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Pilgrim Essay- T.Nguyen

Pilgrim Analysis
The Separatists of England strongly disagree with King James and his rules toward the Church of
England. They held illegal, secret meetings that resulted in King James discovering about it.
These Separatists decided to leave England because of their lack of freedom religion and the
possibility of execution. The Pilgrims travelled to America on the Mayflower to have a better
life. Therefore, the Separatists immigrated to America in order to survive.
First, the Church of England forbade them from practicing any other religion. If anyone was to
disobey the law or have different opinions, they will be punished… or sentenced to death. The
Separatists disliked King James’ regulations and the Church of England, so it would be difficult
for them to follow the rules if they don't agree with it. Many of the Separatists also didn't have
the same beliefs as the Church of England, making it much more challenging to follow. If they
were to stay, their lives would be at stake. Leaving and landing on the freezing shore of Cape
Cove in November 1620 saved the lives of more than 100 men, women, and children.
Next, the Separatists (soon to be Pilgrims) didn’t know the land very well because they were new
to America. These Pilgrims had to do certain things in order to survive the unbearable winter.
They stole corn from the Nauset when they first arrived because there was no food to eat. These
people just recently entered America (during the winter) and didn’t know how to grow food or
where to grow it. Stealing from graves provided clothing for them in the chilly winter. There
weren’t many resources, so taking as much as anything was the most logical solution.
Finally, the Pilgrims didn't know how to approach the Indians. One of the biggest factors of this
is the language barrier. The Pilgrims and Indians didn’t speak the same language, making it very
unlikely for them to understand one another. It took quite some time for Squanto, a surviving
native of Patuxet that speaks English, to teach them how to farm. The Pilgrims were also scared
of the “savages” because of their looks, they looked completely different from the people they
were used to. They simply didn't know how to approach them. This prevented the Pilgrims from
trying to ask for help or assistance. The combination of fear and a language barrier shows that
the Pilgrims had no ability to receive any help.
The separatists of England had to leave America because if they stayed, King James would have
punished them for disobeying the law. It was forbidden to practice any other religion besides the
Church of England. The Pilgrims has to steal corn and loot the Nauset because they didn’t have
any food. Clothing was stolen because when they arrived, it was winter, and they needed to stay
warm to live. Finally, there was a big language barrier that prevented them from communicating
with the fellow natives. The Pilgrims left America in search for a better life; they left in order to