CHRD 692 – PLAY THERAPY TECHNIQUES PLAY SESSION OBSERVATION DATE: ____________________ COUNSELOR/STUDENT: _____________________________________________________________ CHILD (FIRST NAME)/AGE: _________________________ / __________ I. SUBJECTIVE Underline all feelings including caplitalized words, either expressed directly or through a toy (write toy above feeling); circle predominant feeling(s) HAPPY: relieved, satisfied, pleased, delighted, excited, surprised, silly, free ANGRY: impatient, annoyed, frustrated, mad, mean, jealous CONFIDENT: proud, strong, powerful, determined CURIOUS: interested, focused SAD: disappointed, hopeless, pessimistic, discouraged, lonely, ashamed AFRAID: vulnerable, helpless, distrustful, anxious, fearful, scared, terrified HESITANT: timid, confused, nervous, embarassed FLAT: contained, ambiguous, restricted II. OBJECTIVE: A. TOYS/PLAY BEHAVIOR: CIRCLE specific toys used (not category), give brief description of play. In blank, indicate meaningful/sustained play with an “*”, indicate play disruptions as “PD”, and indicate therapist initiated activity as “TH” ___ hammer/log/woodworking ___ sandbox/water/sink ___ theater/puppets ___ kitchen/cooking/food ___easel/paint/chalkboard ___ bean bag/pillows/sheet/blankets ___ dress up: clothes/fabrics/shoes/jewelry/hats/masks/want ___crafts/clay/markers ___ doll house/dolly family/bottle/pacifier/baby ___ cash register/money/phone ___camera/flashlight ___medical kit/bandages ___musical instruments Adapted from Green 2013; Bratton & Homeyer, 2002 ___ games/blowing/ring toss/balls ___ cars/trucks/bus/emergency vehicles/planes/boats/riding car ___ animals: domestic/zoo/alligator/dinosaurs/shark/snake ___ soldiers/guns/knife/sword/handcuffs/rope ___constructive toys/blocks/barricade ___ sandtray/miniatures B. SIGNIFIACNT VERBALIZATION: CH=Child Imitated; TH=Therapist Initiated C. LIMITS SET: Write limits set beside the RATIONALE (ex: threw sand on floor) and in the blank indicate # of times limit set. If consequence and/or ultimate limit was set in response to broken limit, note. ___ Protect Child (Physical and/or emotional safety) ___ Protect therapist and/or maintain therapist acceptance/relationship ___ Protect room/Toys ___ Structuring ___ Reality Testing ASSESSMENT: GENERAL IMPRESSION: III. A. DYNAMICS OF SESSION: Rate child’s overall play behavior Child’s Activity Level (LOW) Intensity of Play (LOW) Inclusion of Counselor (LOW) Destructive Mess/Chaotic/Disorganized B. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 Child’s Activity Level (HIGH) Intensity of Play (HIGH) Inclusion of Counselor (HIGH) Constructive Neat/Orderly PLAY THEMES: Underline all that apply, including capitalized words and describe how themes was played out. Circle predominant theme(s) EXPLORATORY: (not a true play theme – rather the way child gets comfortable and familiar with space) RELATIONSHIP: connecting/trust/approval seeking/manipulative/collaborative/testing limits POWER/CONTROL: HELPLESS/INADEQUATE: AGGRESSION/REVENGE: SAFETY/SECURITY: MASTERY: deconstructing/constructive/competency/integration/resolution Adapted from Green 2013; Bratton & Homeyer, 2002 NURTURING: self-care/reparative/healing DEATH/LOSS/GRIEVING: SEXUALIZED: OTHER: C. OVERALL, CHILD’S BEHAVIOR/AFFECT WAS: MALADAPTIVE/NON-COPING Sad/depressed/angry/fearful Anxious/insecure Dependent/clingy/needy Immature/regressed/hypermature Low frustration tolerance External locus of control Impulsive/easily distracted Inhibited/constricted Isolated/detached ADAPTIVE/COPING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Content/satisfied (appropriate affect) Confident/secure Autonomous/Independent Age Appropriate High frustration tolerance Internal locus of control Purposeful/focused Creative/expressive/spontaneous/free Connected/Sense of belonging D. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CLIENT AND CLIENT’S PROGRESS BASED ON THEORETICAL ORIENTATION: IV. PLANS / RECOMMENDATIONS: check all that apply ___ Parent consult ___ Family session ___ Professional consult: Psychiatrist, pediatrician ___ Sibling session ___ Medication evaluation ___ Filial therapy ___ Psychological testing ___ Therapy for parent(s) ___ School consult ___ Classroom observation ___ Request records: ___ Recommended parent resources: ___ Other plans/Recommendations: ___ Therapy for parent(s) Adapted from Green 2013; Bratton & Homeyer, 2002