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Current Electricity Worksheet: Circuits & Components

Current Electricity
Electrical energy is present when electrons
(-) move. There are two types of electricity,
static and current. Current electricity takes
place when electrons flow through a closed path.
We call this closed pathway a circuit. The most
basic circuits are made of a few things:
1) A power source: the power source wil supply the circuit with a flow of
electrons (like a battery or wall outlet).
2) A conductive path for electrons to flow (like a copper wire): The best
conductors of electricity are metals, like copper, gold or silver. Most
conductive materials wil be wrapped in an insulator to protect from electrical
shock or extreme heat.
3) A Load or device that is powered via electricity (like a light bulb or buzzer):
The electrons flow from the load and head to the opposite side of the power
source (like the positive terminal of a battery or the neutral slot in a wall
4) A switch: controls the flow of electrons. The switch can open the circuit, which
causes electrons to stop flowing OR the switch can close the circuit, which
causes electrons to flow.
There are two types of current electricity, alternating
current and direct current. Alternating current (AC) is the
electricity we get through our walls. With alternating current,
the current flows in one direction and then reverses, switching
back and forth. Direct current (DC) is like the current we get
from a dry cell battery. In DC current, the flow of electricity
is always in one direction.
© The Trendy Science Teacher 2017
Current Electricity
1. Read the passage.
2. Use a highlighter to highlight key terms in the passage.
3. Complete the sections below:
Vocabulary Review:
Write a definition for each term below:
Current Electricity: electricity that flows through a closed circut
Power Source: supplys flow of electron
Conductor: elctrons flow through it
Insulator:keeps electrons
Load: what is being powerd
Switch: breaks or connects a closed circut
Alternating Current:a serirs of circuts
Direct Current: one circut
Reading Comprehension:
Answer each question below:
What components make a
power souce load and conductor
What is the difference between a conductor and
a conductor moves electron a insulator stops them
insulator? _______________________________
How are direct and alternating currents
one alternates asnd one is on the same circut
Predict what might happen to a closed electrical circuit if
electricity will cut
a switch OPENS the circuit.___________________
© The Trendy Science Teacher 2017