Uploaded by Brittany Hammonds

Biome Project Choice Board

Name ________________________ Period ____ Date ________
Biome Project Choice Board
Project Due Date: __22 November 2019____
We have completed our study of ecology. Now that we have reviewed the basic information of each
biome, it is time to dig a little deeper. You will be doing research on a specific biome (assigned to you
by your teacher) and will be presenting your findings to the class.
You may choose how you are going to present your research, but in every project, there will be a mini
component and a presentation component:
Mini Component (25 points)
- Select one (1) product to complete:
Forest Ranger Tour Guide
Write a detailed tour guide speech
about your biome. Include special
characteristics about the biome,
unique facts, and types of plants
and animals found there.
Make a Postcard that includes a
picture of the biome of your choice
and a letter from you on the back
describing what the biome is like
as if you were on vacation there
and writing home to tell all about it.
Pick an Animal and research the
temperature, plant life, amount of
precipitation, world location,
adaptations, and other animal life
to determine exactly what type of
characteristics your animal needs
to survive. Sketch a picture of this
animal and write a paragraph
underneath it.
Pick a Plant and research the
temperature, animal life, amount of
precipitation, world location,
adaptations, and other plant life to
determine exactly what type of
characteristics your plant needs to
survive. Sketch a picture of this
plant and write a paragraph
underneath it.
Write a Story about a time you
visited your biome and describe
what animals, plants, weather, and
other things you encountered their
(at least 1 paragraph).
Elevator Speech
Write a persuasive paragraph that
could convince someone to come
and visit your biome. Include
interesting and unique
characteristics as well as the
defining features of your biome.
Presentation Component (100 points)
1. Identify the location of your biome (Ex: Midwest US, Northern Africa)
2. Establish the type of climate found in the biome and what factors determine the climatic condition (Ex: near the
equator, latitude, prevailing winds.)
o Description of average rainfall and average temperature, seasonal changes, special weather events
3. Identify common landforms (a natural feature of the land surface such as mountains, cliffs, islands, coasts,
swamps, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, etc.)
4. Characteristics for the chosen marine(water) biomes; location, levels, salt water or fresh water, geographical
5. Identify the main types of plants found in the biome and some adaptations of the plants (Ex: evergreen, waxy
6. Identify the different types of animals found in the biome and some adaptations of the animals (Ex. Large ears on
the desert hare)
7. Must include at least ten (10) organisms with proper identification (herbivore, carnivore, producer, consumer, etc.)
8. Must include at least one (1) food web with three (3) distinct food chains
9. Must include a list of at least three (3) abiotic and three (3) biotic factors
10. Must include at least one of the biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, nitrogen, etc.)
11. Identify relationships present between organisms within the biome. (predatory, competition, symbiosis, etc.)
12. Make a list of at least five (5) natural resources from your biome (renewable or nonrenewable)
13. Include limiting factors found in your biome (density dependent and independent) and how these affect carrying
capacity of organisms within your biome.
14. Identify example(s) of how humans have impacted the biome (Ex: oil pipeline through the Alaskan tundra)
15. Describe ecological/environmental concerns and/or conservation efforts in your biome.
16. Explain the impacts of natural hazards on habitats (e.g., global warming, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc).
17. Propose a solution, resource, or product that addresses a specific human, animal, or habitat need.
18. Make a prediction about your biome’s future development or biodiversity
19. Conclude with ten (10) interesting facts about your biome.
Select the final product from the nine choices on the reverse side of this sheet.
Create a tri-fold travel
brochure for your biome!
You are a travel agent and
want people to visit your
biome. Your brochure
should make people want
to vacation in your biome.
Design a board game for
your biome!
Compose a children’s book
for your biome!
Layout the front page of a
major newspaper found in
your biome!
You are an animal telling a
story about life in your biome.
You are the editor of a
Your book will include
major newspaper. The front
illustrations and should be
page of your newspaper
enjoyed by 1-3 graders!
should include full articles
and descriptions of articles
found inside!
Build a Web Quest
Construct a”shortcut” poster
powerpoint for your biome!
for your biome!
You work for Toys
Incorporated and want to
make a new board game.
Your game should be
interactive and should
include game pieces, choice
cards, etc. You will need to
include typed directions.
Create a scrapbook for
your biome!
You own a museum and
want to create a multimedia presentation for
your guests. Your
powerpoint should be
interactive and should
include pictures and
Fill a travel suitcase with your
You are a student doing a
project in science. Your
poster should include various
presentation aspectscomics, crosswords, maps,
magazine articles, etc.
You are creating a book of
memories which holds
everything important about
your biome. Your
scrapbook should be
attractive and thoughtfully
You are preparing for a trip
and filling a suitcase with all
relevant pieces and facts for
your biome. Some of these
are items that you need to
know before traveling and
some you will discover on
your travels.
This must somehow
incorporate all the required
components and relate to
your biome in some way.
Create a Product of your
own choice.
You must have your
Product approved by Ms.
You will have THREE days to work on this project in the computer lab. In total you will have at
least FOUR class days to work on this project.
Optional (Group Project)
 Biome Jingle (Due: Monday 2/12/19)
 Biome Commercial (Due: Monday 2/12/19)
Work in a group of no more than 4 students on an advertising presentation listed above. Be sure to
work together to creatively include everything listed in the rubric on the back of this page.
Optional (Individual Project) (Due: Monday 2/12/19)
□ Create an imaginary biome and give it a name. Include information about its location,
temperature, precipitation, animals, plants, soil, etc. The plants and animals can be imaginary
(made up) also – if their adaptations match the imaginary biome you created.
□ Design a new animal species to live in one of the biomes that already exist. Sketch a picture
of it and write about it’s physical and behavioral adaptations that help it to survive in its biome.
□ Design a new plant species to live in one of the biomes that already exist. Sketch a picture of
it and write about its physical and behavioral adaptations that help it to survive in its biome.