Uploaded by Mal Mack

GTD Weekly Review Checklist

Organize Workspace.
Make a cup of tea.
Say a prayer.
Read affirmations.
THINKING – In a Journal (with closed computer).
1. What did I do last week?
2. What did I learn about myself? About others? About the world?
3. What got me excited this week?
4. What good things did I do?
5. What am I thinking about now?
CAPTURE – Get all the things I need or want to do out of my head and into a trusted external system. A complete mindsweep.
a. Collect loose papers, random items in to COLLECT tray (purse, truck, desk)
b. Collect questions, ideas into Todoist COLLECT-BOX
c. Bring email inboxes to zero
d. Update unroll.me for all emails
e. Update Last Pass
f. Create Inbox items for Flagged Emails
CLARIFY – Purposely decide what each of these items means to me: should I be paying attention to this thing at all, and if so, what
does that outcome look like? Begin adding Next steps to Projects.
1. Move LABELED Inbox items to Next Actions and Project Lists
ORGANIZE – Create my list of action reminders for Task Lists / Project Action Lists / Calendar.
1. Process analog Inbox Create next actions / Create next projects
2. Process digital Inbox  Create next actions / Create next projects
3. Process NEXT ACTIONS List
a. Assign dates for all tasks
b. Re-schedule tasks if necessary
4. Process PROJECTS
a. Make sure each PJ has 3 Next Steps; Assign dates for all tasks
5. Process SOMEDAY / MAYBE List and File  Check each item. If I’m keeping it, transform into 3 real projects. Delete the
items I no longer need
REFLECT – Break down these lists into easily digestible steps, and determine which ones I can handle now, and which ones I
should delegate.
1. Review CALENDAR
a. Next 7 days
b. Next 30 days
c. Next 90 days
2. Review GOALS
a. Today – 12/31/2019
b. Today – 12/2022
c. Today – 12/2030
ENGAGE – Look at my Task list and decide which to do based on priority
1. Complete 3-5 tasks
CLOSE – Process closure from this week’s review
1. Set date/time for next week’s review
2. Read a chapter from an inspiring book
3. Pick this week’s memory verse
4. Thank God for this week and those to come