SPANISH FOOD The spanish gastronomy is variated it depends in the part of Spain that do you live. THE FOOD IN ANDALUCIA The gastronomy in Andalucia comes from the food in Al-andalus ( arabic food ). The most important ingridient is the olive oil. SOUPS salmorejo gazpacho salmorejo MEAT flamenquín egg´s a la flamenca pringá lomo a la orza FISH Atún encebollado Garbanzos con chochos Ortiguillas Soldaditos de Pavía SWEETS Hojaldrina torta inglesa Pastel cordobés Alfajor Torrijas andaluzas BASQUE FOOD The gastronomy in the basque country is large with a large variety. Euskadi ( the basque country ) is the region of Spain with more micheline´s stars. FISH AND SHELLFISH Merluza a la koskera Bacalao al pil pil Txangurro a la donostiarra pastel de cabracho Marmitako Meat Txistorra Sukalki Txuleton DESSERTS intxaursaltsa Basque pie goxua pantxineta DRINKS Izarra Pacharán Txakoli Pili Sagardoa PINTXOS THE FOOD IN CATALUÑA The gastronomy in Cataluña take a part in the Mediterranean diet. Includs products from the sea the mountain and of the orchard. MEAT Butifarra con alubias conejo con chocolate Higado encebollado Manitas de cerdo FISH Bacalao con piñones y pasas Dorada a la sal atún con sanfaina saquet de peis DESSERTS crema catalana buñuelos mona de pascua pa de pessic THE FOOD IN GALICIA The gastronomy in Galicia is so variety and it´s famous the hospitality of the people in Galicia that allways ofers food.The lareira ( kitchen ) in the past wash considerated the best room in the house. FISH merluza a la gallega Abadejo a la gallega raya a la gallega Congrio a la gallega SHELLFISH vieiras almejas a la marineira navajas Zamburiñas Gambas a la gallega mejillones chirlas MEAT Carne ó caldeiro raxo jabalí con castañas churrasco EMPANADAS of bacalao with pasas of octopus Of beberechos of meat OCTOPUS A LA GALLEGA THE FOOD IN CASTILE AND MADRID At the first Castile and leon Castile la mancha and Madrid were auniq kingdom of this reason this reason the three have a similargastronomy . The gastronomy in here have many legumes and inlay. LEGUMES cocido alubias lentejas potaje Inlay morcilla chorizo salchichon morcon Jamón serrano cheese SPANISH PRODUCTS cola cao maria biscuits La piara nocilla Chiulin´s bisquits phoskitos