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Biology & Astronomy Worksheet

_______5. Homeostasis is similarly happening to what kind of aqueous solution?
P. hypotonic
Y. icotonic
G. hypertonic
K. isotonic
_____7. He is considered as the last great ‘naked-eye’ astronomer and the best of them.
A. Tycho Brahe
C. Johannes Kepler
B. Galileo Galilei
D. Nicolaus Copernicus
_____8. In the solar system , what kind of orbit do planets follow as they revolve around the Sun?
D. rotational
C. spherical
B. elliptical
A. circular
_______2. The interaction of abiotic or physical factor such as sunlight, water, humidity, climate and
other is known as ___________.
B. ecosystem
T. community
C. biosphere
V. population
_______3. Which statement is true about cells?
D. Cell is the fundamental unit of all things
F. Cell is a group of atoms that working together
V. Cell is the unit of structure and function of an organism
T. Cell is a group of different living organism in a particular place.
_______5. He invented a microscope with a powerful magnification better from the first microscope?
R. Zacharias Janssen
U. Gay Lussacs
Q. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
A. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
_______4. The example shows adaptation of living organism in their environment EXCEPT
Y. chameleon does a camouflage
R. moth/butterfly mimics the eye of the owl
G. polar bear has a thick fur
M. tiger ate their prey
_______6. The human sperm cell has a tapered head containing the DNA and tail or flagellum
responsible for ________.
C. adaptation
B. locomotion
V. development
F. balance
_______7. The maintenance of a balance set of internal and external conditions within an organism
M. reproduction
S. homeostasis
R. cells
U. biology
_______9. Why the yellow and tall flower called as sun flower?
T. because of its color is like sun
H. because it looks like sun
X. because it grows only with presence of the sun
D. because it always face the sun
_______10. What is the bottom of Biological Organization?
P. cell
Z. molecules
H. atoms
X. organelle
_______1. All of the following are example of living organism, EXCEPT
T. yeast
U. chitin
O. bacteria
X. lichens
_______5. Which among the following statements is TRUE about multicellular organism?
A. Multicellular organisms have complex life functions
G. Multicellular are organism compose of one cell
F. Multicellular organism are considered primitive organism
B. Multicellular are present in all bacteria
_______6. What is the effect of exercise specifically to mitochondria?
H. decreases the number of mitochondria and eliminates toxics material
F. increases the number of mitochondria and provide more physical strength
R. decreases the number of mitochondria and provide more physical strength
C. increases the number of mitochondria and eliminates toxics material
_______7. Which among the following is the BEST description for the role of lysosomes?
Y. Produce ATP as a source of energy
Q. Eliminates the harmful and toxics from our body
W. Synthesize the protein for human growth and development
R. Serves as water storage for emergency
______10. Algae are organisms that are able to _____.
H. photosynthesize
L. live in extreme places
M. move
O. live in human body
______1. It is the control center and most obvious part of the cell seen under the microscope.
A. mitochondria
V. nucleus
B. ribosomes
Y. lysosomes
______2. Which among the following is the role of vacuole in the cell?
Q. stores water and toxins
Y. engulf unwanted particle
G. produce energy for the cell
W. serve as the cell framework
______3. What if difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic
W. rough ERs are made of large subunits while smooth ER made of small subunits
M. rough ER contain more water compare to smooth ER
G. rough ERs are piled up, and each pile is called smooth ER
P. rough ER there is ribosome attached unlike smooth ER
______10. In what cell organelle the DNA belong?
A. mitochondria
B. ribosomes
V. nucleus
Y. lysosomes