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World Food Worksheet: Origins & Ingredients

World Food
The text below is hidden in the maze. Can you find it and answer the questions that follow?
Lasagna comes from Italy. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes, people add
eggplant. Omelet is popular in the UK. You can mix ham, onions, leeks and asparagus into the egg to
make a delicious omelet. Sweet and sour pork is from China. In this dish, there are small pieces of pork,
mixed with sugar, onion, garlic, pineapple and soy sauce. The sauce tastes very sweet. Curry comes from
India and Thailand. You can use different meats and vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.
1. Where does lasagna come from?_____________________________________
2. What is it made of? _______________________________________________
3. Where is omelet popular? ___________________________________________
4. What can you mix to make a delicious omelet?___________________________
5. Where is sweet and sour pork from?__________________________________
6. What is the dish made of? __________________________________________
7. Where does curry come from? _______________________________________
8. What different things can you put in curry? _____________________________
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