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Latin Worksheet Chapter 10: Vocab, Grammar, Translation

Worksheet for Chapter 10
Name: ________________________
A. Translate these words
1. Interea
2. Alius
3. Cista
4. Gerit
5. ponere
6. in Itinere
7. Iubet
8. Liberi
9. Gerere solent
10. Ipse
11. Stat
12. Cras
13. Via
14. Habet
15. Scelestus
16. Baculum
17. Incitat
18. Raeda
19. Servus quidam
20. Paratus
21. Raedarius
22. Iacit
23. Equus
24. Ubi
25. Eo ipso tempore
B. Give the nominative form of each of these words and then write the gender of each word.
1. Tree:
7. Mother:
2. City:
8. Father:
3. Crash:
9. Emperor: __________________
4. Day:
10. Voice:
5. Shout:
11. Doorkeeper: __________________
6. Father:
C. For the following words tell what declension an adjective describing them would be in.
1. Tree:
7. Mother:
2. City:
8. Father:
3. Crash:
9. Emperor: __________________
4. Day:
10. Voice:
5. Shout:
11. Doorkeeper: __________________
6. Father:
D. Translate the following words as direct objects and put the adjective warm with each one.
1. Tree:
7. Mother:
2. City:
8. Father:
3. Crash:
9. Emperor: __________________
4. Day:
10. Voice:
5. Shout:
11. Doorkeeper: __________________
6. Father:
E. Write Acc or Abl for each of the following words
1. Prope: __________________
9. From:
2. In (latin):__________________
10. Toward:
3. Ad:
11. Near:
4. Sub:
12. Under:
5. Per:
13. In:
6. Ex:
14. Into:
7. E:
15. On:
8. To:
16: Out of:
F. Translate each of the following. Make sure you use the correct ending.
1. To the door:
2. In the house:
3. On the horse:
4. Under the tree:
5. At the stream:
6. To Father:
7. Under water:
8. Out of the fields:
9. Near the city:
10. Into the coach:
G. Using Dialogue! Translate the following story. Make sure you use the vocative.
“Hello, Cornelia, do you see the
boys?” says Flavia.
“The boys are annoying, Flavia. I
want to throw them into the fishpond.”
Flavia laughs. “Mother does not
like when we throw the boys into the
H. Write the vocative of each of the following.
1. Cornelia:
2. My son:
3. Father:
4. Slave:
5. Boys:
6. Girls:
7. Mother:
I. Translate each of the following sentences. They all contain the vocative.
1. Mother, I clean the bedroom. __________________________________________
2. Flavia, do you like the boys? ____________________________________(Yes or
no question)
3. Why do you not like to climb the tree, Sextus? ____________________________
4. You are very lazy, slaves. Why do you not work hard? _____________________
5. Marcus, I am your father. _____________________________________________
6. Why are you still sleeping, my son? ____________________________________
J. Write the Ablative (singular and plural) forms for each of the words.
1. Girl:
____________________ _____________________
2. Mother:
3. Day:
4. Crash:
5. Bedroom:
6. Slave-woman: ____________________
7. Letter:
8. Time:
9. Doorkeeper:
10. Branch:
11. Stick:
12. Coachman:
13. Tree:
14. Children:
15. Horse:
K. Translate the following story (Taken from Latin is Fun)
Tiberius et Claudius in oppido parvo habitant.
Tiberius in casa prope Claudii casam habitat. Est via
angusta inter casas, ubi pueri saepe ludunt, dum avus et
avia in subsellio sedent. Est alia via ante casas. Via est
lata et longa. Hodie est equus cum plaustro in via. In
plaustro sunt multa poma: mala, cerasa, uvae, pira. Sed
ubi est pomarius? Est in foro.
Tiberius et Claudius e casā veniunt et trans viam
ad equum et plaustrum ambulant. Deinde Tiberius in
plaustrum conscendit et unum cerasum gustat. “Ceresum
est suave!” exclamat Tiberius, et de plaustro salit.
Tunc maxime pomarius e foro ad plaustrum
ambulat et clamat: “Pueri, pueri, si vos poma in forum
pro me portabitis, mala vobis dabo.”
“Gratias,” clamant pueri, Deinde pueri poma in
forum pro pomario portant.
Translate: ____________________________________________
Oppido: Town
Parvus: Small
Casa: House
Claudii: Claudius’
Angustus: Narrow
Ludunt: Play
Avus: Grandfather
Subsellio: Bench
Lata: Broad, wide
Plaustrum: Wagon
Multa poma: Much fruit
Māla: Apple
Cerasa: Cherry
Pira: Pear
Uva: Grape
Pomarius: Fruit seller
Conscendit: Climbs
Gustat: Taste
Suavis: Delicious
Salit: Jumps
Tunc maxime: Just then
Forum: Marketplace, forum
Pro me: For me
Vobis dabo: I’ll give you
L. The following questions are from the above story. Answer each question (IN LATIN)
you must answer with a preposition and an object.
1. Ubi Tiberius et Claudius habitant? _____________________________________
2. Ubi est casa Tiberii? ________________________________________________
3. Ubi est via angusta? ________________________________________________
4. Ubi est via lata et longa? ____________________________________________
5. Ubi pueri saepe ludunt? _____________________________________________
6. Ubi sunt avus et avia? ______________________________________________
7. Ubi est equus? ____________________________________________________
8. Ubi sunt multa poma? ______________________________________________
9. Ubi est pomarius? _________________________________________________
M. Circle the Person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) and Number (Singular or Plural) of each verb
following; then write an English translation of the verb in the blank cell.
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
Translate to English
N. Circle the Person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) and Number (Singular or Plural) of each verb
following; then write a Latin translation of the verb in the blank cell
We seize
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
They work
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
You all help
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
They shout
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
I urge on
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
We love
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
You see
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
He holds
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
She cooks
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
I rouse
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
We hear
1st / 2nd / 3rd
Singular / Plural
Translate to Latin
O. First conjugation ends in –are. Second conjugation ends in –ēre. Write the endings of
each verb next to the subject pronouns.
1. I
2. You
3. He,
4. We
5. You
6. They ____________
They ____________
P. Third conjugation ends in –ere. Fourth conjugation ends in –īre. Write the endings of
each verb next to the subject pronouns.
– īre
1. I
2. You
3. He,
4. We
5. You
6. They ____________
They ____________
Q. Change the endings of the verbs so that their endings agree with the pronouns
1. Ego
_____________ ______________
2. Tu
_____________ ______________
3. Is, ea, id
_____________ ______________
4. Nos
_____________ ______________
5. Vos
_____________ ______________
6. Ei, eae, ea ____________
_____________ ______________
R. Change the endings of the verbs so that their endings agree with the pronouns
1. Ego
_____________ ______________
2. Tu
_____________ ______________
3. Is, ea, id
_____________ ______________
4. Nos
_____________ ______________
5. Vos
_____________ ______________
6. Ei, eae, ea ____________
_____________ ______________
S. Write out the 3rd conjugation and then circle the only differences between the original and
the –io case.
-ere (-io)
T. Write the 1st Person singular and the infinitive of each of the following verbs.
1. Tries:
_______________________ _____________________
2. Writes:
_______________________ _____________________
3. Sleeps:
_______________________ _____________________
4. Holds:
_______________________ _____________________
5. Goes away:
_______________________ _____________________
6. Stay:
_______________________ _____________________
7. Wake up:
_______________________ _____________________
8. Enters:
_______________________ _____________________
9. Puts on:
_______________________ _____________________
10. Says:
_______________________ _____________________
11. Works:
_______________________ _____________________
12. Greets:
_______________________ _____________________
13. Go:
_______________________ _____________________
14. Watches:
_______________________ _____________________
U. Write which conjugation the following verbs belong to.
1. Tries:
2. Writes:
3. Sleeps:
4. Holds:
5. Goes away:
6. Stay:
7. Wake up:
8. Enters:
9. Puts on:
10. Says:
11. Works:
12. Greets:
13. Go:
14. Watches:
15. Hear:
V. Write the (singular and plural) Imperative mood for each of the following. And then
translate (include the exclamation mark for each translation)
i. Send:
1. Tries:
_________________ _________________
2. Writes:
_________________ _________________
3. Sleeps:
_________________ _________________
4. Holds:
_________________ _________________
5. Goes away:
_________________ _________________
6. Stay:
_________________ _________________
7. Wake up:
_________________ _________________
8. Enters:
_________________ _________________
9. Puts on:
_________________ _________________
10. Says:
_________________ _________________
11. Works:
_________________ _________________
12. Greets:
_________________ _________________
13. Go:
_________________ _________________
14. Watches:
_________________ _________________
15. Hear:
_________________ _________________
W. Rewrite the sentences, changing the imperatives from singular to plural. Translate!
1. Tene equis tuis: _________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
2. Sta prope villam: ___________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
3. Dic ad tuus patrem: _________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
4. Excipe me: ________________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
5. Cura agris: ________________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
6. Veni ad villam: ____________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
7. Responde Latine: ___________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
8. Duc me cistam: ____________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
9. Pone liberi in villam: ________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
10. Habe baculum: _____________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
11. Gere toga preatexa: _________________________________________________
translate: _________________________________________________________
X. In the following sentences choose either the singular or plural imperatives of each verb in
parentheses. (Hint: the noun in the vocative case will help you figure out if it is singular
or plural). Then translate.
1. Sexte, (ponare) toga praetexa. ______________/ __________________________
2. Liberi, (purgare) cubiculum: _______________/ __________________________
3. Servi, (ducere) me ad patrem tuum: ______________/ ______________________
4. Puellae, (dicedere) nunc. ______________/ ______________________________
5. Senatores, (redire) ad Roma. ____________/ _____________________________
6. Pater, (spectare) pueros. _______________/______________________________
7. Nuntii, (tradere) espistulas ad patrem. ____________/ ______________________
8. Marce et Sexte, (audire) ad matrem. ____________/ _______________________
9. Puer, (scribere) epistulam. ______________/ _____________________________
10. Ancillae, (manēre) in villa. ______________/ ____________________________
11. Liberi, (tacēre). ______________/ _____________________________________
12. Molesti pueri, (abire). _______________/ _______________________________
13. Davus, (laborare) in agris. _____________/ ______________________________
14. Puella, (videre) magnam aborem _____________/ _________________________
15. Serve et ancilla (purgare) villam. _______________/ _______________________
16. Serve, (ferre) meum cistam. ______________/ ____________________________
Y. Noli and nolite are used when you are ordering someone NOT to do something. The verb
of the sentence is then put in the infinitive and proceeded by noli or nolite. Translate
each of the following sentences into Latin. FIRST underline the verb that will be in the
1. Children, do not sit in the fishpond. _____________________________________
2. Sextus, do not put the horses in the field. ________________________________
3. Do not work hard, Sextus. ____________________________________________
4. Do not, slaves and slave woman, sleep in the morning. _____________________
5. Boys, do not shout at Mother. _________________________________________
6. Marcus and Sextus, do not be annoying. _________________________________
7. Slave, do not speak to the father. _______________________________________
8. Davus, do not read. _________________________________________________
9. Girls, do not run in the garden. ________________________________________
10. Slave woman, do not wake the children. _________________________________
Z. Learn the meaning of these 15 words about school.
1. Schola
2. Spatiosa
3. Fenestram
4. Librarium
5. Popularis
6. Ante
7. Classis
8. Parvus
9. Studiosa
10. Discipulus
11. Subsellio
12. Feles
13. Ludo
14. Chartam
15. Calamum