which is characterised by response to stimuli and the development of early ideas because of experiences (Johnston and Nahmad-Williams, 2009, p.27). Mooney (2013, p.79) also explores Piaget’s idea that children will learn more through experience. Mooney uses the example of learning how things grow, if children are given the opportunity and the environment in which they can grow a plant, the experience will teach them more than a teacher sitting the children at tables to read them a book on how things grow. Whilst on placement in Science the children were 4 1706893 learning about materials and their different properties. The children were presented with a problem to solve, Winnie the Witch’s roof had broken, and the children needed to investigate what would be the best materials to use for a roof. Once all the children had seen and felt the different materials and asked questions about their properties, such as if the material were flexible and/or waterproof, they carried out their own roof experiment using a gingerbread man in a jam jar. The children were happy with the material if it were able to hold as a roof and withstand their different weather conditions whilst the gingerbread man remained safe and dry. Conducting the experiment themselves helped the children correct any misconceptions they had beforehand, identifiable by their predictions, as well as enabling the children to draw upon their own ideas of fair testing and drawing their own conclusions. The ideas of both Montessori and Piaget, particularly thinking and language as suggested by Thornton and Brunton (2010, p.9), have influenced the Reggio Approach, from Reggio Emilia in Italy. Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994) was the key person responsible and dedicated his life to developing the Reggio Approach, alongside which the approach was also established by the cultural influences from Reggio Emilia (Thornton and Brunton, 2010, p.9). Nutbrown (2006, p.120) identifies that one of the central theories for the Reggio Approach is the importance of the environment in facilitating children’s learning. Carroll and Alexander (2016, p.16) reiterate the importance of providing a variety of learning opportunities within a classroom that encourages curiosity and thinking. Nutbrown (2006, p.119-21) describes the Reggio Approach as a form of learning experience and notes how the Reggio Approach is based on respect for childhood and the development of communities of learners. Abbott and Nutbrown (2001, quoted in Nutbrown, 2006, p.121) found that there were issues surrounding the role of adults (including the role of listening), inclusion, the role of play, the views of parents and their expectations, special educational needs, the architecture in the settings, and dealing with children’s responses to difficult issues. Nutbrown (2006, p.121) comments on the after effects of the approach and how well children may transition from learning in a Reggio Approach style in to more formal styled schooling. Nutbrown (2006, p.121) raises the fact that others ask simply whether the approach is truly transferable to different areas and if so, would it really work effectively. Biroli et al (2017) investigated the differences between the 5 1706893 Reggio Approach and other alternatives, Biroli et al suggest that the Reggio Approach did not prove to show signs of positive effects with no significant differences between the outcomes. Wurm (2005, p.16) discusses the importance of ‘wait time’ in the Reggio Approach, providing the children with the chance to arrive at their own thoughts and understandings is seen as critical. From my experience, in the classroom on placement ‘wait time’ was highly valued. The teacher was often seen to promote ‘wait time’ within the class, allowing the children to come up with their own ideas, thoughts or simply the answer and truly engage with the task- helping to stimulate the children’s learning. Children would be given time to think for themselves, often before chatting and sharing with a talk partner before all coming together as a class collectively with the teacher. Mollie, a child in the class who may often stammer when talking, also benefited from this ‘wait time’ in a different way. When speaking and giving her own view, after being provided with a period to think, Mollie’s speech improved dramatically. Following this, the confidence had by Mollie may begin to increase, possibly leading to a greater level of participation and a higher level of engagement in class. Children should be independent, reflective learners, critical thinkers and problem solvers (Berger, 2013, quoted in Krechevsky et al, 2013, p.i). As similarly encouraged by Montessori, the Reggio Approach sponsors children as independent learners. Thornton and Brunton (2010, p.20) state how children should be making their own choices and trying things out, they should be encouraged to be independent. Carroll and Alexander (2016, p.18) explain that resources should be clearly labelled and accessible, necessary and supportive, to assist and promote learning. Carroll and Alexander (2016, p.18) mention how pupils should know that resources are to be respected and shared but above all that they can access them independently. Pitcher (2014) highlights that resources should be suited to the age and level of education of the children in the classroom, meaning they should support and stimulate learning not hinder. On placement resources in the classroom (such as number lines, rulers, word banks, erasers) were readily available for the children to access and use independently without the need of asking an adult for help. The use of accessible resources seemed to be particularly stimulating for the children during Maths, where the children could each decide independently what resources they 6 1706893 required and even whether they needed resources for the tasks. For instance, Oscar would often evaluate the different problems in a task and, following which, would use varying techniques and resources to solve and complete the activities. In summary there are many factors to be considered when creating a stimulating classroom environment, and it is not just the immediate physical environment which plays a part. Many aspects of the educational theories of Montessori, Piaget and the Reggio Approach were evident within the Year 1 class and it is clear from these theories and approaches to learning that both the environment and experiences are crucial to stimulating learning. As noted earlier, Carroll and Alexander (2016, p.16) talk about the provision of opportunities within the classroom environment to stimulate learning and how the layout of the classroom can promote and support this. Not only did the Year 1 classroom on placement, but the whole school, thoroughly endorsed this idea. To conclude as suggested in each of the educational theories deliberated, children are competent and should be encouraged to be independent and curious, which in turn, will stimulate their learning. Word count: 2620 TurnItIn Paper ID: 7