Uploaded by Brian Bohannon - CEM Faculty

Cultural Awareness & Critical Thinking Worksheet

Summative Thinking Critically
You and your family are going to dinner at a new neighbor’s home. You know that
their culture is different than yours, and that they are from another country.
1. What are some issues you might have while at dinner?
2. What would you need to know about the other culture to better
understand the other family?
3. How does learning about different cultures change how a person thinks and
Achievement level
Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:
• makes a limited attempt to identify the main points of ideas, events, issues or
• identifies some different views
• makes connections between information to give limited opinions.
The student:
• identifies some main points of ideas, events, issues or arguments
• identifies some different views and suggests some implications of these
• makes connections between information to give simple opinions.
The student:
• identifies the main points of ideas, events, issues or arguments
• identifies different views and their implications
• makes connections between information to give opinions.
The student:
• identifies in detail the main points of ideas, events, issues or arguments
• clearly identifies different views and their implications
• makes connections between information to give a relevant opinion.