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Metals & Chemistry Exam Revision

In which process is a catalyst not used?
BLL (Final Revision )
The results are shown.
A The Blast furnace for the manufacture of iron.
B The Contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
C The Haber process for the manufacture of ammonia.
D The manufacture of margarine from unsaturated vegetable oils.
1. The table shows the results of two tests carried out on separate
portions of a solution of salt X.
What is X?
A calcium chloride
B iron(II) sulphate
C lead(II) nitrate
D zinc sulphate
2. Why is cryolite, Na3AlF6, used in the extraction of aluminium
from aluminium oxide?
A to dissolve aluminium oxide
B to prevent the anodes from burning away
C to prevent the oxidation of aluminium
D to remove the impurities from the aluminium oxide
5. What is the order of reactivity (most reactive first)?
A Mg Zn Fe Al
B Fe Zn Al Mg
C Mg Al Zn Fe
D Mg Al Fe Zn
6. The carbonate of metal X is a white solid. It decomposes when
heated. Carbon dioxide and a
yellow solid oxide are formed. What is metal X?
A copper B iron
C lead
D sodium
7. The diagrams show the arrangements of the electrons of four
Which two elements are metals?
A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4
8. Use the Periodic Table to decide which element has all four of
the properties shown.
_ high melting point
_ variable oxidation states
_ good electrical conductivity _ forms coloured compounds
A caesium, Cs B cobalt, Co
C iodine, I
D strontium, Sr
Metal M will displace copper from aqueous copper(II) sulphate
solution, but will not displace ironfrom aqueous iron(II)
sulphate solution. M is extracted from its oxide by heating the
oxide with carbon.
What is the order of reactivity of these four metals?
10. The diagram shows the electrolytic production of aluminium.
An experiment is carried out to find the order of reactivity of
some metals.
Three metals are placed in solutions containing aqueous metal ions.
What is the physical state of the aluminium oxide and aluminium during
this process?
11. Aluminium is used to make saucepans because of its apparent
lack of reactivity.
Which property of aluminium explains its unreactivity?
A It has a high electrical conductivity. B It has a low density.
C It has a surface layer of oxide. D It is in Group III of the Periodic Table.
BLL (Final Revision )
The table shows some of the properties of four elements.Which
element is most likely to be a transition metal?
12. Alloys are usually harder than the metals from which they are
Which difference between the metals explains the greater hardness of
A atomic radii
B densities
C electrical conductivities
D relative atomic masses
13. Which pair of substances act as reducing agents in the blast
A carbon and oxygen
B carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
C carbon and carbon monoxide
D carbon dioxide and oxygen
14. Two cells were set up as shown in the diagram. The arrows
show the direction of electron flow in
the external circuits.
Which set of metals would give the electron flows in the directions
15. Iron pipes corrode rapidly when exposed to sea water.
Which metal, when attached to the iron, would not offer protection
against corrosion?
A aluminium
B copper
C magnesium
D zinc
19. Which equation represents the reaction of calcium with cold
A Ca + H2O → CaO + H2
B 2Ca + 2H2O → 2CaOH + H2
C Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2
D Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + 2H2
20. Dry hydrogen gas is passed over a powdered solid and then
through a cooled U-tube before the
excess of hydrogen is burned in air.
A colourless liquid collects in the U-tube.
What could the powdered solid be?
A calcium oxide B copper(II) oxide
C magnesium
D zinc oxide
21. A coil of clean copper wire is suspended in aqueous silver
nitrate. Crystals of silver are deposited
on the copper wire.
Which statement is not correct?
A The copper is oxidised.
B The total mass of the crystals of silver increases gradually.
C The total number of positive ions in the solution is unchanged.
D The solution turns blue.
22. Zinc and aluminium both react with dilute hydrochloric acid.
Why does zinc react more quickly than aluminium?
A Aluminium is lower than hydrogen in the reactivity series.
B Aluminium has an oxide coating.
C Zinc is an amphoteric element.
D Zinc is a transition metal.
23. Which metal is used in the sacrificial protection of iron pipes?
A copper
B lead
C magnesium
D sodium
24. Some metals can be obtained by the reduction of their oxides
with hydrogen. Which line of the table is correct?
16. Metal carbonates decompose when heated.
Which carbonate is most stable to heat?
A calcium carbonate
B copper(II) carbonate
C lead(II) carbonate
D zinc carbonate
17. From your knowledge of the manufacture of both aluminium
and iron, what is the order of
chemical reactivity of aluminium, carbon and iron towards oxygen?
25. Four test-tubes were set up as shown.
Each piece of iron was protected on one side by a different coating.
In which test-tube is the iron least likely to rust?
BLL (Final Revision )
30. In the electrolysis of aluminium oxide to extract pure
aluminium a compound called cryolite is first added to the
What is the reason for adding the cryolite?
A to reduce the corrosion of the carbon electrodes by oxygen
B to reduce energy costs
C to enable the aluminium ions and oxygen ions to move to the electrodes
D to prevent the aluminium formed from being oxidised back to
aluminium oxide
26. Three types of steel have different properties.
steel 1 easily shaped
steel 2 brittle
steel 3 resistant to corrosion
What are the names of these three types of steel?
31. Iron is extracted from its ore haematite, Fe2O3, by a reduction
process in the blast furnace.
Which equation for reactions in the blast furnace shows the formation of
the reducing agent?
A CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
B CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3
C CO2 + C → 2CO
D C + O2 → CO2
32. The steel bodies of cars can be protected from rusting by
spraying them with zinc.
Why is zinc used?
A Zinc does not react with acidic exhaust fumes.
B Zinc forms a stable compound with iron.
C Zinc has a high melting point.
D Zinc is higher in the reactivity series than iron.
28. The diagram shows the apparatus used in an experiment to
reduce substance Q with the gas generated in the flask
What are substances P and Q?
29. The list shows some properties of metals.
1 Metals are good conductors of electricity.
2 Metals form ions by the loss of electrons.
3 Metals have high melting points.
Mercury is a metallic element.
Which of these statements do not apply to mercury?
A 1 only B 1 and 2 C 2 and 3
D 3 only
33. Solid Y is insoluble in water. It gives off a gas when heated and
also when reacted with dilute
sulfuric acid.
What is Y?
A copper(II) carbonate
B sodium carbonate
C sodium nitrate
D zinc oxide
34. What is the ionic equation for the reaction between zinc and
aqueous copper(II) sulfate?
A Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) → Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)
B Zn2+(aq) + SO (aq) 2 → ZnSO4(s)
C Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
D Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
35. From your knowledge of the manufacture of both aluminium
and iron, what is the order of
chemical reactivity of aluminium, carbon and iron towards oxygen?
36. An alloy of copper and zinc is added to an excess of dilute
hydrochloric acid.
Which observations are correct?
37. In the extraction of iron, carbon monoxide acts as
A a catalyst.
B an inert gas. C an oxidising agent. D a reducing agent
38. Which substances react together to give hydrogen?
A calcium oxide and water
B copper and dilute sulfuric acid
C copper and steam D magnesium and steam
39. What happens when zinc foil is placed in an aqueous solution
of copper(II) sulfate?
A Copper(II) ions are oxidised.
B There is no reaction.
C Zinc atoms are oxidised.
D Zinc sulfate is precipitated.
40. Which deduction about the element astatine, At, can be made
from its position in Group VII?
A It forms covalent compounds with sodium.
B It is a gas.
C It is displaced from aqueous potassium astatide, KAt, by chlorine.
D It is more reactive than iodine.
41. In the apparatus shown, gas P is passed over solid Q.
BLL (Final Revision )
D They are all deposited at the positive electrode when their molten
chloride is electrolyzed
No reaction occurs if P and Q are
50. Which two statements indicate that metal M may have a
proton number between 21 and 30?
1 It conducts electricity.
2 It does not react with water.
3 It forms two basic oxides with formulae MO and M2O3.
4 It forms two coloured sulfates.
A 1 and 2
B 1 and 4
C 2 and 3
D 3 and 4
42. Aluminium is higher than copper in the reactivity series so the
following displacement reaction
should be feasible.
2Al (s) + 3CuSO4(aq) → Al 2(SO4)3(aq) + 3Cu(s)
The reaction does not take place at room temperature.
What is the reason for this?
A Aluminium has an inert coating all over it.
B The compound aluminium sulfate does not exist.
C The reaction is exothermic.
D The reaction needs to be warmed to take place.
51. An atom of which element has the same electronic
configuration as the strontium ion?
A calcium
B krypton
C rubidium
D selenium
43. Scrap iron is often recycled.
Which reason for recycling is not correct?
A It reduces the amount of pollution at the site of the ore extraction.
B It reduces the amount of waste taken to landfill sites.
C It reduces the need to collect the scrap iron.
D It saves natural resources.
44. Which metal can be obtained from its oxide using hydrogen?
A calcium
B copper
C magnesium
D zinc
45. Which substance undergoes decomposition because of the high
temperature in the blast furnace?
A coke
B calcium carbonate
C calcium silicate
D slag
46. Which reaction occurring in the blast furnace is an acid base
A C + CO2 → 2CO
B C + O2 → CO2
C CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3
D Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2
47. In the electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide for the extraction
of aluminium, the following three
reactions take place.
1 Al3+ + 3e– → Al
2 2O2– → O2 + 4e–
3 C + O2 → CO2
Which reactions take place at the positive electrode?
A 1 only B 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only
48. Which property is common to calcium, potassium and sodium?
A Their atoms all have more neutrons than protons.
B Their ions all have eight electrons in their outer shell.
C They all sink when added to water.
53. An alloy of copper and zinc is added to an excess of dilute
hydrochloric acid. The resulting
mixture is then filtered. Which observations are correct?
54. The following facts are known about four metals, P, Q, R and S.
1 R displaces both P and S from aqueous solutions of their ions.
2 Q reacts with water but R does not react with water.
3 S does not react with acid but P does react with acid.
What is the correct order of reactivity, the most reactive first?
55. Which metal has to be extracted from its ore by electrolysis?
AHydrides are compounds of an element and hydrogen only.
Which statement is not correct?
A The hydride of carbon that contains four hydrogen atoms and one
carbon atom, is a gas
called methane.
B The hydride of chlorine dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution.
C The hydride of nitrogen is manufactured in the Haber process.
D The hydride of oxygen is a liquid at room temperature.
56. In the extraction of iron from its ore in the blast furnace,
limestone is added.
What is the function of the limestone?
A to decrease the melting point of the iron
B to produce carbon monoxide for the reduction of the iron ore
C to produce heat to melt the iron formed
D to remove sand Fe B Na C Pb D Zn
BLL (Final Revision )
A Both iron and steel conduct electricity.
B Mild steel is used in car bodies.
C Pure iron is formed in the blast furnace.
D The addition of carbon to mild steel makes it stronger.
64. The results of experiments involving four metals, W, X, Y and Z,
and their ions are shown.
Y(s) + Z+(aq) → Y+(aq) + Z(s)
W(s) + X+(aq) → no reaction
Z(s) + X+(aq) → Z+(aq) + X(s)
What is the order of reactivity of the four metals, most reactive to least
65. Metals have a structure of positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’.
Metals are malleable because it is
possible to force the ions to slide over each other.
The alloy brass is ......1...... malleable than pure copper and than pure zinc.
Brass is ......2...... to conduct electricity.
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?
57. Two pieces of iron, one with zinc attached and the other with
copper attached, are placed separately in water as shown
Which statements are correct?
1 The iron in Y will not rust.
2 The water in Z will turn blue.
3 The zinc in Y will be oxidised.
A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only
58. The diagram shows the structure of brass.
Why is brass harder than pure copper?
A The zinc atoms form strong covalent bonds with the copper atoms.
B The zinc atoms prevent layers of copper atoms from sliding over each
other easily.
C The zinc atoms prevent the ‘sea of electrons’ from moving freely in the
D The zinc atoms have more electrons than the copper atoms.
59. From their position in the Periodic Table, which statement is
A Atoms of elements in Group VII react to form ions by losing one
B Iodine can displace bromine from its salts.
C Potassium reacts more rapidly than lithium with water to form the
hydroxide and hydrogen.
D The melting point of caesium is greater than that of potassium.
60. Which oxide can be reduced to the metal by roasting with
powdered iron?
A calcium oxide
B copper(II) oxide
C magnesium oxide
D zinc oxide
61. Which element, if attached to iron immersed in salt water,
would prevent the iron from corroding?
A carbon
B copper
C magnesium
D sulfur
62. The final reaction in the extraction of metal X is represented by
the following equation.
X2O3 + 3CO → 2X + 3CO2
What is X?
A aluminium
B copper C iron. D sodium
63. Which of the statements about iron and steel is not correct?
66. Which two substances are removed from the bottom of a blast
1 coke
2 iron
3 limestone
4 slag
A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 2 and 4
67. Aluminium is used in the manufacture of aeroplanes.
What is a property of aluminium and is also a reason for this use?
A It has a low density.
B It is a good conductor of electricity.
C It is a poor conductor of heat.
D It is covered in an unreactive layer of
aluminium carbonate.
68. How can the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen be
A a displacement reaction
B a neutralisation reaction
C a precipitation reaction
D a reversible reaction
69. Aluminium is a metal that is often used to make caps for
bottles. When thrown away and buried in
the soil, the caps do not corrode.
Why is this?
A Aluminium does not react with acids.
B Aluminium does not react with alkalis.
C Aluminium is alloyed with other metals.
D Aluminium is protected by a layer of oxide
70. Which statement about Group I metals is correct?
A They are hard compared with most other metals.
B They form coloured compounds.
C They have high densities compared with most other metals.
D They only form ions with a charge of +1.
71. Which feature of a metal’s structure is responsible for it
conducting electricity?
A It contains positive ions.
B It has a “sea of electrons”.
C Its ions are tightly packed together.
D Its positive ions attract electrons.
72. Aluminium is extracted from purified bauxite by electrolysis but
iron is extracted from haematite by reduction with coke.
Why is iron not extracted by electrolysis?
A Haematite needs to be purified but bauxite does not.
B Iron is less reactive than aluminium.
C Reduction with coke is cheaper than electrolysis.
D Reduction with coke gives a purer product than electrolysis.