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Sanctioned Country Entity Person Confirmation Form (May 2018)

Sanctioned Country/Entity/Person Assurance Letter
To Whom It May Concern:
Many BP legal entities have significant operations in the U.S., U.K. or E.U. Consequently, in many instances BP is
subject to international trade laws and regulations promulgated by U.N., E.U., U.K. and U.S. authorities. These laws often
require compliance with trade sanctions (embargoes) instituted against a number of countries (and their entities and
persons) and are subject to change from time to time.
To ensure BP’s compliance with applicable trade laws and regulations, please confirm by an authorized endorsement
below that products and/or services that you may provide BP, or products and/or services that BP may provide you, have
not been or will not be transacted with Cuba (for U.S. businesses only), Iran, North Korea, the Crimea region (for E.U. or
U.S. businesses only), or Syria, unless authorized by license or applicable trade laws or regulations.
In addition, please confirm to the best of your knowledge and belief that BP orders for products or services originating in
other countries (other than those listed above) will be in compliance with all applicable trade laws and regulations,
including but not limited to U.N., E.U., U.K. and U.S. government restricted entity and person’s lists.
Company Name: __________________________________________________________
Signatory’s Official Name and/Title (printed): _______________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________________
NOTE: This form must be signed by a corporate officer or other person authorized to act on behalf of the
company in this matter. If not signed by a corporate officer, the person signing must have the authority to sign for
the corporation. Where authority to act in this matter is not obvious from the position of the person signing,
appropriate corporate resolution(s) must also be attached.
Please direct questions regarding this confirmation request to:
BP Ethics & Compliance:
Mike McGee, Director, International Trade Regulations VMichael.McGee@bp.com
H. Earl Adams, International Trade Regulations Advisor Hubert.Adams@bp.com
Last Revised April 25, 2018