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(Company name / Name and surname of the employer – physical person)
The employer, presented by_______________________________________________________________
(Name, surname, position)
on the one hand, and Mr. (Mrs.)_______________________________________________
(Name, surname)
the employee, on the over hand, considering the provision of the article 45-94 of the “Labor Code" of the Republic of Moldova, adopted
and governed by the Law No.154-XV, dated March 28, 2003, have concluded the present Individual Employment Agreement
upon the following:
1. The employee is hired to serve as ___________________________________________
(Function, profession, speciality, qualification)
2. Place of work ___________________________________________________________
(Name of the firm division)
3. Work
a) Main job ___________________________________________________________
b) Second job__________________________________________________________
4. Contract time:
a) Unlimited__________________________________________________________
b) Limited____________________________________________________________
(by a fixed term)
5. Probation period (if the parties have agreed)
(by a fixed term)
6. The present agreement is effective as of:
a) the date of signing;
b) ___________________________________________________________________
(Date of agreement between the parties)
7. Inherent risks of the position
(under hard working conditions / hazardous or dangerous conditions)
8. Employee rights:
a) Rights stipulated in part (1) page 9 of the “Labor Code";
b) other rights and obligations:
- to perform work, according to professional requirements;
- to receive wages for the labor, according to present law;
- to have the opportunity to study and improve the professional level, organized by the club or the FFM;
- to have promotion according to classification and position, in accordance with professional training, received, as the result
and in accordance with the requirements of sports organizations according to the law;
- to be involved in the technical states of the National Football Teams and / or the technical bodies of the FFM;
- to be a member of an internal or international organization (by specialization), to participate in events, as well as take part in
conferences, seminars, specialization courses;
- to appeal to the authorized bodies of the FFM in cases of rights violation;
- to receive bonuses, titles and awards, according to the law.
Employee obligations:
a) To perform the obligations which are stipulated in part (2) page of the “Labor Code”.
b) To perform other obligations
- to be faithful and devoted to the chosen profession, to contribute through its activities to the identification, selection and
formation of worthy high-level players, as well as preparation of the competitive team capable of showing results both in the
national championship and in international competitions;
- to promote the spirit of “fair play”, fight against violence during playing football and prohibit the use of doping;
- to participate in press conferences organized after the football match;
- to participate in trainings organized by the FFM of the Territorial football association;
- to respect the organization charter, FIFA, UEFA, FFM, and TAF regulations, and not cause losses and damage to their
activities by own actions and their behavior;
- to keep the secrets of organization;
10. Employer’s rights:
a) Rights provided in part(1) page 10 of the “Labor Code”
b) other rights___________________________________________
(identifies additional rights agreed between the parties)
11. Employer’s obligations:
a) to implement the obligations stipulated in part(2) page 10 of the “Labor Code”;
b) to implement other obligations, meant by the “Labor Code”, other regulations, collective agreements, collective Labor
contract, and real employment agreement among which
(identifies additional obligations)
12. Employees’ payment terms
( official salary, additions, bonuses)
( additions, premiums, material assistance, compensations)
( and reparation, including work under difficult conditions)
(harmful and/or dangerous, work intensity, etc..)