Uploaded by Ashley Annacchino

Heat Transfer Demonstrations: Conduction, Convection, Radiation

Set up Camera Person
Conduction Examples:
Boys vs. Girls – Who can melt the ice cube fastest?
Ice Blocks - One a conductor, one an insulator. Conduct - draws
heat away. Conducts heat from the room, causing the ice cube to
Boiling water in a paper cup: Burn paper cup 1. Fill cup 2 with
water. Put under flame. Water is a good conductor. Conducts heat
away from the paper cup before it has time to burn.
Heating a balloon: With and without water.
Getting out of bed in the morning with bare feet: Choice A carpet. Choice B. tile. Which one? They are both the same
temperature. Tile conducts the heat - draws heat out of your foot
faster….so it feels colder.
So why do we curl our toes when we're walking around? Less
surface area to conduct heat away from out body.
Conductometer: Run under hot water
Ball and Ring Demo (with student)
Tabletop Vs. Metal Faucet: One feels warm, one feels cold. But
both are the same temperature. Which took he thermal energy away?
Therefore it is a good conductor.
Beaker of hot water. Take a glass mercury thermometer, dunk it
in and remove. What happens? Mercury goes DOWN. (Glass
Wax on metal spokes - Conducts heat at different rates
Bi-metallic Strip
Thermometer in hot water for a brief moment - what
happens? reading will drop. Because thermal expansion briefly
causes the glass to expand, allowing it to go down. But once, the
glass conducts the heat TO the mercury, that's when thermal
expansion will cause it to rise. (That's why you need time to take a
thermometer reading. )
Cooking a potato fast
Convection Demonstrations:
Why do we say that hot air rises? It doesn't - it just has to do with
densities. Cold air is more dense that warm air. So cold air goes
down, warm air rises causing a convection current.
Seeing Convection with pepper in beaker
Convections Glass Tube
Seeing Convection Current In projector
Popcorn Maker – Convection. Compare to putting it into a pan?
What about a microwave?
Hand Boilers – Heat form hand, expands air inside, difference in
pressures allow the liquid to rise.
Heated flask with food coloring put into larger container of
water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEDUtS0IMws
Radiation: Clarification on What Radiation is:
Heat transfer without "stuff" Transfers as a wave.
Sun – travels through empty space…eliminate conduction, eliminate
convection (no air in space) so there must be another kind.
Light a lightbulb - feel the warmth right away, but the bulb isn't hot.
Campfire – Feel the “burn” - You can tell the difference between that
and a breeze of warmed up air brushing past you.
Red Hot Glowing Oven Coils – Radiation
Radiometer – only spins this direction. Why?