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Dark Ages Worksheet: Huns, Vandals, Visigoths & Rome

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light – Part 2
1. The sack of Rome refers to what event:
a. The destruction of Rome by a typhoon
c. The destruction of Rome by a severe drought
b. The destruction of Rome by a plague
d. The destruction of Rome by Germanic peoples
2. Visigoths were portrayed as naked savages in a painting by a French painter called Sylvestre, but they weren’t
actually naked or savage. They were one of the first peoples to invent this type of clothing:
a. underwear
b. shoes
c. socks
d. pants
e. hats
f. togas
3. Barbarian actually means someone who:
a. Speaks French
b. Speaks a foreign language
c. Speaks Greek
d. Speaks using clicking sounds
4. In Sanskrit, Barbarian means: a. Sign language
b. Mime language
c. Gibberish
5. For Romans, Barbarian means: a. Anything not Roman / Latin b. Anything not French c. Anything not Arabic
6. In Roman times, the Barbarians included such diverse tribes as the (Pick three):
a. Celts
b. Angles
c. Huns
d. Goths
e. Saxons
f. Vikings
g. Vandals
7. The Huns came from where?
a. Spain
b. Algeria
c. Russia
d. Ecuador
e. Greece
f. Unknown, central Asia
8. The Huns ate which animal in their nomadic lifestyle – boiling them in huge cauldrons:
a. Goat
b. Chicken
c. Rabbit
d. Horse
e. Frog
f. Shark
9. Which substance captivated the Huns?
a. Silver
b. Jade
c. Pearl
d. Gold
e. Salt
f. Ivory
10. What is a torque / torc in jewelry (which body part would be ornamented with this?)
a. Ankle
b. Neck
c. Finger
d. Toe
e. Arm
f. Ear
11. Which animals are mentioned as being important to the Huns for daily life, hunting, as well as for military
pursuits? (Pick 3)
a. Spider
b. Wolf
c. Horse
d. Eagle
e. Butterfly
f. Fish
12. Which body part was purposefully re-shaped?
a. Neck
b. Chest
c. Feet
d. Head
e. Ears
f. Nostrils
13. Where did the Huns obtain their raw materials for making crowns, ornaments, etc.
a. Roman empire
b. British empire
c. the Americas
d. Persian empire
14. The romans preferred to _____________ than to ________________ the Huns. (FILL IN THE BLANKS).
15. Attila the Hun was ___________________ by history. (FILL IN THE BLANKS).
16. True / False: “In 450 A.D., the Byzantine ambassador, Priscus, wrote a flattering account of Attila the Hun.
17. Attila the Hun is considered a _____________ for the Hungarian people. (FILL IN BLANKS).
18. Attila spoke _____________ languages by the age of 15. His empire vied for power with _______________.
19. The Huns were actually a confederation of ________________ such as the Burgundians, even some Greeks.
20. The Vandals were a Germanic tribe that were kicked out of their farming lands and eventually had to settle in:
a. France
b. North Africa
c. Greece
d. Switzerland
e. Mongolia
21. What was the original meaning of Vandal? _________________ Someone who:
a. Collects
b. Swims
c. Argues
d. Farms
e. Wanders
22. What had it come to mean instead in the 1600s? __________________ Someone who:
a. Creates
b. Collects
c. Destroys
d. Farms
e. Travels
23. Carthage was important for a number of products to the Romans? (Pick 2)
a. Soap
b. Fish
c. Spices
d. Olive oil
e. Cotton
f. Wheat
24. The Vandals who lived in North Africa showed in a famous representative mosaic the ______ seasons.
25. Bathhouses were important in ancient times for what purposes (Pick 3)
a. Swimming b. Socializing c. Bathing
d. Gossiping
e. Cleaning / Folding Laundry
26. Bathhouses had the following places:
a. Manicuridarium
b. Calderium
c. Coiffidarium
d. Frigidarium
27. The Poet called Felix, wrote ___________ (number of poems) in honor of Thrassamund who united fire / water.
28. The Goths came from the Baltic coast and became farmers. They were eventually migrated south for better
land. They came into contact with the Huns, Christians, and Romans. The 2 groups of Goths split into two to
escape the Huns. One group became the ______________ (Western branch) and the _________________
(Eastern branch).
29. Theodoric did something terrible at a banquet which was: _________________ in order to become emperor of
all of Italy with his capital city at Ravenna.
30. Emperor Justinian tried to get rid of any sign of the Ostragoths especially, Theodoric, in the _____ century.
31. _______________ is the royal / imperial color used for cloth and even on manuscripts!
32. True / False: There is a Bible with Gospels from the 6th century that was written in the Gothic language.
33. The Mausoleum associated with Theodoric is unusual because of:
________________________________________________________________________ (mention 2 things).
34. What did the Visigoths achieve?
________________________________________________________________________ (mention 2 things).
35. Arches are usually shaped like _________________ but the Visigoths created a new type of arch shaped like a
36. Who / which culture is credited with perfecting the above type of arch? _____________________.
Label each artifact below: (What is it? / Who is it? / What was it used for?)