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The Transition Metals

The Transition Metals
Oxidation States
Transition metals may have more than one oxidation
state in their compounds.
Iron oxidation states of (II) and (III).
Copper is usually in oxidation state (II) but can have
an oxidation number of +1 in Cu2O.
Common Oxidation States
Common Oxidation States
OIL - Oxidation is a loss of electrons
This can also be also shown as an increase in the
oxidation number of the transition metal.
RIG - Reduction is a gain of electrons
This can also be shown as a decrease in the oxidation
number of the transition metal.
Ligands are electron donors which are usually negative
ions or molecules that have one or more non-bonding
(lone) pairs of electrons.
When these ligands surround a central transition metal
ion they form a transition metal complex often called a
coordination compound.
Monodentate Ligands
Bidentate Ligands
Polydentate Ligands