Student’s last name 1 Student’s first name last name 9 September 2019 Essay’s Title These paragraphs serve as instructions for your essays. Read everything in this document, and then delete the paragraphs so that you can type your own essay here. You should save this document as a template for all your essays; the font and the line-spacing are already correct; there is a document header, although you will need to edit it for your last name, and the spacing between paragraphs is already set. Aspects of formatting are a significant factor in the grades your essays receive. Also, do not turn in your essay until you crosscheck it against the academic prose handout. Notice that there is no point at which the formatting allows for anything other than double-spacing. Above, the third line of text in the upper left hand corner shows the course number, which is our section number. For other classes, you would look up the section number by logging into, accessing your schedule of classes. As for the fourth line of text, which is the date, always use the due date of the assignment. All of your assignments should be titled, but none should use the name of the assignment as part of the title. In other words, the words essay 1, 2, 3, or comparison-contrast, or argumentative, or anything of the like should not be part of the titles of your essays. Without using humor, you should invent a title that has to do with the topic of your essay. The required word count for your essays is the same for all three essays: 450 words minimum to 550 words maximum, and it is important to note that the word count is determined by the words in the paragraphs only, so the word count does not include the title or any other part of your essay. For example, the word count of this document is 355. Word count requirements Student’s last name 2 are just that: requirements, not suggestions, so do not go over or under at all. If your essay falls short of or exceeds the required word count, the essay’s grade will certainly suffer.