Uploaded by Kristina Wentworth

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Video Summary
Double Slit Experiment
What was expected to happen?
What did happen?
The only way to explain how electrons behaved in the double slit experiment is to
accept that electrons sometimes act like a ________________.
The reason that electrons only occupy very specific regions is because electrons are
Video Summary
The video used the analogy of how a casino uses probability to predict profit.
What does the casino know for sure?
What cannot be predicted by the casino?
Big Bang Video Clip
The Nature of
Visible Light is one form of ____________________________________ radiation.
Travels at a speed of _____________________________
________________________ will determine the color of the light wave
Wavelengths of visible light range from ___________ nm (red) to _______________ nm (violet)
v = ______ x ______ where v is _________________;  is ____________________; f is _________________________
As the wavelength of a wave decreases, the frequency will ______________________________
As the frequency of a wave increases, the energy will ________________________
The photoelectric effect was explained by ______________________ in 1905.
When light strikes metal, the photons carry energy (related to their _____ and ____)
No matter how intense, lower wavelengths of light will not remove electrons.
Photons must have a minimum amount of energy to remove electrons
Therefore particles of light, called ________________, are quantized
________________ nature is when particles can act as both _____________ and _____________. Both
__________ and _____________ have this.
Continuous Spectrum
Represents __________ light spread into _____________ color of the rainbow
Emission Spectrum
Shows specific lines of _____________ that are emitted from an excited source.
Every element has a _________________ emission spectra that can identify it
The existence of emission spectra proved to scientists that electrons were ___________________.
______________________ State – the state of electrons when they are in the lowest energy level available.
______________________ State – a _______________ occurrence when an electron has absorbed energy and moved to a _____________
energy level.
How electrons move between states:
1st – an electron begins in the ______________ state
2nd – the electron __________ energy and moves to a
____________ energy level called the _____________ state.
3rd – the electron cannot remain in the excited state, so it will
_______________ the extra energy in the form of
_____________and return to the __________ state
Rules that help us understand the behavior of electrons:
__________________________________________ Principle: The exact position and momentum of
an object can not be determined at the same time
________________________________ Principle: says that no two electrons within an atom can
have the same four quantum numbers. (two electrons in the same orbital MUST have opposite spin)
__________________ Principle: Electrons occupy orbitals of lower energy first.
_______________ Rule: electrons will fill empty orbitals of equal energy before pairing up with
opposite spins.
Electrons exist in orbitals. An orbital is a region of space within an atom where
the electron is most likely to be found.
Each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons at most.
We describe orbitals using 4 values which give the most “probable location” ot it.
The energy level indicates the distance from the nucleus. Can have a value
from 1 to 7
The sub-level tells the shape of the orbital. Below are the possible sublevels….