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General Chemistry Lab I: Intro & Math Review

General Chemistry
Laboratory I – CHEM 115
Experiment 1: Preface to the Lab Program
& Math Review
Access the online lab manual at bluedoorlabs.com and Read all
documents under the “Introduction to the UM Chemistry Labs”
Print, complete and sign the Safety Agreement form and submit
to your TA
NOTE: students are prohibited from working in the lab without
this signed form.
Read the Syllabus found on blackboard under Course Documents
(there will be a quiz!)
• To review SI units, Prefixes, Accuracy and Precision,
and Rules for Significant Figures
• Students will practice:
conversion between units
proper use and recognition of prefixes
differentiate between accuracy and precision
Practice calculations using significant figures
For this week, there is no requirement for goggles,
pants, shirts, or jewelry – but be careful while in the
Complete the procedure at home and come to lab prepared
to ask any questions that you may have. Labs will meet long
enough for TA to take attendance and answer any questions
regarding the lab: BE ON TIME!
The introduction provides a review of units, prefixes,
accuracy and precision, as well as the purpose and
rules of significant figures.
Make sure you read and understand each of these
Pay Close attention, as you will be responsible for
proper use of these concepts moving forward.
• For this lab, there IS a post-lab assignment. This assignment
can be opened and saved without submitting prior to the due
• Before coming to lab, work through the post lab questions. If
you are unsure of how to work a problem, be sure make note
of the problem and ask your TA for help during lab.
• On your lab day, report to your lab and receive whatever
instruction your lab TA wishes to distribute and ask any
questions you may have about the math.