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Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study Report

episode 1
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FS 5:
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Lunes, Disyembre 15, 2014
FS 5
Mary Jane E. Domingo
BSE-IIIA Student
Mrs. Lovelette Mones
Cooperating Teacher
Isabela National High School
Cooperating School
My Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and naming
different assessment methods used in the classroom.
My Task
Observe at least three classes and make a list of the assessment methods used by
In my list, classify assessment methods as to conventional and authentic and alternative.
Describe how each assessment method was used, including my personal observations.
Confer with my FS teacher for the assessment list.
Reflect on my experience.
My Tools
As you visit schools and observe assessment practices in at least three classes,
document your observations using the activity forms provided for you in this reference.
For your pen-and-paper test items, customize a table of specification, and prepare the test
material based on the prescriptions of the school where you do class observation.
Class 1 observation
Name of the School Observed:
School Address:
Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area:
Isabela National High School
Claravall St. San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela
December 1, 2014
Grade 7-Yakal
Commercial Cooking.
Oral Strategy
 Oral Question and Answer/ Oral
 Teacher asks certain questions regarding
their previous lesson in order to determine
if her students can recapitulate and if they
already mastered the different kitchen layout before they continue the lesson.
 It serves as their graded recitation so that
the students become active, participative
and eager to listen.
 Teacher requires students to verbalize
their knowledge, organize their thoughts in
order to present their own idea regarding
the topic.
Observational Strategy
 Observation
 An assessment tool responsible to do by
the teacher for her students. While the
teacher discusses the topics she also doing
her part to observe her students in order for
her to have an idea whom or not students
are listening, focusing and who needs more
 The teacher observes her students while
they make their outputs. (sketching their
own kitchen lay-out)
 It uses to determine which students need
additional support and how to adjust
instruction to encourage more and better
Performance-based assessment
 Creation Type
 Teacher uses creation type of
performance-based task that requires
tangible products. Students have an actual
 Students are enjoying in making or
constructing their own kitchen lay-out
design according or matches their homekitchen lay-out structure.
 Analytic Rubrics (individual criteria)
 An evaluative tool that list the important
features that should be present in students’
 Rubrics are clearly identified what will
be graded and presented before the task
begin. It gives students understanding of
what the assessor/ evaluator will be looking
for and students can how their skills
accordingly. Students are learning given
while being rated.
 Authentic Assessment
 While students perform a given task at
the same time it serve as authentic
assessment because they experience it in
real by making their own style and based
their own experience because home based
the task.
Class 2 observation
Name of the School Observed:
School Address:
Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area:
Isabela National High School
Claravall St. San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela
December 8, 2014
Grade 7-Yakal
Commercial Cooking.
Paper-and-pencil assessment
 Objective test (placement assessment)  Teacher administers a short quiz before
the class starts.
 It uses this assessment to know what
their students are bringing into the learning
situation and use this in starting point for
 Its purpose is to assess the needs of the
learners to have a basis in planning for
relevant instruction
Oral Strategy
 Oral recitation
 Teacher asks question to be answered by
her students that serve them as recitation
that will be graded or they have additional
 Students are very active, participative
and eagerness to listen.
Observational Strategy
 Observation
 Teacher uses this informal assessment
technique of watching students to identify
the strengths and weaknesses, patterns of
behaviour and cognitive strategies.
 It is used in daily to assess students of
different ages across subject areas in
different setting.
 Teacher observes her students if they can
really do the task and they know already
the lesson. it determine if they already
know through their“gestures”.
Performance-based Assessment
 Authentic Assessment
 Teacher has a task that students should
go to the canteen and observe what they
need to observe. Then each of students
should relate in real world situation.
Class 3 observation
Name of the School Observed:
School Address:
Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area:
Isabela National High School
Claravall St. San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela
December 8, 2014
Grade 9- Patience and Purity
Commercial Cooking.
Paper-and-Pencil Strategy
 Objective Selection (multiple choice)  The teacher administers a quiz using
multiple choices that belongs to the
objective selection.
 The students are obviously doing in
cheating with their seatmates. Because this
traditional tool is prone into guessing and
 Teacher has information about students’
progress if it is really true in doing their
part to answer the test independently.
Performance-based Assessment
 Demonstration Type
 Teacher groups his students to
demonstrate a given task using their skills,
abilities and competencies.
 Teacher encourages his students to
participate in able to have a good outcome.
 Holistic Rubrics
 Teacher uses holistic in order to describe
the overall quality performance. There is
only one rating given in entire work or
 Teacher presents the criteria for judging
to be fair of every group, to have an idea of
his students on how their work will be
Observational Strategy
 Observation
 Teacher observes his students if they can
do the given task, if they work as a group
and using cooperative learning.
 Used to see the process in actual not
simply they know the lesson presented and
tell what they know.
Name of the School Observed:
School Address:
Date Visited:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area:
Isabela National High School
Claravall St. San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela
December 8, 2014
Grade 7-Yakal
Commercial Cooking.
Traditional Type of Assessment
 paper-and-pencil test
-multiple choice
 Teacher pretences a formative/
summative assessment in order to
determine if they have learned in the
 A tool that helps the teacher to decide
what is the best for her students. Teacher
executes this assessment effectively.
 observational Strategy
 Teacher encourages her students to recite
to improve students’ communication skills
and to gain self-confidence by answering a
piece of question has being ask by the
 oral recitation
Alternative Assessment
 performance-based
-creation type
 Students have freedom to express and
give their opinions. It provides opportunity
to use concrete materials to express their
 Students need to do a certain or given task.
Assessment that requires hands-on
performance to find out if they can execute
it well.
1. Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How relevant
was/were the assessment method/s used?
Yes, there is a variety of assessment method used by the teacher by using the
different types of assessment methods depending to the learning objectives. The
assessment tools used by the teacher are placement assessment, creation type of
performance-based assessment, quizzes; oral recitation, self-report and observation were
relevant to the topic or subject matter. Each method has specified purposes, tasks and
focuses to the learning skills of the learners. They are relevant to the “learning
objectives”, which will be determined the three domain of objectives are being attained or
not in order to have a basis to the revision in her instruction.
Do you think the expected students’ learning behaviours indicated in the
objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment
Yes, in my point of view the expected students learning behaviour indicated in the
objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those assessment methods or
tools used by the teacher.
The appropriateness of assessment method matches the learning objectives of
what is intended to measure. It simply means that they are anchored to each other.
Without the learning objectives, the learning behaviour will not be tested because one of
the domains of objectives is affective which serves as learning behaviour. A student show
their interest, willingness to participate, appreciation and adopts a long-term value system
during class discussion or even in activity time.
My reflection
Assessment tools are tools in assessing and evaluating students’
performance. It leads to a continuously to a continuously cycle of improved students
learning. The appropriateness of assessment method is depending in the learning
objectives the attainment of which is what you are assessing.
Traditionally, teachers used pen-and-paper objective test to assess
students’ mastery of a given concept, substantive subject matter. This assessment strategy
it either teacher-made test or standardized test and it has a specific correct answer or
response. As time goes by, it has given rise the concept and turn to alternative assessment
that includes the performance-based assessment and more authentic assessment-wherein
the students are being judge through actual performance of essential and observation
skills, creation of products that are grounded in real context and constraints. They assess
directly by using rubrics.
It s indispensable these methods to determine whether or not the learning
objectives have been attained, to measure how well students have understood the lesson,
and in able to what teacher may decide that some teaching method were effective than
others based on the conclusion. In short, it provides qualitative information that helps
teacher determine how they might improve courses.
We have lots to consider in assessing students like a valid assessment tool
matches with learning targets, considering the multiple intelligence and varied learning
style, assessment of learning must be done in a variety of ways. It should never be used
as punishment or disciplinary measure and it should free from any discrimination, biases,
and stereotypes or subjectivity.
It is highly need inside the classroom so as not only to find-out what
students know or what to do but it requires also to show what they can do and not simply
tell what they know/ would do. It is more authentic if they directly experience it. That’s
simply, “learning by doing”.