Brock University Goodman School of Business Department of Finance, Operations, and Information Systems FNCE 4P04: Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management Fall 2019 Instructor: Mohamed A. Ayadi Office: GSB 475N Class Hours: M 7:00-10:00pm (SECTION 2) Office Hours: R 3:30-5:00 pm Tel.: 905-688-5550, ext. 3917 E-mail: Course Objectives This course provides an introduction to equity investments, markets, and instruments. Its main focus will be on common stocks by presenting financial theory and analytical tools and techniques for making and analyzing investment decisions. First, we describe the investment environment, financial markets, and instruments. Second, we examine the riskreturn tradeoff, optimal portfolio selection, asset pricing models, and market efficiency. Third, we explore theoretical and applied methodologies for stock analysis and valuation. Course Material Required Text Bodie, Z., A. Kane, A.J. Marcus, L.N. Switzer, D. Boyko, C. Panasian, and M. Stapleton, Investments, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 9th Canadian Edition, 2019. Supplementary (but optional) Texts Damodaran, Investment Valuation, University Edition, Wiley, 2012. DeFusco, R.A., D.W McLeavey, J.E. Pinto, D.E. Runkle, and M.G.P. Anson, Quantitative Investment Analysis, AIMR, 2015. Higgins, R.C., Analysis for Financial Management, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Eighth Edition, 2015. Nofsinger, J.R., The Psychology of Investing, Prentice-Hall, 2012. Malkiel, B.C., A Random Walk Down Wall Street, W.W. Norton & Company, 2015. Siegel, J.J., Stocks for the Long Run, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 2013. An important complement to class work is following the financial news. There are several sources of information: The National Post, The Globe and Mail, The Wall Street Journal, and The Financial Times. The Internet offers substantial information resources (available at the course web page). 1 Format This course is organized around the following modules: 1. Overview of Investment Environment, Financial Markets, and Instruments 2. Risk and Return, Asset Allocation, and Portfolio Theory 3. Asset Pricing Models and Market Efficiency 4. Security Analysis and Valuation 5. Fundamental and Technical Analyses Course Requirements and Expectations The course is quantitative and relies on analytical tools and economic theory. I will assume that you have a basic understanding of accounting, economics, algebra, and statistics. Students should prepare for class by completing all required readings in advance. This class is not easy. It requires a lot of work. I expect everyone in class to pay attention to what is going on in class, and to not distract others. Course Grading Your course grade will reflect your performance on two midterm exams, Connect Assignments, and one presentation/report with weights determined as follows: Group Presentation & Report 2 Midterm Exams (30% & 35%) Connect Assignments 20% 65% 15% The second midterm exam is cumulative. All exams are closed books but a sheet of formulas will be provided to you during exams. Each group of 3/4 students is required to make one presentation (maximum 20 minutes) on a finance topic assigned by the instructor. The presentation should deepen your understanding of the subject matter as well as help master the relevant methodologies. It is closely related to learning objectives/curriculum of the CFA. All presentations are made on the last week of classes. A detailed report that covers all discussed elements with a full list of references must be submitted 10 days after the presentation. Important Dates Reading Week (no classes): October 15 - 18, 2019 Thanksgiving (Holiday/University Closure): October 14, 2019 Tuesday, November 5, 2019 / Last day for withdrawal without academic penalty 2 Tentative Course Outline Week Topic Week 1: September 9 Introduction and Overview of Investment Environment, Financial Markets, and Instruments Week 2: September 16 Important Concepts in Investments Week 3: September 23 Market Structure, Security Trading, & IPOs Week 4: September 30 The Asset Allocation Decision and Portfolio Theory 1 Week 5: October 7 Midterm Exam 1 Week 6: October 21 The Asset Allocation Decision and Portfolio Theory 2 Week 7: October 28 Asset Pricing Models 1 Week 8: November 4 Asset Pricing Models 2 Week 9: November 11 Introduction to Security Analysis and Valuation Week 10: November 18 Midterm Exam 2 Week 11: November 25 Company Analysis, Stock Valuation, and Industry Analysis & Presentations Week 12: December 2 Presentations Note: The above course outline is tentative and may be subject to change as class progresses. In particular it is unlikely that we will have time to cover all of the above topics and so some deviation from the proposed outline of topics can be expected. If a midterm exam is not completed, the mark assigned to the exam will be zero except in the case of a valid excuse (illness, death of a close family member, etc.). In the case of a valid excuse the mark associated with the midterm exam will be re-assigned to the second midterm exam. 3 Connect (Online) Assignments: Approximately each week you will be assigned online lab sessions. You will complete and submit your lab assignments in Connect ( When you enter Connect, you will find the beginning and due dates for current lab assignments. Be sure to check Connect often in order to keep up to date with your Connect assignments. Each time you submit a lab, you will immediately receive your mark for the lab and explanations for incorrect answers. You may retry the lab as often as you wish prior to the due date. The questions will be different each time. The highest grade that you receive (not necessarily your last lab attempt) will count toward your lab grade. Each lab will be equally weighted, and your average lab mark overall will count for 15% of your course grade. No late submissions will be accepted. After the due dates, labs will be available to you for practicing without affecting your grade. Academic Integrity: “Because academic integrity is important to the well-being of the academic community, Brock University takes academic misconduct very seriously. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, which involves presenting the words and ideas of another person as if they were your own, and other forms of cheating such as copying answers or using crib notes during a test. The penalties for academic misconduct can be very severe. A grade of 0 may be given on the assignment or on the course, and a second offence may result in suspension from the University. Students are urged to read the section of the Brock University calendar that pertains to academic misconduct.” Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities: “As part of Brock University's commitment to a respectful work and learning environment, the University will make every reasonable effort to accommodate all members of the university community with disabilities. If you require academic accommodations related to a documented disability to participate in this course, you are encouraged to contact Services for Students with Disabilities in the Student Development Centre (4th floor Schmon Tower, ext. 3240). You are also encouraged to discuss any accommodations with the instructor well in advance of due dates and scheduled assessments.” Academic Accommodation due to Religious Obligations: “Brock University acknowledges the pluralistic nature of the undergraduate and graduate communities such that accommodations will be made for students who, by reason of religious obligation, must miss an examination, test, assignment deadline, laboratory or other compulsory academic event. Students requesting academic accommodation on the basis of religious obligation should make a formal, written request to their instructor(s) for alternative dates and/or means of satisfying requirements.” Medical Exemption Policy: “The University requires that a student be medically examined in Health Services, or by an offcampus physician prior to an absence due to medical reasons from an exam, lab, test, quiz, seminar, assignment, etc. Student Health Services will provide medical documentation only if: Medically warranted (i.e., a simple cold is not medically warranted). The student presents him/herself to Health Services before the exam. The student is seen in our office the day of the exam, lab, etc. If your medical condition requires special consideration for academic activity (e.g., missed seminars or labs, assignment extensions, or examination/test rescheduling) and is on a day or at a 4 time when Health Services is not open, then you must go to another medical facility to obtain the necessary written medical documentation, which is the completion of Brock University's Medical Certificate.” The Medical Certificate can be found at Rules for Classroom Conduct: ● Plan to arrive to class on time and to stay for the entire class period. If you must leave early, advise the instructor ahead of time. ● All cell phones and other electronic devices (e.g., mp3 players, iPods, iPads) must be turned off and hidden from view during class time. ● Laptop computers are allowed for (quiet) note taking only: i.e., other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. ● Chatting is not allowed during class. If you are confused, ask questions to your instructor, not your classmate. ● Food is not permitted in the classroom. ● Respect the feelings of your fellow students and refrain from any actions which could reasonably be expected to offend them. Use good manners and common sense. 5