Uploaded by Robyn Campbell

Polygon of Constraints: Math Lesson Plan

Topic: Polygon of Constraints
Instructor: Robyn Campbell
Grade: MATH 506
Room: 5
Date: October 4, 2019
Period 7 (2:10-3:04)
Having reviewed concepts from Sec 4 (second order inequalities,
linear systems), students are now ready to consider polygons of
constraints. They will be introduced to the idea of incorporating
multiple inequalities on one plane, and some of the implications of
doing so. They will be introduced also to finding the vertices of the
polygon using systems of equations. After the introduction, students
will be given time to practice these concepts in pairs or small groups.
Mathematical instructional goals
Goals for students’ learning of mathematical concepts:
- Students will continue to review key concepts from Secondary 3-4,
including linear equations, linear systems, and two-variable
- Students will understand a polygon of constraints as incorporating
multiple constraints on one graph.
- Students will recognize vertices of the polygon as intersection points
of a linear system.
Goals for students’ learning of mathematical processes:
- Students will observe patterns in their findings and make conjectures
about relationships between rules and concepts;
- Students will, when faced with a problem requiring multiple steps,
employ effective strategies to develop a solution;
- Students will continue to develop problem solving abilities related to
more abstract concepts and procedures;
- Students will express their findings and strategies using mathematical
Professional Competency Targeted: 4- To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content with a view to
developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study
o Focus on supporting of student learning by asking questions and providing frequent and relevant feedback to promote the integration and transfer of learning.
This involves asking critical, open-ended problems, positioning students competently, and creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
Curriculum Expectations and Competencies (including Evaluation criteria)
Learning Content: Algebra: Linear Programming
Specific Content: E1 Analyzes a situation to be optimized
C2: Uses Mathematical Reasoning
- correct use of the concepts and processes appropriate to the
- proper organization of the steps in an appropriate procedure
Is there a Connection for Students? Connections to other Curricular
Areas? Connections to Cross-Curricular Competencies?
Polygons of constraints are used in many areas of science (will
allude to applications in physics) where researchers must take into
account a variety of constraints on parameters to narrow their
search and to make conjectures.
Cross Curricular Competencies:
C2: Solves Problems
C5: Adopts Effective Work Methods
C8: Cooperates with Others
C9: Communicates Appropriately
Equity/ Diversity and Social Justice (Teacher Actions)
 Allow students to work in small groups (sorted by ability and personality)
during independent work
 Permit extra time for students to copy notes, while posting slides and other
materials on Google Classroom for student reference
Expectations for students’ participation
Students will wait until called upon to answer a question and listen to each
other’s answers respectfully without interrupting. They should be prepared to
elaborate on, rephrase, and question contributions made by their classmates.
They will write notes during the lecture (possibly not directly from the slide)
and will complete any formative assessment (i.e. exit ticket) given to the best of
their ability.
Part 1: Minds On
Questions to Ask
Introduce idea of polygon of constraints as coming
from situations where multiple constraints need to be
incorporated. Give some examples from physics
What would happen if you
had to graph two inequalities
on a graph? What would you
What is dark matter? How
do scientists know how to
search for it?
Part 2: Action (35
Questions to Ask
Do example of polygon of constraints (Use I-doone, we-do-one, you-do-one, you-do-many)
Accommodations/ Modifications
What strategies
might you use
approaching a
problem like this?
How might you
calculate one of the
vertices of the
Post PowerPoints online for
student reference
During given questions allow
students to talk quietly with
their partners
Accommodations/ Modifications
Post PowerPoints online for
student reference
During given questions allow
students to talk quietly with
their partners
Part 3: Consolidate/Debrief
Questions to Ask
Give homework questions (p45 #1)
Accommodations / Differentiation
papers for
exit card.
Encourage students to submit work
on Google Classroom for feedback.
Assessment Tools (diagnostic/formative/summative)
Diagnostic: Listen to student questions during lecture and gauge level of understanding. Can they make the connection with prior topics?
Formative: Observe students as they work through questions and problems at end. Ask individual questions.
Summative: None for this lesson.
Next Steps
 Next lesson: More practice with polygons, then Optimization
Self Reflection
What went well?
What didn’t go so well?
What do I need to change?