NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 Issue: 1-0 Final Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Disclaimer The information in this document applies solely to the hardware/software product (“Product”) specified herein, and only as specified herein. This document is intended for use by Nokia' customers (“You”) only, and it may not be used except for the purposes defined in the agreement between You and Nokia (“Agreement”) under which this document is distributed. No part of this document may be used, copied, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia. If you have not entered into an Agreement applicable to the Product, or if that Agreement has expired or has been terminated, You may not use this document in any manner and You are obliged to return it to Nokia and destroy or delete any copies thereof. 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Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Table of Contents Contents 1 Sources of 3GPP XML format PM files.........................................................................................................4 2 File naming conventions................................................................................................................................ 5 3 3GPP XML format PM folder structure conventions................................................................................... 7 4 XML schema-based file format description................................................................................................10 4.1 XML diagram of measurement collection data file................................................................................. 10 4.2 XML schema of measurement collection data file..................................................................................11 4.3 XML Tag Semantics................................................................................................................................ 15 5 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file...................................................................................................... 18 5.1 Raw PM data export............................................................................................................................... 18 5.2 Aggregation PM data export................................................................................................................... 19 5.3 KPI PM data export................................................................................................................................ 20 NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 3 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Sources of 3GPP XML format PM files 1 Sources of 3GPP XML format PM files 3GPP XML format performance management (PM) files can be generated from the following three sources: • Raw PM data received from network elements 3GPP XML format PM NBI can export PM data based on the raw data received from network elements. The export interval is the same as the interval of exporting data from network elements to NetAct. • Aggregated PM data Aggregated PM data is generated in a configured interval based on raw PM data stored in NetAct database. For real time performance management (RTPM) data which is generated every minute, it is recommended to use aggregation function to reduce the number of exported files. Otherwise lots of small files will pile up in the disk within a short time, and this might lead to the loss of files because 3GPP XML format PM NBI might not be able to transfer them in time. CSCF, OneNDS, PCS, HSSFE and OneAAA are examples of RTPM capable elements. • Key performance indicator (KPI) data 3GPP XML format PM NBI can export PM data of the KPI reports created in Performance Manager. The data is generated in a configured interval based on PM data stored in NetAct database. NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 4 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 File naming conventions 2 File naming conventions This section describes the naming convention of 3GPP PM files. The following convention is applied for file naming according to the 3GPP standard TS 32.342 V10.0.0 Annex A. <managementData_type><file_ready_date><file_ready_time><file_expiration_delta_time> [<specificIRP_extension>][<separator><RC>].xml[.gz] Note: The time mentioned in each field is NetAct local time which may be another one than network element time. The field inside <> is mandatory while the field inside [] is optional. 1. managementData_type is the type of the management data contained in the file. For example, "PM" refers to performance management data. 2. file_ready_date is the date when the file was made available for upload and it is in the format YYYYMMDD. • YYYY is the year in four-digit notation. • MM is the month in two-digit notation (01 - 12). • DD is the day in two-digit notation (01 - 31). 3. file_ready_time is the time when the file was made available for upload and it is in the format HHMMshhmm. • HH is the hour of a day in two-digit notation (local time), and it is based on 24 hour clock (00 - 23). • MM is the minute of an hour in two-digit notation (local time, 00-59). • s is the sign of the local time difference from UTC (+ or -). In case the time difference from UTC is 0, the sign may be arbitrarily set to "+" or "-". • hh is the hour in two-digit notation of the local time difference from UTC (00 - 23). • mm is the minute in two-digit notation of the local time difference from UTC (00 - 59). 4. file_expiration_delta_time is the number of hours after which the file is automatically removed. 5. specificIRP_extension is the managed object class (MOC) of the network element from which the measurement data is generated. 6. RC is a running count, starting with the value "1", appended only if the filename is not unique. For example, more than one file is generated and all other parameters of the file name are identical. 7. The separator is "_-_", which is an underscore "_", followed by a minus "-", and followed by an underscore "_". 8. ".xml" is the file extension. ".gz" will be appended if Configurable items in Configuring NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface is enable. For example: PM201308081034+030096CSCF_-_1.xml.gz NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 5 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 File naming conventions It means 3GPP XML format PM file for CSCF, generated on Aug 8, 2013 at 10:34 (NetAct local time). The location has a time difference of +03 hours and 0 minute from UTC, and the file expiration delta time is 96 hours. It will be deleted automatically after 96 hours which is 10:33 Aug 12, 2013. There is already a file named "PM201308081034+030096CSCF.xml", so a running count "1" is added. NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 6 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 3GPP XML format PM folder structure conventions 3 3GPP XML format PM folder structure conventions This section describes the structure convention of folders which are used to store 3GPP XML format PM files. New folders are created only if at least one new 3GPP XML format PM file has been generated for the corresponding time interval. /home/<user>/pm/<vm_hostname>[/data_type][/MOC]/ <folder_create_date><folder_create_time>_<folder_expiration_delta_time> 1. user is the name of the user which is used to download 3GPP files through sFTP or FTP. Possible values are: ftirpuser, ftirpuser2, and ftirpuser3. 2. vm_hostname is the name of NetAct VM where the nbi3gcpm service is running. 3. data_type is the name of dedicated folders used to distinguish different data types. Possible values are: raw, aggregation, kpi and regeneration. "regeneration" folder is used to store aggregation or kpi data which is generated by regeneration script. For more information about regeneration, see Exporting 3GPP XML Format PM files in Functional Specification for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface. This folder is optional. It can be configured through the com.nsn.oss.nbi.ftp.splitsubfolder configurable item in the /etc/opt/oss/global/ nbi3gcpm/conf/mf-conf/ file. 4. folder_create_date is the NetAct local date when the folder was created, and it is in the format YYYYMMDD. • YYYY is the year in four-digit notation. • MM is the month in two-digit notation (01 - 12). • DD is the day in two-digit notation (01 - 31). 5. MOC is the agent MO class. 3GPP files belong to the MOC are stored in this folder. This folder is optional. It can be configured through the com.nsn.oss.nbi.ftp.moc.subfolder configurable item in the /etc/opt/oss/global/nbi3gcpm/conf/mf-conf/ file. 6. folder_create_time is the NetAct local time when the folder was created, and it is in the format HHMM. • HH is the hour of a day in two-digit notation (local time), and it is based on 24 hour clock (00 23). • MM is the minute of an hour in two-digit notation. 7. folder_expiration_delta_time is the number of hours after which the folder is automatically removed. It can be configured through the configurable item com.nsn.oss.nbi.ftirp.3gpp.expirationDelta in /etc/opt/oss/global/nbi3gcpm/conf/mf-conf/ file. The following is a folder structure example when MOC and data_type are enabled. /home/ftirpuser/pm/ NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 7 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 3GPP XML format PM folder structure conventions |_ vm13/ |_ raw/ |_ BSC |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300601+030096BSC.xml |_ PM201407300601+030096BSC_-_1.xml |_ 201407300630_96/ |_ PM201407300635+030096BSC.xml |_ JUNIPER |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300601+030096JUNIPER.xml |_ 201407300630_96/ |_ PM201407300636+030096JUNIPER.xml |_ aggregation/ |_ HSSFE |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300604+030096HSSFE.xml |_ CSCF |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300605+030096CSCF.xml |_ kpi/ |_ HSSFE |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300605+030096HSSFE.xml |_ vm14/ |_ raw |_ BSC |_ 2014073000600_96/ |_ PM201407300601+030096BSC_-_2.xml |_ PM201407300603+030096BSC.xml |_ PM201407300603+030096BSC_-_1.xml |_ 201407300630_96/ |_ PM201407300635+03009BSC_-_1.xml |_ aggregation/ |_ NTHLRFE |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300605+030096NTHLRFE.xml |_ kpi/ |_ HSSFE |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300606+030096HSSFE.xml |_ regeneration/ |_ aggregation/ NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 8 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 3GPP XML format PM folder structure conventions |_ NTHLRFE |_ 201407300600_96/ |_ PM201407300605+030096NTHLRFE_-_1.xml |_ PM201407300607+030096NTHLRFE.xml |_ kpi/ |_ HSSFE |_ 201407300630_96/ |_ PM201407300633+030096HSSFE.xml NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 9 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML schema-based file format description 4 XML schema-based file format description This section describes the XML element structure, XML schema of the measurement collection data file and the semantics of each tag in the file. 4.1 XML diagram of measurement collection data file Figure 1: XML diagram of measurement collection data file NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 10 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final DN09178156 1-0 © 2019 Nokia XML schema-based file format description 11 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML schema-based file format description 4.2 XML schema of measurement collection data file The following XML schema measCollec.xsd is the schema for measurement collection data files. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-3GPP TS 32.435 Performance Measurement XML file format definition data file XML schema measCollec.xsd --> <schema targetNamespace= " series/32.435#measCollec" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="http:/ /" xmlns:mc= " archive/32_series/32.435#measCollec" > <!-- Measurement collection data file root XML element --> <element name="measCollecFile"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="fileHeader"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="fileSender"> <complexType> <attribute name="localDn" type="string" use="optional"/> <attribute name="elementType" type="string" use="optional"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="measCollec"> <complexType> <attribute name="beginTime" type="dateTime" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> </sequence> <attribute name="fileFormatVersion" type="string" use="required"/> <attribute name="vendorName" type="string" use="optional"/> <attribute name="dnPrefix" type="string" use="optional"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="measData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="managedElement"> <complexType> <attribute name="localDn" type="string" use="optional"/> <attribute name="userLabel" type="string" use="optional"/> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 12 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML schema-based file format description <attribute name="swVersion" type="string" use="optional"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="measInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="job" minOccurs="0"> <complexType> <attribute name="jobId" type="string" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="granPeriod"> <complexType> <attribute name="duration" type="duration" use="required"/> <attribute name="endTime" type="dateTime" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="repPeriod" minOccurs="0"> <complexType> <attribute name="duration" type="duration" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> <choice> <element name="measTypes"> <simpleType> <list itemType="Name"/> </simpleType> </element> <element name="measType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <complexType> <simpleContent> <extension base="Name"> <attribute name="p" type="positiveInteger" use="required"/> </extension> </simpleContent> </complexType> </element> </choice> <element name="measValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <complexType> <sequence> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 13 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML schema-based file format description <choice> <element name="measResults"> <simpleType> <list itemType="mc:measResultType"/> </simpleType> </element> <element name="r" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <complexType> <simpleContent> <extension base="mc:measResultType"> <attribute name="p" type="positiveInteger" use="required"/> </extension> </simpleContent> </complexType> </element> </choice> <element name="suspect" type="boolean" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <attribute name="measObjLdn" type="string" use="required"/> <attribute name="optionalInformation" type="string" use="optional"/> </complexType> </element> </sequence> <attribute name="measInfoId" type="string" use="optional"/> </complexType> </element> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="fileFooter"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="measCollec"> <complexType> <attribute name="endTime" type="dateTime" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </sequence> </complexType> </element> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 14 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML schema-based file format description <simpleType name="measResultType"> <union memberTypes="float"> <simpleType> <restriction base="string"> <enumeration value="NIL"/> </restriction> </simpleType> </union> </simpleType> </schema> 4.3 XML Tag Semantics The following table shows the semantics of the XML tags. XML tags measCollecFile Semantics xmlns fileHeader fileFormatVersion 32.435 V10.0 vendorName Nokia Networks fileSender elementType The managed object class of the network element from which the measurement data is generated. It has the same value as the value of specificIRP_extension in filename. For example: elementType="CSCF". measCollec beginTime The local time of the NetAct and the difference to UTC. For example, 2014-04-10T11:00:00+03:00. For RAW data, it is the earliest start time of the measurements collection on network element. For aggregation, it is the start time of report execution. For KPI, it is the earliest time of collecting PM data in the corresponding time window. measData managedElement measInfo XML node. No value for this node. measInfoId For RAW and aggregation data, it is the identifier of the measurement type. For KPI data, the value is based on the configuration item com. in the /etc/ opt/oss/global/nbi3gcpm/conf/mf-conf/nbi3gcpm. properties file. For KPI measurement data, it depends on the selected values ties. If the value of this item is true, the value of measInfoId is KPI report name. If the value of this item is false, the value of measInfoId is empty, for example, measInfoId="NETWORK" or measInfoId="". granPeriod duration Measurement collection period. The format is PTnS. For example, PT900S means collection period is 900 seconds. NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 15 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML tags XML schema-based file format description Semantics For KPI reports, the value is empty if Time Level is selected as RAW in Performance Manager application. For example, duration="". endTime The local time of the NetAct and the difference to UTC. For example, 2014-04-10T11:00:00+03:00. For RAW data, it is the end time of the measurement collection period on network element. For aggregation data, it is the end time of report execution. For KPI measurement data, it depends on the selected values Time Level and Time Type of the current KPI report created with the Performance Manager application. It is empty when the value of Time Level is selected as RAW. repPeriod duration 3GPP XML format PM data export interval. The format is PTnS. For example, PT900S means export interval is 900 seconds. measTypes List all counters of the measurement in measInfoId. For KPI reports, it also can be the KPI name created in Performance Manager application. measValue measObjLdn It is the DN of the object representing the measured network resource. For example, for measurement with single dimension, measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCFLCC-1/CSCF-101/ BRM-cscf5"; for measurement with multiple dimensions, measObjLdn="PLMN-1/NDS_ADM_ NODE-1,index=counterIndex-\proc". Note: For measurement with multiple dimensions, the first part is the identifier of network_element dimension which is measObjLdn="PLMN-1/NDS_ADM_NODE-1 in the above example. Other dimensions are appended in format "dimension name=identifier" like index=counterIndex-\proc in the above example, using comma (,) as separator character. If comma (,) or equal mark (=) is part of the DN, you can use single quotation marks to surround the DN after you configure com. item in /etc/opt/oss/ global/nbi3gcpm/conf/mf-conf/ file. For example, measObjLdn="'PLMN-1/NDS_ADM_NODEStreet,Town',index='counterIndex-\proc'". For more information about item, see Configurable items in Configuring NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface. measResults List all counters values of the measurement in measInfoId, for example, 100.1 200 300.1234. The decimal digit for this value is configurable and the default decimal digit is 4. For more informa- NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 16 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 XML tags XML schema-based file format description Semantics tion on configuring the decimal digit, see Configurable items in Configuring NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface. optionalInformation It is used to contain the enrichment information. This attribute is optional, and by default it does not exist in PM unless object information enrichment function is enabled. When enrichment is enabled, the value of optionalInformation attribute contains object related information in fixed order (objectName, longitude, latitude, altitude, siteName, siteAddress and maintenanceRegion), is separated by a separator. The enrichment-disabled fields do not exist in the attribute value. suspect The suspect element is used as an indication of quality of RAW data. This element is added in 3GPP PM file if the RAW data is not reliable, and the value of the suspect element is true. For more information, see Configuring PM data reliability in Configuring NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface. fileFooter measCollec endTime The local time of the NetAct and the difference to UTC. For example, 2014-04-10T11:00:00+03:00. For RAW data, it is the latest end time of the measurements collection on network element. For aggregation, it is the last end time of report execution. For KPI, it is the latest time of collecting PM data in the corresponding time window. It is empty if the values of endTime of granPeriod are empty. Table 1: XML Tag Semantics NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 17 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file 5 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file 5.1 Raw PM data export PM201402170302+020096BSC.xml.gz located at /home/ftirpuser/pm/vm13/ raw/201402170300_96 is an example of 3GPP XML format PM file for raw PM data export. Below is the content of this file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <measCollecFile xmlns=" 32.435#measCollec"> <fileHeader fileFormatVersion="32.435 V10.0" vendorName="Nokia Networks"> <fileSender elementType="BSC"/> <measCollec beginTime="2014-02-17T02:00:00+02:00"/> </fileHeader> <measData> <managedElement/> <measInfo measInfoId="PSA"> <granPeriod duration="PT3600S" endTime="2014-0217T03:00:00+02:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>c113000 c113001 c113002 c113003 c113004 c113005 c113006 c113007 c113008 c113009</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/BSC-244964/BCF-2820/BTS2823,seg_topo=SEG-2823"> <measResults>0 0 0 0 0 0 180000 2160000 0 0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> <measInfo measInfoId="CSWABIS"> <granPeriod duration="PT3600S" endTime="2014-0217T03:00:00+02:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>c121000 c121001 c121002 c121003</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/BSC-244964/CSDAP-1"> <measResults>16 0 179 0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> </measData> <fileFooter> <measCollec endTime="2014-02-17T03:00:00+02:00"/> </fileFooter> </measCollecFile> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 18 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file 5.2 Aggregation PM data export PM201407152120+030096CSCF.xml.gz located at /home/ftirpuser/pm/vm13/ aggregation/201407152100_96 is an example of 3GPP XML format PM file for aggregation PM data export. Below is the content of this file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <measCollecFile xmlns=" 32.435#measCollec"> <fileHeader fileFormatVersion="32.435 V10.0" vendorName="Nokia Networks"> <fileSender elementType="CSCF"/> <measCollec beginTime="2014-07-15T21:00:00+03:00"/> </fileHeader> <measData> <managedElement/> <measInfo measInfoId="IBCF1"> <granPeriod duration="PT900S" endTime="2014-0715T21:15:00+03:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT900S"/> <measTypes>SipNFY2xxSentCntr SipOrigInviteRecCntr FailSessionOrig486 GqSessMoreMedia AnsSessionTerm OrigInv407RespSent GqSessTwoMedia CurrSubsCntr SipRejectedMethCntr GqNisrPdfResTOErr SipRegisterRecCntr SipConfigMethRecCntr GqRAReqRecCntr SipTermSessSetupDur FailSessionOrig603 GqSessPdfLost ErrMsgSemCntr GqSessSetupAttSBC SipMSG2xxSentCntr GqRelAfterASR SipMessageRecCntr SipSUB2xxSentCntr GqSessOneMedia GqSessSuccessful SipTermSessDurCtr FailSessionTerm486 SipOrigSessSetupDur SipSuccSessTermCntr GqSess200okTO CurrInvDlgCntr_CE_02 GqSessSetupAttempt CurrInvDlgCntr_ CE_01 SipOrigSessDurCtr FailSessionTerm603 GqAAReqSentCntr SipAccSessLengthCntr SipOrigSess407Dur GqNisrPdfResourceErr GqNisrBwResErr EarlySessSetupAttCtr SipInviteRecCntr AnsSessionOrig GqSessSuccessful_SBC SipTermInviteRecCntr GqSTReqSentCntr SuccSessionTerm GqNisrSdpErr ErrSipBranchFaultCntr GqNisrPdfSelectionErr SipSessSetupSuccCntr CurrFullyRegUsersCntr EarlySessSetupSuccCtr CurrSubsCntr_CE_01 CurrSubsCntr_CE_02 SipSubscribeRecCntr SipByeRecCntr GqSessGuardTO GqNisrLOB GqNisrSdpIpAdrErr GqASReqRecCntr GqNisrPdfOverload CurrTransCntr GqSess2ndPDF GqRelAfterLOB CurrInvDlgCntr SipNotifyRecCntr GqNisrASR CurrTransCntr_CE_01 CurrTransCntr_CE_02 SuccSessionOrig SipConfigMethSentCntr</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCF-1/IBCF-0"> <measResults>16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 1235.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049. 0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 1235.0 16049.0 1235. 0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049. 0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049. NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 19 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file 0 1235.0 16049.0 1235.0 1235.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049.0 16049. 0 16049.0 16049.0 1235.0 16049.0 16049.0 1235.0 16049.0 16049.0 1235.0 1235.0 16049.0 16049.0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> </measData> <fileFooter> <measCollec endTime="2014-07-15T21:15:00+03:00"/> </fileFooter> </measCollecFile> 5.3 KPI PM data export PM201407011205+030096CSCF.xml.gz located at home/ftirpuser/pm/vm13/ kpi/201407011200_96 is an example of 3GPP XML format PM file for KPI PM data export when Time Level is selected as 15MINAGG and Time Type is selected as Hour. Below is the content of this file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <measCollecFile xmlns=" 32.435#measCollec"> <fileHeader fileFormatVersion="32.435 V10.0" vendorName="Nokia Networks"> <fileSender elementType="CSCF"/> <measCollec beginTime="2014-07-01T11:00:00+03:00"/> </fileHeader> <measData> <managedElement/> <measInfo measInfoId="cscf_yyy"> <granPeriod duration="PT900S" endTime="2014-0701T11:15:00+03:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>cscf_name</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCF-2"> <measResults>1235.0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> <measInfo measInfoId="cscf_yyy"> <granPeriod duration="PT900S" endTime="2014-0701T11:30:00+03:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>cscf_name</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCF-2"> <measResults>1235.0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> <measInfo measInfoId="cscf_yyy"> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 20 Schema for NetAct 3GPP XML Format PM Northbound Interface DN09178156 1-0 Examples of 3GPP XML format PM file <granPeriod duration="PT900S" endTime="2014-0701T11:45:00+03:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>cscf_name</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCF-2"> <measResults>1235.0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> <measInfo measInfoId="cscf_yyy"> <granPeriod duration="PT900S" endTime="2014-0701T12:00:00+03:00"/> <repPeriod duration="PT3600S"/> <measTypes>cscf_name</measTypes> <measValue measObjLdn="PLMN-PLMN/CSCF-2"> <measResults>1235.0</measResults> </measValue> </measInfo> </measData> <fileFooter> <measCollec endTime="2014-07-01T12:00:00+03:00"/> </fileFooter> </measCollecFile> NetAct™ 18A SP1902 Final © 2019 Nokia 21