Downloaded from: Popularization of vegetarianism becomes an important element in the modern world. More and more people are joining such style of life. Every day millions of those, who prefer eating vegetables and fruits, decide to choose vegan or vegetarian diets. The reason for this is the fact that such diets are more beneficial for human health. As a special system of nutrition, it requires limitation in some type of food, but it doesn't mean that vegetarian dishes are tasteless. Healthy Dish Club takes care of people, who choose such diets and make the best healthy recipes available online for them. Healthy Dish Club is an online service for the wide range of easy healthy recipes collection for the whole family. This website offers vegetarian recipes, weight loss recipes, national cuisine from lots of countries and useful tips. There is a possibility to register and become a part of the service. This will allow users to expand their capabilities by adding own healthy food recipes or advice in the field of beauty and health, housekeeping, children and cookery. The website is very convenient and easy to use.