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Abortion: Fetal Development, Procedures, and Ethics

Dr Megan Best
University of Sydney
University of Notre Dame Australia
Abortion (L. abortio) The premature expulsion from the uterus of the
products of conception.
Dorlands’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 25th ed., (1974).
Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
 What kind of thing is the embryo/fetus?
 What does the act of abortion involve?
 What makes a woman choose to have an abortion?
 How do christians work out right and wrong?
 Applications
What kind of thing is a fetus? Is it the kind of thing that it is wrong to kill?
All humans bear the image of God
Genesis 1:26-27
Conception linked to birth
Genesis 4:1; Matthew 1:18
Relationship with God while in the womb
Psalm 139; Job 10
Day 5-6: blastocyst
Day 7-10: Implantation
3 week old embryo
4 week old embryo
5 week old embryo
6 week old embryo
Embryo: 7 weeks
8 week old embryo
Foetus: 3 months (13 weeks)
Foetus: 4 months (18 weeks)
Foetus: 5 months (22 weeks)
Foetus: 6 months (26 weeks)
Foetus: 8 months (35 weeks)
No states require notification
or consent of woman’s sexual
No waiting periods apply.
Except in WA, a minor does
not require parental consent
or notification.
ACT: no limit*
What does abortion involve?
Medical abortion
 RU-486 (mifepristone,
 Prostaglandins alone
 Methotrexate
Vacuum aspiration or suction
1: Amniotic sac
2: Embryo
3: Uterine lining
4: Speculum
5: Vacurette
6: Attached to a suction
Dilation and Evacuation
Late term abortion
Intact dilation and extraction
What makes a woman choose abortion?
Maternal mortality
Reasons underlying abortion decisions
Wrong timing – don’t want to disrupt life plans
Too young (not ready for motherhood, child needs
a responsible mother)
Already have enough children
Can’t afford another child
Do not want a child
Do not want a disabled child
Partner absent, not in a relationship
Partner reluctant
Partner too immature, unreliable, unfaithful,
alcoholic, abusive, denies paternity
Relationship with partner troubled, unstable, too
Partner not father of child
Relationship could not cope with child
Relationship ended because of pregnancy
Inadequate environment in which to raise a child
(child unwanted, child would not have two parents,
mother cannot adequately care for child)
Child unhealthy or fear of foetal damage
(inadequate prenatal care, mother’s drug/alcohol
Pressure from male partner
Influence of others
Public disapproval of teen pregnancy
Religious disapproval of teen pregnancy
No correct choice possible (ambivalence)
Women’s physical or mental health
Fear of giving birth
Too tired
Too old
Adverse effect on existing children (financial,
emotional, time resources)
Adverse effect on existing children from foetal
Domestic violence (including aged 15-19 years)
Nb multiple reasons often given
Kirkman et al (2009)
A christian approach to ethics
A christian approach to ethics
Biblical themes
 We should not do evil in order to achieve good
 Romans 3:8
 We should not kill an innocent human being
 Exodus 20:13; see also Genesis 9:6
 Our God has special concern for the vulnerable
 See references to Israel’s required treatment of
widows, orphans and aliens
Get involved!
Real Choices Australia www.realchoices.org.au
Sara’s Place (Pregnant Alternatives) www.pregnantalternatives.com.au
Diamond Pregnancy Support www.diamondpregnancy.com
The Choices of Life www.choicesoflife.com.au
Zoe Support www.zoesupport.com.au
Embryo Donation Network www.embryodonation.org.au
Priceless Life Centre (Qld) www.pricelesslifecentre.org.au
Karinya House (ACT) www.karinyahouse.asn.au
Brave Foundation (Tas) www.bravefoundation.org.au
March for the Babies (Vic) http://marchforthebabies.org
Case 1
A university student requests elective abortion
after diagnosis of unwanted pregnancy. It’s
just not a good time for her to be pregnant.
 A 27 year old
Case 2
woman comes
to the clinic
requesting an
abortion for a
pregnancy that
was the result
of a sexual
Case 3
 A 31 year old woman and her
husband are told at her 18 week
scan that the baby has
anencephaly (congenital absence
of the brain), a condition which is
incompatible with life.
Case 4
A 42 year old woman is told that
her fourth child has a high
possibility of being born with
Down’s syndrome.
Down’s syndrome
Thank you
Recommended Reading
 Abby Johnson: Unplanned
 Melinda Tankard Reist
 Giving sorrow words
 Defiant birth
 Heather Gemmen: Startling Beauty
 Madeleine Witham: Ella
 Megan Best
 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
 A Life Already Started
Get involved!
Real Choices Australia www.realchoices.org.au
Sara’s Place (Pregnant Alternatives) www.pregnantalternatives.com.au
Diamond Pregnancy Support www.diamondpregnancy.com
The Choices of Life www.choicesoflife.com.au
Zoe Support www.zoesupport.com.au
Embryo Donation Network www.embryodonation.org.au
Priceless Life Centre (Qld) www.pricelesslifecentre.org.au
Karinya House (ACT) www.karinyahouse.asn.au
Brave Foundation (Tas) www.bravefoundation.org.au
March for the Babies (Vic) http://marchforthebabies.org