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Jainism Study Guide: Beliefs, Practices, and History

Values Lesson 8
Study guide
How do Jains define “Soul”? conscious (jiva)
To a Jain, a mosquito is worth the same as a human. (True/False)
Jains do not believe in god or gods therefore it is the human’s responsibility
to help himself (DIY). (True/False)
Jainism is a “self-help” religion (DIY). (True/False)
According to 2011 census of India, there were around how many million
Jains in India? 4.3 million
How many Jains live in England (Britain) today? 25,000 Jains
Who is Mahavira? The man who gave Jainism its present-day form
Is Mahavira the founder of Jainism? No
Like Buddhism, can Jain trace back their founder? No
Who is a tirthankara? Teachers who shows the way (in other religion called
them prophet)
What is the main task of the tirthankara? To teach the way to moksha or
Are tirthankaras an incarnation of a god or goddess? No
What can a Digambara Jain eat? Things that does not contain life or could
begin a new life (contain seed), like corn, carrot, and etc.
Can a Digambara Jain eat corn? No
Can a Svetambara Jain eat Tuna fish? Why? No, because tuna fish have
souls and Jain consider that eating fish is like eating humans.
How long did Mahavira search for the truth before he was enlightened? 12
What is the meaning of the word “Maha-vira”? maha- great, vira-hero
Who do Jains Worship? God or Jinas (souls)? Jinas
What special language do the Jains use when they pray? Ardha Magadhi
How many monks did Mahavira establish before he died? 14,000 monks
Name one disciple of Mahavira. Jambu
Is Mahavira more of a reformer or founder of Jainism? reformer
Is it true that many people wrongly think that Mahavira is the founder of
Jainism. Yes
Who was the father of Mahavira? King Siddhartha
How old was Mahavira when he lost both of his parents? 29-30
Since Mahavira was a prince, which Hindu caste do you think he belonged
to? Kshatriya caste (warrior)
How old was Mahavira when he died? 72 years old
What type of religion is Jainism? Atheistic religion (no god)
Jains believe in Action rather than devotion. (True/False)
What is mahavira known for if he is not the founder of Jainism? The man
who gave Jainism its present-day form (made Jain popular)
31. After how long was he enlightened with the truth? 12 and a half years
32. How many monks and nuns did he establish before he died? 14,000 monks
and 36,000 nuns
33. One of his last disciples was able to receive enlightenment, what was his
name? Jambu
34. In which part of India Jainism grew and spread? Central and western parts
of India
35. In which century Jainism started to become unpopular? 19th century
36. Who revived Jainism in recent years? Atmaramji
37. What was Mahavira’s original name? Vardhamana
38. How many years did Mahavira teach his message to moksha? 30 years
39. Jains do not pray like how Christians pray. They pray to the Virtues (good
qualities) of a tirthankara. (True/False)
40. Jains do not believe in a god who can and will answer our prayers.
41. Though Jains do not believe in god, they still like to worship and pray.
42. If worship is futile, why then Jains worship at the temple? They got cultural
influence from Hindu temple and worship Virtues of good Souls
43. Who do Jains worship when they go to the temple? Souls of tirthankaras
44. To whom do Jains pray? Jains pray to the good soul of people
45. Since Jains do not believe in god or gods, who listen to their prayer? Divine
or perfect being
46. To whom do they ask forgiveness? Ask forgiveness to the soul
47. According to Jain philosophy, who is in-charge of Karma in our lives?
Nature (it is a Pantheistic philosophy)
48. How does the Karma get attached to our soul? By ignorance
49. How can Karma be detached from our lives according to Jain teaching?
Follow Ahimsa and the Vows to be liberated
50. What are the three Jewels of Jainism? Right faith, right knowledge, right
51. What is the main aim of Jain life? To achieve liberation of the soul
52. How do they reach the goal? Five vows
53. What do Jains say how a bad karma can be avoided? By good behavior and
by having the right mental state
54. Jains believe that there will be no more enlightenment after Mahavira in this
cycle. (True/False)
55. What is the literal translation of the word – Ahimsa? To be without harm
56. Who is a modern day promoter of Ahimsa? Mahatma Gandhi
57. Are all practicing Jains vegetarians? Yes
58. Why won’t a Jain eat produces that grow underground? They don’t eat
because if they pull out it causes them pain
59. How does medication go against Jain belief? Because it kills bacteria,
germs, pathogens, virus, etc.
60. In western religion, a tirthankara can be compared to a/an? Prophet
61. In this “present age” according to Jainism, how many tirthankaras have
come even though it’s hard to prove? 24 tirthankaras
62. What is the main objective of the tirthankar? To teach the way to moksha,
or liberation
63. Is tirthankar an incarnation of a god or goddess of an avatar? Tirthankar is
the teacher, not a god, Jains don’t believe in the existence of god or gods
64. Digambara Jains believe that Malli was a man. (True/False)
65. Whish of these Jain sects do you think is liberal and which is the
conservative sect? digambara-conservative, svetambara-liberal
66. Even though Jains do not believe in God, what do they regard as gods?
Someone who is liberated or have received moksha
67. Jains believe that if the body is the container then the conscious being is?
68. Namaskara Sutra, a prayer done by Jains, to praise whom? Who reached
69. Who is associated with non-violence in modern time? Mahatma Gandhi
70. What argument Jains use to prove that there is no God or gods? Pain,
suffering, injustice, diseases, death, etc.
71. What was the fifth Jain principle that Mahavira added? Chasity
72. What term is used for the souls that have achieved liberation. Siddhas
Prove that Jainism is an Atheistic religion by listing few points from Jain
belief that proves they have rejected God.
• Not believe in God
• Believe in reincarnation and karma
• Suffering involve
• There’s no equal in caste
• Everything is created by itself (nature)
List and describe the four steps proposed by the Jains to help end the cycle
of reincarnation.
Short Answers
Compare and contrast the two sects of Jainism using a Venn diagram to
illustrate your points.
Digambara Jain
Svetambara Jain
- More conservative
- Both are vegetarians
- Quite liberal
- Believes that Malli
- Believes in Jinas or soul - Believes that Malli
was a man
- Both regard Mahavira
was a woman
- Male monks are
as a reformer
- Monks can be both
- Both promotes salvation
- More strict diet rules
by work or deeds
- Liberal dietary rules
List and explain the five vows (mahaviras) that the Jains must take.
1. Non-violence (ahimsa) : thou shall not kill
2. Non-attachment : thou shall not covet
3. Not lying : thou shall not lie
4. Not stealing : thou shall not steal
5. Chastity : thou shall not commit adultery
Explain the Symbol of Jain religion (the palm, wheel, ahimsa).
Three Jewels: right faith, right
knowledge, right conduct
Open palm: a reminder to
stop and consider all actions
The wheel, the symbol of the
cycle of death and rebirth
Liberated soul in its
elevated dwelling place
Four states the soul ay
live in: heaven, human,
animal, hell
The word “ahimsa” –
non-violence – the
principle by which Jains
Explain how self-denial and ahimsa can lead to salvation.
Ahimsa is nonviolence and self-denial is the act of separating oneself from
earthly possessions and desires. In this way, Ahimsa and self-denial allow a
person to become more in tune with the universe because Jains believe that
every living thing is imbued with the same kind of soul that is worth the
same. Therefore, damaging anything that is like oneself is considered an act
that is against the universe. Furthermore, material possession is never
permanent. Attachment to these things is ultimately unnecessary, so selfdenial helps the soul to move on into liberation.
Explain how believing in SOUL as a separate entity from body could raise
serious questions or even bring us more sorrow and even make us to hate
life. List and briefly explain each in the light of Genesis 3:4 to support your
1. Souls never die
2. Eternal soul (eternal curse)
3. Only handful of people were able to attain enlightenment, that means
the rest of us will suffer through eternity
4. Eternal means we are equal with God
5. All living things have same soul
6. If we are same we should treat with same respect
7. Only way to end suffering is eternal death (permanently)
8. Eternal death becomes the main objective for people to strive for
instead of eternal life
9. Death becomes more popular than life (life is bad)
10. Mock & ridicule god who is the creator & originator of life
11. God is the creator of life, satan is the destroyer
12. The destroyer becomes the hero for people who believe in eternal soul