CFAS 2300 PEER RATING RUBRIC for GROUP PROJECT & PRESENTATION YOUR NAME DATE: PRESENTATION TOPIC: Using the form below, rate yourself and your group members. Include comments below. Concept Exemplary 5 Attitude Always has a positive attitude about the task(s) and the work of others (5) Time Management Work was ready on time or sometimes ahead of time, arrived on time for meetings (5) Feedback Gave useful feedback to others and accepted feedback from others willingly (5) Performed all duties of assigned team role and contributed ideas, knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team (5) Equal Contribution Accomplished 4 Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s) and the work of others (4) Work was ready very close to the agreed time, mostly on time for meetings (4) Developing 2 Beginner 1 Sometimes makes fun of the task(s) or the work of other group members (2) Often makes fun of others’ work and has a negative attitude (1) Work was usually late but was completed in time to be graded, usually late to meetings (2) Work was never completed/ other members completed it. Late or noshowed to meetings (1) Gave feedback in ways that did not offend (4) Sometimes hurt feelings of others with feedback or resistant to feedback from group members (2) Was openly rude when giving feedback or refused to listen to feedback (1) Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role and contributed ideas, knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team (4) Performed a few duties of assigned team role and contributed a small amount of ideas, knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team (2) Did not perform any duties of assigned team role and did not contribute knowledge, opinions or skills to share with the team (1) Rate YOUR Participation: Name: Name: Name: TOTAL POINTS Additional comments about your group: Rubric adapted from