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Coastal Erosion Lab: Beach Dynamics & Protection

The Beach is Moving, Where is it going?
Name: ______________________________
North Carolina’s sandy coast is one of the state’s greatest tourist attractions, and also one of its frequent
sources of controversy. The 301 miles of coastline in the east have been the site of an ongoing struggle
between stable structures created by humans and the dynamic forces of nature, between property rights and
thousands of years of geology.
Some of the factors that draw people to the beach — namely, the wind and waves — contribute to a
constantly changing coastline that washes away in one area as it builds up in another. These natural
processes made the North Carolina coast the way it is, and they continue to shape it.
Part of this process of erosion and deposition is easy to observe on a typical day at the beach: When
waves crash on the shore, they don’t break in straight lines parallel to the beach. Instead, they break
diagonally. The wind and current patterns that influence the diagonal movement of the waves ensure non-stop
sand movement along the coast.
Before a wave breaks, it picks up sand and other sediment from the ocean floor. When the wave breaks
on the shore, the underwater sediment is washed up onto the beach diagonally, at the angle in which the wave
is moving. As the wave washes back out to the ocean, gravity draws it straight down the beach perpendicular
to the shoreline, carrying the sediment with it. This means that ocean water, and the sediment it carries, moves
down the beach in a repetitive zig-zag pattern. Over and over, sand and sediment is picked up in one location
and deposited downstream on the beach. In this way, sand gradually erodes away in one place and
accumulates further down the beach.
Coastal erosion is a natural process even in pristine environments. However, in areas where human
activity negatively impacts the shoreline, coastal erosion can become a serious problem. Beach sand
originates mainly from rivers and streams which carry it directly to the ocean. Sand also comes from the
gradual weathering of exposed rock formations and cliffs along the shore, and from the deterioration of shell,
coral, and other skeletal fragments. Wave action, wind, and currents move sand up and down the coast. This
movement is called longshore transport. Sand is also moved onshore and offshore by waves, tides, and
currents. Beaches can change in the short term with the seasons. Waves in summer and winter are different in
size and strength. In summer, waves tend to be low, gentle, and farther apart. These waves deposit sand on
shore creating wide, gently sloping beaches. As winter approaches, waves become choppier, more forceful,
and more frequent. Beaches are often eroded to become narrow and steep. Winter storms can cause large,
powerful waves that crash onto the beach and pull sand offshore. Erosion and accretion (gradual
accumulation) of sediment on coasts are natural processes influenced by the beach slope, sediment size and
shape, wave energy, tides, storm surge, and nearshore circulation, among other things. Human activities such
as dredging, river modification, removal of backshore vegetation, and installation of protective structures such
as breakwaters can profoundly alter shorelines, mainly by affecting
the sediment supply. (dredging – cleaning out of a harbor or river
by scooping out mud, weeds, and/or rubbish)
WAVES When a wave reaches shallow water, the lower part
of the wave is slowed by the ocean floor, but the upper part
continues at the same speed until it topples over. This is when it
“breaks” on the beach. Breaking waves stir up sand and carry it on
or off the beach. Changing winds affect the direction, velocity, and
the size of waves. The stronger and longer the duration of the
wind, and the farther it blows over open water, the larger and more
forceful the waves.
sand you observed on the beach comes from eroded sediments
that are transported by the rivers that drain into the ocean. However, sand appears on beaches that are far
from the river mouth. The transport mechanism is called “Longshore Drift.” Longshore currents are one of the
mechanisms that transport sediment along shorelines and cause some of the changes we see in the sediment
distribution at the beach. They travel parallel to the shoreline between the breaker zone and the shore.
Conditions may vary locally. Longshore currents are formed and maintained when the incoming waves
approach the shore at an angle. The breakers' energy has components both perpendicular and parallel to the
shoreline (see Figure 1). Longshore currents are formed by the wave energy component that travels parallel to
the shoreline which causes part of the water mass to be transported along the shoreline. If the breakers are
approaching perpendicular to the shoreline, longshore currents
will not form because there is no horizontal component of wave
energy parallel to the shoreline.
Sand is transported along the beach by longshore currents.
Figure below shows how the waves come in an angle and the
sand is pulled straightback into the water and the result is the
longshore current and beach drift.
Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape
and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of
beaches and creates long, narrow sandbars of land called
spits,that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also
create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline. A barrier island is a long offshore deposit of sand
situated parallel to the coast. As longshore drifts deposit, remove, and redeposit sand, barrier islands
constantly change. Google image of Long Island with multiple barrier islands Responses to Erosion Seawalls
When coastal buildings or roads are threatened, usually the first suggestion is to "harden" the coast with a
seawall. Seawalls are structures built of concrete, wood, steel or boulders that run parallel to the beach at the
land/water interface. They are designed to protect structures by stopping the natural movement of sand by the
waves. If the walls are maintained they may hold back the ocean temporarily. The construction of a seawall
usually displaces the open beach that it is built upon. They also prevent the natural landward migration of an
eroding beach. When waves hit a smooth, solid seawall, the wave is reflected back towards the ocean. This
can make matters worse. The reflected wave (the backwash) takes beach sand with it. Both the beach and the
surf may disappear.
Pre-Lab Questions
1. Where does the sand at the beach come from?
2. In what season is erosion of beaches more prevalent (happens more)? Why?
3. In what season is deposition of sand at beaches more prevalent? Why?
4. What causes the waves to “break”?
5. What three aspects of waves will change if the winds change?
6. What are the factors that affect the size of the wave?
7. What are longshore currents? With respect to the beach, which direction do longshore currents travel?
8. For a longshore current to form, do the waves need to come in at an angle?
9. How is longshore current different than longshore drift?
10. What kind of erosion can longshore drift create? 11. What kind of deposition can longshore drift create?
12. What is a barrier island?
13. In your own words, explain why barrier islands are always changing.
Today you will be looking at beach erosion. You will create a beach then measure erosion rates based on
changes in wave motion and materials.
Part 1: Modelling basic wave movement
1. Move the sand to one side of your “ocean” bin
2. Fill the bin with water, to the middle of the sand pile.
3. Place a ruler in the middle of the sand
4. Complete wave making and answer questions
Small (summer) wave movement:
1. Using the plastic drink bottle, create waves by pressing the block half way into the water parallel to the
2. Make waves for 30 seconds
3. Change the direction of the block to 45 degrees to the shoreline repeat wave making for 30 seconds
Parallel to shoreline
Starting Measurement
Ending measurement
45 degrees to shoreline
Starting Measurement
Ending measurement
Move the sand back to the beginning location
Larger (winter) wave movement:
1. Using the wooden block, create waves by lifting the block out of the water and pressing it almost to the
2. Make waves for 30 seconds
3. Change the direction of the block to 45 degrees to the shoreline repeat wave making for 30 seconds
Parallel to shoreline
Starting Measurement
Ending measurement
45 degrees to shoreline
Starting Measurement
Ending measurement
Summarize the difference in the amount of erosion from the change in direction of wave and the size of the
What causes the increase in winter wave production?
Part 2: Beach protection
When coastal buildings or roads are threatened, usually the first suggestion is to "harden" the coast
with a seawall. Seawalls are structures built of concrete, wood, steel or boulders that run parallel to the beach
at the land/water interface. They are designed to protect structures by stopping the natural movement of sand
by the waves. If the walls are maintained they may hold back the ocean temporarily. The construction of a
seawall usually displaces the open beach that it is built upon. They also prevent the natural landward migration
of an eroding beach.
When waves hit a smooth, solid seawall, the wave is reflected back towards the ocean. This can make matters
worse. The reflected wave (the backwash) takes beach sand with it. Both the beach and the surf may
Groins are another example of a hard shoreline structure designed as socalled "permanent solution" to beach erosion. A groin is a shoreline structure that
is perpendicular to the beach. It is usually made of large boulders, but it can be
made of concrete, steel or wood. It is designed to interrupt and trap the longshore
flow of sand. As sand accumulates on the updrift side of the groin, the beach at
that location becomes wider. However, this is often accompanied by accelerated
erosion of the downdrift beach, which receives little or no sand via longshore
transport. It is important to realize that groins do not add any new sand to the
beach, but merely retain some of the existing sand on the updrift side of the groin.
Jetties are large, man-made piles of boulders or concrete that are built on either side of a coastal inlet.
Whereas groins are built to change the effects of beach erosion, jetties are built so that a channel to the ocean
will stay open for navigation purposes. They are also built to prevent rivermouths and streams from
meandering naturally. Jetties completely interrupt or redirect the longshore current. Just as a groin
accumulates sand on the updrift side, so do jetties. The major difference is that jetties are usually longer than
groins and therefore create larger updrift beaches at the expense of the smaller downdrift beaches. On East
Coast barrier islands, ocean tidal inlets migrate naturally with the longshore current. A jetty system will
permanently disrupt the equilibrium of the beach. This may seriously affect the tidal circulation and the health
of the wetlands between the barrier islands and the mainland.
A breakwater is a large pile of rocks built parallel to the shore. It is designed to block the waves and the
surf. Some breakwaters are below the water's surface (a submerged breakwater). Breakwaters are usually
built to provide calm waters for harbors and artificial marinas. Submerged breakwaters are built to reduce
beach erosion. These may also be referred to as artificial "reefs."
A breakwater can be offshore, underwater or connected to the land. As with groins and jetties, when the
longshore current is interrupted, a breakwater will dramatically change the profile of the beach. Over time, sand
will accumulate towards a breakwater. Downdrift sand will erode. A breakwater can cause millions of dollars in
beach erosion in the decades after it is built.
Lab: You will create three different types of beach protection to compare how they protect the beach.
1. Place gravel on the shore of the beach. Create a seawall.
2. Using the wooden block, create waves by pressing the block half way into the
water parallel to the beach.
3. Make waves for 30 seconds
4. Use strainer to strain out the gravel from the beach and create a breakwater with the gravel
5. Using the wooden block, create waves by pressing the block half way into the water parallel to the
6. Make waves for 30 seconds
7. Place a pile of gravel perpendicular to the beach. Create a groin/jetty
Draw a picture of the end result of each type of erosion:
Summarize the ending results of the three types of protection. Which worked better? Explain.
14. What is a seawall and how are they designed to protect beach front property?
15. Is a sea wall a positive or negative fix and why?
16. What is a groin (Earth Science)? How are they designed to protect the beach?
17. If there is an easterly wind with a groin running north to south, where will deposition and erosion take place.
Make a sketch below.
18. What is a jetty? How are they designed to protect the beach?
19. How is a jetty different than a groin in reference to the erosion and deposition of the beach?
20. Explain how humans are negatively impacting beaches?