Military Science II, III & IV Woodbridge Senior High School 2019-2020 School Year Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Victor W. Burnette I. Grading Procedures: Gradebook Set Up Grades will be calculated based upon an average of total points earned each grading period. A percent score will be awarded for each assignment and each assignment will be weighted accordingly. 80% Summative Assessments These assessments are a way for students to demonstrate that they have mastered learning target(s) that have been addressed during a unit of study. This type of assessment could occur during a unit or at the end of a unit. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have heavier weights. Examples of these assessments could be, but are not limited to: tests, quizzes, projects, (Leadership Labs – parades, community service projects and battalion drills) essays, and Quarter Exams. Summative Assessments are generally weighted x2 or x3 in the gradebook. 10% Formative Assessments The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback towards a learning target that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no weight. Examples of these formative assessments could be, but are not limited to, practice work done at home or in the classroom, (uniform inspections, hands on demonstrations, and reference checks/portfolio/binder checks), public speaking, reading quizzes, bell ringers or exit slips. Formative Assessments are generally weighted x0, x.1, x.5, or x1 in the gradebook. 10% Formative Assessments The goal of this formative assessment is to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback towards demonstration mastery of material learned each marking period. The Prince William County Public Schools’ grading scale will be used and is as follows: A = 90-100% C = 70-76% B+ = 87-89% D+ = 67-69% B = 80-86% D = 60-66% C+ = 77-79% F = 59% and below The use of the following place holders will be used in the course gradebook with the following score: NHI = 0 Used to identify an assessment or practice that was not turned in AB = 0 Used to identify an assessment that a student missed due to an absence, regardless of type of absence. N/A = no value Used to identify an assessment that was not given to your cadet. Could include enrichment or reteaching tasks that did not apply to your cadet but may have applied to other cadets in the class. Grades books will list the topic or title of the unit and in the remarks, section provide an explanation of the purpose or objective of lesson taught. The grading in the grade book will be displayed in color. The percentage for grading is as follows: Leadership Lab Uniform Inspection Physical Training Uniform/Participation Projects/Community Service Unit Quiz Reference Checks Classroom Participation 25% 25% 25% 20% 10% 5% 5% II. Multiple Opportunities to Demonstrate Mastery: Mastery learning Policy, the goal of the WSHS Army Military Science Department that each cadet demonstrates mastery of content. The Army Military Science Department expects each cadet to earn a minimum of 70% on the common assessments. Any cadet not reaching this goal will be given an opportunity to retake the assessment. He/she is expected to participle in a remediation activity coordinated by the SAI/AI. Cadets can Flex into Military Science for additional learning opportunities with his/her instructor, meet 1 after school with his/her instructor, attend the Viking Learning Center, use one on one learning with their Class Leader, or use the online text book to demonstrate mastery. III. Late work policy: Make-up exams/Battalion Drills/Leadership Laps, Social Functions and Community Service will be administered only on specific make-up dates for cadets with prior approval of JROTC Cadre and school administration. Make up work is only allowed for approved absences. Make up day is on Thursdays after school from 2:30 to 4:00 P.M. Make Up exams can be on Flex Days or during the same time. In some cases, if a cadet is on a sports team, band, or an officer in another club or activity, a written report will be allowed to make up late work. Working in an after-school job is not an excuse to not turn in work or attend mandatory Military Science graded events. Cadets will be given a Military Science Activity Calendar at the start of the school year so they can plan their family, social and work events. Cadets have one week from the original due date to make up any late work. It is the cadet’s responsibility to seek out late work assignments/requirements from his/her instructor. All mandatory/graded training (Battalion Drills/Leadership Labs, Social Functions and Community Service Events) must be attended. We understand that circumstances will occur that prohibit cadets from attending all events. Therefore, a note from parents/guardians explaining the absences prior to the event is required. If an emergency occurs, contact your JROTC instructor at 703-497-8000. No notes will be accepted after the event is completed. Events can be credited upon the approval of the class instructor. IV. End-of-Year SOL Test (Only for SOL courses) This course does not have an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. V. Contact Information and Classroom Information: Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) (Ret.) Victor Burnette - – 703-497-8000 General, 571-492-3589, Office, Room 1318 Woodbridge Senior High School website, Google classroom, and the HUB are our tools to maintain contact and provide information to cadets. Information is also conveyed through Twitter: WSHS_AJROTC; Instagram: jrotc_vikings; and YOUTUBE: WSHS Viking Battalion. (ALL CADETS ARE EXPECTED TO ABIDE BY SOCIAL MEDIA RULES OF RESPECT AND SCHOOL POLICY) Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm. While we do our best to maintain current information, posting of classroom information is subject to server support. All rules and further explanation on the standards, purpose and mission of our program is contained in our WSHS Army JROTC Cadet SOP. VI. COURSE DISCRIPITION: To teach high school students (Cadets) the value of citizenship, responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. Our focus is reflected in our mission statement, “TO MOTOIVATE YOUNG PEOPLE TO BE BETTER CITIZENS.” Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. Our program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, providing a curriculum through a Leadership Education and Training or (LET) level that promotes instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the cadet, our school, our community, and our nation. The program of instruction contains the development of basic leadership skills to include leadership principles, values, and attributes. Adoption of the methodologies for achievement by cadets for entering college with a scholarship, advanced leadership skills above their peers, employment while in high school above their peers, and receive appointments to a Service Academy, ROTC scholarships, military entry level bonuses, and lucrative career training in the military. VII. ARMY JROTC TARGETS: GOAL I: CLIMATE Inspire cadets regardless of their socioeconomic, culture, diversity, or physical limitations, to achieve an acceptable degree of academic success. GOAL II: LITERACY ACROSS THE CURRICULM Promote the enhancement of literacy skills (increase vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading skills pertaining to citizenship and leadership skills necessary for writing/reading comprehension) for all Learning Education Levels. These skills will equip JROTC students at the battalion staff, company, platoon, and squad levels to accomplish their JROTC duties and responsibilities. GOAL III: PREPARATION OF CADETS FOR CITIZENSHIP/COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENENT/POST HIGH SCHOOL Continue use of standardized and additional sources of instruction of JROTC information necessary to maintain our present and future levels of excellence in PWCS. VIII ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS: Grading is based on: 1. Woodbridge Senior High School JROTC cadets are expected to be leaders and positive team members of our school and in the Woodbridge community. Set a positive example for others to follow. While in and out of class, cadets enrolled in JROTC are expected to abide by the Cadet Creed and the Seven Army Core Values and in accordance with the Woodbridge Student Handbook. 2. Complete all assigned readings and homework outside of class. 3. Make every effort to complete in-class assignments by the end of the class period. 2 4. Keep your cadet portfolio entries up-to-date and returned to the class leaders. 5. Keep track of your grades and collect your work as it is returned to you. Retain your work in your Cadet Binder and bring it to each class period. The binder is subject to being graded. 6. After an absence or tardy, you are required to find out what you missed and make it up immediately. You will abide by the WSHS Make-Up work Policy. See your instructor upon returning to school. 7. Military and Physical Training (PT) (athletic wear) uniforms will be worn weekly and is part of the class participation grade. Females will have in a bun/off collars. The uniform will be worn all day on Tuesday and Wednesday. SCHEDULES: If you have JROTC during first period, wear the Army Service Uniform – with (Class A) or without jacket (Class B) on Thursday and PT on Friday. If you have JROTC on an odd or even day, wear the Army Class A or B uniform on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Physical Training uniforms will be worn on Thursdays or Fridays. All Cadets are expected to follow uniform and appearance addressed in class, specified for specific key events, and in accordance with the Cadet handbook. If a cadet is absent, he/she will be required to wear their military uniform the next day (all day). Exceptions must be coordinated with the instructor. 8. During Leadership Lab, cadets are expected to wear the correct uniform, shoes/clothing. No high heels, slides, shower shoes or sandals. 9. Actively use Google Classroom and school internet before each class meets. 10. Community Service Learning and individual Community Projects/Programs are a major portion of our program. All cadets are expected to participate. 11. Any cadet that does not pass his/her LET level will not advance to the next LET level. IX. BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: 1. You are expected to be in your seat when the tardy bell rings without electronic items present. 2. Trips to the restroom, water fountain and your locker must be made between classes during passing periods. Cadets are not allowed to use the restroom 10 minutes at the start and the end of class. 3. You are expected to learn/recite the Cadet Creed and Army Song and recite it each day at the beginning of class. 4. Be polite and respectful of others. 5. You are expected to be prepared with required references. You will also be required to have a three-ring binder notebook for JROTC material on your desk top before the start of the class. (Notebook, paper and pen) Backpacks are stored in a designated area away from your desk. They will not be worn during class. 6. Excluding water, there will be no drinking of sodas or energy drinks, no chewing of gum, eating of food, and use of electronic equipment during class. Cadets will be given one warning and a counseling will occur after the second incident. 7. Adhere to all cadet Duty Performance contracts and the Cadet Merit/Demerit Program. 8. Actively participate in the Google classroom program. 9. Actively participate in the Classroom Color Guard Team program and the Viking Battalion Mentor Program as a Mentor to lower LET level cadets. X. ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY: Cadets will comply to the WSHS Classroom Expectations of Excellence Policy Last year we celebrated 25th year of Military Science at Woodbridge Senior High School and in Prince William County Public School and we are excited to be a part of your child’s leadership development. Our focus this year is to prepare for our JROTC Program Accreditation. Thank you for your assistance with our curriculum to develop world class learners and motivated young citizens. VICTOR W. BURNETTE LTC (Ret.) USA Senior Army Instructor 3 CLASROOM CODES FOR MILITARY SCIENCE GOOGLE CLASSROOMS: 4TH PERIOD GOOGLE CODE _________________________________________________ 5TH PERIOD GOOGLE CODE _________________________________________________ 6TH PERIOD GOOGLE CODE _________________________________________________ 7TH PERIOD GOOGLE CODE _________________________________________________ My child and I have read and understand the Military Science Syllabus requirements and expectations for this school year. ______________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name, Last and First Printed Name, Last and First _______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Home Telephone Number ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell Number Parent/Guardian Email Address (Please Print) _____________________________________________________ Please list the best method to contact you during the school day (Please provide telephone/cell number or email address).__________________________________________________________________________________ I am agreeing to participate in the Google Classroom – Parent classroom information program. My email is the above email or please use this email _____________ ___________________. I will use this system to remind you of upcoming events, classroom assignment and any changes due to school closure. PLEASE USE THE ABOVE CODE TO JOIN OUR CLASSROOM. 4