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IPC/WHMA-A-620B Electrical Test Criteria Tables

Reproducible Test Tables
Pages B-2 through B-13 are a summary of test requirements as a convenient format for passing information between user and
manufacturer and can be copied freely.
These pages may also be downloaded as editable electronic files from www.ipc.org/downloads.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-1
Electrical Test Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Continuity Test Parameters
Shorts Test (low voltage isolation) Parameters
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV) Test Parameters
Insulation Resistance (IR) Test Parameters
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Test Parameters
Insertion Loss Test Parameters
Reflection Coefficient Test
User Defined Electrical Tests
Required (see Table 19-2)
Required unless DWV or
IR tests performed
(see Table 19-3)
Required for Class 3 and
some Class 2
(see Table 19-4)
Required for Class 3 and
some Class 2
(see Table 19-5)
User Specified
User Specified
User Specified
User Specified
[ ] Not Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Not Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Not Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Not Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Required
[ ] Required
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-2
Continuity Test Minimum Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Max Resistance
Class 1
Class 2
Tester Default
Class 3
Other Defined Value
2 ohms or 1 ohm plus the maximum
specified resistance of wire
whichever is greater
____ Ohms
Max Current
Tester Default
____ mA
Max Voltage
Tester Default
____ Volts
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-3
Shorts Test (low voltage isolation) Minimum Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Class 11
Class 21 with
distances (air gaps) ≥
2 mm [0.079 in]
Tester Default
Max Current
Tester Default
Max Voltage2
Tester Default
Class 22 with
distances (air gaps) < 2
mm [0.079 in]
Class 31
Other Defined
____ Ohms
____ mA
____ Volts
Note 1: Shorts Test (low voltage isolation) is not required when Dielectric Withstanding Test or Insulation Resistance Test has been
Note 2: A maximum voltage and or current should be specified when components within an assembly may be damaged by these tests.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-4
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Test (DWV) Minimum Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Class 1
Class 2
Class 2
with clearance
with clearance distances (air
distances (air gaps or
gaps or creepage) <2 mm
creepage) ≥2 mm [0.079
[0.079 in] or
in] and not
Voltage Level1
Max Leakage
Test Not
Class 3
Other Defined
1000 VDC or equivalent peak
AC voltage2
1500VDC or
peak AC
____ VDC
____ VAC
1 mA
1 mA
____ mA
Test Not Required
Dwell time
0.1 Seconds
1 Second
____ Second(s)
Note 1: See 19.1
Note 2: Voltage Level is applicable when clearance distance tested is ≥0.58 mm [0.019 in]. When clearance distances are <0.58 mm
[0.019 in] an agreement between the User and Manufacturer to de-rate these test levels would be expected.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-5
Insulation Resistance (IR) Test Minimum Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Class 1
Class 2 with
Class 2 with
clearance distances
distances (air gaps
(air gaps or
or creepage)
creepage) <2 mm
≥ 2 mm [0.079 in]
[0.079 in]
Voltage Level1
Test Not
Test Not Required
Class 3
Other Defined Value
DC DWV Voltage or tester default
____ VDC
≥ 100M ohms for assemblies ≤ 3 meters [118 in]
≥ 10M ohms for assemblies > 3 meters [118 in]
≥ 500 Meg ohms for coaxial cable of any length
____ M Ohms
Max Dwell
10 Seconds
____ Seconds
Note 1: Non-destructive tests (procedure/parameters/stimuli/fixtures) shall be selected and applied in a manner that does not cause
damage to the unit under test.
Note 2: IR levels specified applicable at less than 80% relative humidity. When relative humidity exceeds 80% an agreement between
User and Manufacturer to de-rate these tests levels would be expected.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-6
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Test Parameters
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Defined Value
Frequency Range
_____ MHz
Ratio of input power to
reflected power
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-7
Insertion Loss Test Parameters
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Defined Value
Frequency Range
____ MHz
Max Loss
____ Decibels
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-8
Reflection Coefficient Test Parameters
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Defined Value
Frequency Range
____ MHz
Max Loss
____ Decibels
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-9
Mechanical Test Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Crimp Height Testing
Required for Class 1
and 2 if Pull Force
Testing not Performed
(see 19.7.2)
(Table 19-10)
[ ] Required for each
new setup and again
[ ] ____ parts
[ ] shift(s),
[ ] ___ workday(s)
[ ] Not Required
Pull Force/Tensile Testing
Required for Class 3
Required for Class 1
and 2 if Crimp Height
Testing not Performed
(see 19.7.1)
(Table 19-11)
[ ] Required for each
new setup and again
[ ] ____ parts
[ ] shift(s),
[ ] ___ workday(s)
[ ] Not Required
Crimp Force Monitoring
User Specified
Contact Retention
RF Connector Shield Pull Test
User Specified
[ ] Required
RF Connector Shield Ferrule Torsion Test
User Specified
[ ] Required
User Defined Mechanical Tests
User Specified
[ ] Required
Requirement Decision
[ ] Required
In-Process requirement
[ ] Not Required
for Classes 1, 2, and 3
Note 1: In the absence of specific agreed on test requirements between User and Manufacturer or an agreement by the user to accept
the manufacturer’s documented test requirements, Table 19-9 defines minimum test requirements for each Class.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-10
Crimp Height Testing
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Other Defined Value
Max Flash Height
0.5x material stock thickness
____ mm
____ [ in]
True Crimp Height
Use terminal supplier’s
____ mm
____ [ in]
____ mm
(noncircular crimp, i.e.,
____ [ in]
Note 1: If the user or manufacturer has objective evidence indicating that the terminal supplier’s specification is not sufficient, other
values may be agreed upon between User and Manufacturer.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-11
Pull Force Testing Minimum Requirements
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Pull Force
Class 1
Class 2
Appropriate Industry Standard (UL, IEC,
SAE, Table 19-12 or 19-13) 1
Not Specified
Not Specified
Controlled Rate
Not Specified
Class 3
Other Defined Value
Table 19-12
____ N
____ Kp
____ Pounds
≤1 inch/minute
Not Specified
[ ] Pull & Break
[ ] Pull & Return
[ ] Pull & Hold
[ ] Pull, Hold & Break
Hold Time3
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
Note 1: It is the responsibility of the harness manufacturer and/or the user to determine which set of tensile test values is appropriate.
Note 2: Controlled rate indicates a specified pull rate that is held constant throughout the pull.
Note 3: The Hold Time parameter is relevant only if the “Pull & Hold” or “Pull, Hold & Break” method is used.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.
IPC/WHMA-A-620B Test Criteria
Table 19-14
RF Connector Shield Pull Force Testing
Assembly Identification _____________________________________________________________________
Testing required for a [ ] Class 1, [ ] Class 2, [ ] Class 3 assembly.
Test requirements established by
[ ] A-620 default minimum test requirements for this class except as modified below.
[ ] User’s acceptance of manufacturer’s documented test requirements except as modified below.
Requirements below are defined by [ ] Manufacturer, or [ ] User.
Date ___________ Name______________________________________
Defined Value
Pull Force
____ N
____ Kp
____ Pounds
[ ] Pull & Break
[ ] Pull & Return
[ ] Pull & Hold
[ ] Pull, Hold & Break
Hold Time2
____ Seconds
Note 1: Controlled rate indicates a specified pull rate that is held constant throughout the pull.
Note 2: The Hold Time parameter is relevant only if the “Pull & Hold” or “Pull, Hold & Break” method is used.
©Copyright 2012. IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois and Wire Harness Manufacturers Association, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. All rights reserved under both
international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this page is authorized. Electronic copies of these tables may be downloaded
from www.ipc.org/downloads.