Uploaded by vijay kumar

Reproduction Lesson Plan: Biology Curriculum


Chapter -8

How do organisms reproduce?

General objectives:


in our day to day life.




making attitude.

Curriculum Pedagogical Processes

To interpret the impact of various phenomena

To inculcate the spirit of inquiry.

To inculcate peer group learning.

To promote problem solving and decision

Learning Indicators


To develop the concept of reproduction

 Teacher motivates the students to respond to the questions like why do organisms reproduce, do two different organisms belongs to the same species, do the reproducing organisms create new individuals that look like themselves.

 Student describes the concept of reproduction.

 Explains the importance of DNA copying.

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6osswx stfk#

 Group discussion on the basic events in reproduction and importance of DNA copying with the help of animations/PPT/Diagrams.

 Describes the importance of variation in the evolution of new species.

 Discussion on importance of variation for species and not for individuals animations/PPT/Diagrams. with the help of

To develop the concept of

Asexual reproduction

To develop the concept of

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Reproduction in human beings

 Students are divided in two groups and asked to collect the information from their surroundings about the modes of reproduction in different organisms and further classify them into sexual and asexual reproduction.

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxxUxTLyYPA

 Perform activities to show various modes of asexual reproduction.

 Group discussion on the role of two individuals of opposite sex, significance of sexual reproduction by citing examples from day to day life.

 Group discussion on DNA copying mechanism and its role in variation.

 Students are divided into groups and asked to collect the flowers and identify different parts, separate them as unisexual and bisexual.

 Group discussion on the Sexual reproduction in flowering plants with the help of animations/PPT/Diagrams.

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OFF2qY vLag#

 www.

youtube .com/watch?v=CkBNEM2mD30

 Group discussion on reproduction in human beings with the animations/PPT/Diagrams.

help of

 Group discussion on the male and female reproduction systems with the help of

 Student explains different modes of reproduction i.e. fission, fragmentation, regeneration, budding, vegetative propagation and spore formation.

Knows individuals create new individual and allows variation.


 Student and how two unisexual and bisexual flowers.

 Identifies reproductive organs in flower.

 Explains different modes of pollination.

 Describes the process of germination of seeds. explains structure and functioning of male female reproduction systems.

 Describes the changes


 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N66sAZH


 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LQqC_Z ltmI

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFpVy9O


 Teacher motivates the students to respond to the situations like the physical, emotional and social changes during adolescence period.

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRyOcLSJ


 Group discussion on reproductive health with the help of animations/PPT/Diagrams.

during adolescence.

 Explain what happens if the egg is not fertilized.

 Explains different kinds of devices contraceptive reproductive health. for
