THE HUMAN BODY CORPORATION MEMO TO ALL HUMAN BODY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES: You are a body system, employed with the Human Body Corporation. Due to recent cost increases, HBC has been forced to lay off some of its workers. You will be asked to write a letter to the Head of the HBC (The Brain, aka Mrs. Vitaioli) and the Board of Directors (your classmates) that outlines your position in the company. You must clearly explain the relevance of your role, as the company is quite large, and will only keep employees who are vital to the Corporation’s success. This letter will be used in a short presentation that you will give to defend your position within the HBC. The Task You must complete a persuasive, first-person letter to the Board of Directors and present your case to the Board. In your letter, you must provide answers to the following questions: What is your name? (i.e. the name of your system) What is your job? What exactly do you do, and why is that job important to the success of the HBC? What are your major components, structures, functions and products? Where are you found within the Human Body Corporation? What are five interesting facts about you? What other departments (body systems) do you work with in the Human Body Corporation? How? What would happen to the Human Body Corporation if you were 'fired'? Try to be as specific as possible. Some things to consider – Could the HBC function without you? Would the body develop a disease? If yes, how would this disease affect how the body functions. Systems include: The Skin The Skeletal System The Muscular System The Nervous System The Circulatory System The Lymphatic System The Respiratory System (p. 428-435) The Digestive System (p. 442-452) The Excretory System (p. 453-457) Evaluation These are the guideline questions which I will be referring to, when evaluating your letter: Was the students' letter convincing? 20 points/ _________ Did the students clearly answer all of the given questions? 60 points/ _________ Did the students organize their material logically? 10 points/ _________ Did the students use proper grammar when writing their letter? 5 points/ _________ Were there any spelling mistakes in their letter? 5 points/ _________ Possible total 100 points/ ___________