University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Address: Education and Service Bldg, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi Telephone/ Fax: +84-4 37 91 69 60 Email: Website: COURSE SYLLABUS Academic field: Energy / Electrical Engineering Subject: Electrical Circuits I Lecturer: Dr. Nguyen Xuan Truong Phone: 0968-456-006 E-mail: Academic year: 2019-2020 COURSE DESCRIPTION Credit points 04 Level Undergraduate Teaching time Location University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Time Commitment Lecture 30 hrs Exercises 10 hrs Practical 8 hrs Total 48 hrs Prerequisites Mathematical analysis, Physic B1; General mathematics Recommended background knowledge Knowledge of physics ; Differential Equations, General mathematics Course description: Introduction to theory, analysis and design of electric circuits: • Resistance, inductance, capacitance • Voltage, current, power, energy • Kirchhoff's laws • Node analysis, mesh analysis of DC circuits • Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem • Operational amplifiers • First and second order transient circuits Course Objectives The goal of this course to develop an understanding of the elements of electric circuits and the fundamental laws, general techniques such as Nodal and Mesh analysis, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits used in analyzing electric circuits. Study on energy storage elements will help students to understand the transient and the steady-state response of RLC circuits. The 1|P a g e University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Address: Education and Service Bldg, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi Telephone/ Fax: +84-4 37 91 69 60 Email: Website: course also aims to introduce elementary electronic circuits such as operational amplifiers and their circuit models. Course Learning Outcomes(LO) Assessment/ Evaluation Prescribed Textbook(s) Having successfully completed this course, students will be able to: • LO-1: Interpret the basic circuit concepts, such as voltage, current, power, energy, current range and its effect on person, etc. • LO-2:Use Node and Mesh analyses techniques for the analysis of linear time invariant circuits. • LO-3: Analyze circuits by utilizing Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. • LO-4: Analyze circuits with Operational Amplifiers. • LO-5: Interpret the operation of capacitors and inductors; and analyze both transient and steady-state response of first order circuits • LO-6: Analyze second order circuits • LO-7: Display a professional commitment to group work through cooperative quizzes. Attendance/Attitude 10 % Exercise(s) – in class 10 % Practical Assignment (group report) Final exam 20 % 20 % 40 % [1] J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms, Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 2008 John Wiley & Sons Inc. [2] John O'Malley, Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis, Second edition, McGraw-Hill EXPERIMENTAL COURSE CONTENTS Basic Measurement Techniques. Series Circuits and KVL. Parallel Circuits and KCL. Loading Effect and Whetstone Bridge, R/2R Ladder Network. Internal Resistance, Thevenin Theorem and Norton Theorem. Power Transfer Theorem. Voltage/Current behavior in Capacitors. Voltage Current behaviors in Inductors. Document(s): 2|P a g e University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Address: Education and Service Bldg, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi Telephone/ Fax: +84-4 37 91 69 60 Email: Website: COURSE CONTENTS & SCHEDULE 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Basic concepts and quantities Charge, voltage, current, power …, Electrical Safety: physiological effect of electric shock 2. Circuit elements 2.1. Active element: voltage and current source (independent, dependent) 2.2. Passive element: resistor, inductor, capacitor 2.3. Measuring devices: Ohmmeter, Ammeter, Voltmeter 3. Basic laws in electric circuit 3.1. Ohm’s law 3.2. Kirchhoff’s laws 3.3. Exercises 2 DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 1. Introduction 2. Nodal Analysis 3. Loop Analysis 3 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 1. Introduction 2. Op-Amp Operation 3. Popular Op-Amp Circuit 4. Circuits with Multiple Prc. Exr. Contents Lect. Lecture Hours Assignment(s) 3|P a g e University of Science and Technology of Hanoi Address: Education and Service Bldg, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi Telephone/ Fax: +84-4 37 91 69 60 Email: Website: Operational Amplifiers 4 NETWORK THEOREMS 1. Introduction 2. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems 3. Maximum power transfer theorem 5 FIRST and SECONDORDER TRANSIENT CIRCUITS 1. Introduction 2. First-Order Circuit 3. Second-Order Circuit Notes: - Abbreviation: Lect. (lecture), Exr. (Exercise), Prc. (Practise). - Exercises may include assignment, reports, student’s presentation, homework, class exercises ...for each class sessions - Practicals mostly refer to Lab- work or outside practice such as field trip. Reference Literature: [1] J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms, Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 2008 John Wiley & Sons Inc. [2] John O'Malley, Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis, Second edition, McGraw-Hill [3] Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuit, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill 4|P a g e