Uploaded by Amadea Revina

Body Systems Review: Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory

Name = ____________
Digestive system
Review Body System
1. What is digestion?
2. Enzymes break down food in the mouth. What sort of digestion is this?
3. A biting motion also breaks down food in the mouth. What sort of digestion is this?
4. A tubular muscle that forces food down to your stomach in a process called peristalsis is
Match each organs with its function!
List the sequence of organs in the order the food travels through the digestive tract:
Circulatory system
1. What does the circulatory system do?
2. What is the heart?
3. True or false? Oxygenated blood travels from the lungs to the heart and then to the other
4. True or false? Deoxygenated blood travels from the body’s organs to the lungs and then to
the heart.
Name = ____________
Label the parts of the heart
Review Body System
Respiratory system
1. What does the respiratory system do?
2. What are the alveoli?
3. How is it oxygen transported to the lungs?
Word list: Oxygen, Alveoli, Trachea, Nitrogen, Respiration
(you may use the word more than once)
Air is a mixture mostly made up of two gases
Human use the
from the air we breathe for
Air goes in the nasal passages and travels down the tube called the
The trachea splits into smaller and smaller tubes. At the ends of the smallest tubes are the
, tiny air sacs where carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged. When a
person exercises his/her heart rate increases to bring more
and glucose to
their muscle cells.
Excretory system
1. What does the excretory system do?
2. What are the organs that are part of excretory system?
3. What is the major function of kidney?
4. What does the liver do in the excretory system?
5. Why is water important in controlling wastes?