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Protein Function & Enzyme Kinetics Presentation

Protein Function and
Enzyme Kinetics
Manchuta Dangkulwanich, Ph.D.
General Biochemistry
Mahidol University International College
Week 3
T3 (2015-2016)
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
Describe the relations between enzyme catalysis of a reaction, the
thermodynamics of the reaction, and the formation of the transition
Explain the relation between the transition state and the active site
of an enzyme, and list the characteristics of active sites.
Explain what reaction velocity is.
Explain how reaction velocity is determined and how reaction
velocities are used to characterized enzyme activity.
Identify the key properties of allosteric proteins, and describe the
structural basis for these properties.
List environmental factors that affect enzyme activity, and describe
how these factors exert their effects on enzymes.
Protein Function and Enzyme Kinetics
Ligand-binding protein
Association, Dissociation constant
Binding cooperativity, Hill plot
Enzymes - Type of enzymes
Cofactors, apoenzyme, holoenzyme
The mechanisms by which enzymes overcome the barrier
Enzyme Kinetics - The meaning of Vmax, KM, cat
Mode of reversible inhibition: competitive, noncompetitive, uncompetitive,
Regulation of enzyme activity
Allosteric, covalent modification, proteolytic cleavage
Proteins - classified by functions
Enzymes - catalytic activity and function
Transport Protein - bind & carry ligands
Storage Proteins - ovalbumin, gluten, casein, ferritin
Contractile (Motor): can contract, change shape, elements of cytoskeleton
(actin, myosin, tubulin)
Structural (Support): collagen of tendons & cartilage, elastin of ligaments
(tropoelastin), keratin of hair, feathers, & nails, fibroin of silk & webs.
Defense mechanism (Protect): antibodies (IgG), fibrinogen & thrombin, snake
venoms, bacterial toxins
Regulatory (Signal): regulate metabolic processes, hormones, transcription
factor & enhancers, growth factor proteins
Receptors (Detect stimuli): light & rhodopsin, membrane receptor proteins and
acetylcholine or insulin.
The functions of many proteins involve
the reversible binding of other molecules.
Ligand binds to a site on the
protein called the binding site.
Two models have been proposed:
Lock-and-key and Induced fit. The
model that is widely accepted in
the “Induced fit model”.
Lock-and-key model
The binding of a protein and ligand
is often coupled to a conformational
change in the protein: induced fit.
ligand-bound protein
Enzyme is a special class of
protein function. Enzymes bind and
chemically transform the
substrates in its catalytic or active
Induced fit model
Reversible binding of a protein to a ligand:
Oxygen binding protein
Model Protein: Myoglobin
Heme: Protoporphyrin IX + Fe2+
The heme group is
present in myoglobin,
hemoglobin, and many
other proteins. Heme
consists of a
protoporphyrin IX and
Iron atom of heme has
six coordination. Four of
which are bonded to
the protophyrin plane.
One binds to His
residue in the protein.
Protein-ligand interactions can be described quantitatively.
P + L ⇌ PL
Ka =
association constant
binding sites occupied
total binding sites
[PL] + [P]
[L] + 1/Ka
Ka = 1/Kd
dissociation constant
Graphical representations of ligand binding
Kd is the concentrations of ligands where half of the proteins are bound.
Kd is often used to expressed the affinity of enzymes. A lower values of Kd
corresponds to a higher affinity of ligand to the protein.
In the right figure, which version of the protein (X or Y) bind tighter to Ligand A?
Hemoglobin undergoes a structural change on binding oxygen
Oxygen has a significantly higher affinity for hemoglobin in the R
state. When oxygen is absent, the T state is more stable and is
thus the predominant conformation of the deoxyhemoglobin.
Binding of oxygen to the T state triggers a change to the R
Enzyme - Biological catalyst
In enzymatic reactions, the molecules at the beginning of the process
are called substrates, and the enzyme converts them into different
molecules or the products.
Enzymes are not consumed or destroyed after the reactions.
How do enzymes effect the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions?
Enzymes are classified on the basis of
the types of reactions that they catalyze
Type of reaction
1. Oxidoreductaces
Lactate dehydrogenase
2. Transferases
Group transfer
Nucleoside monophosphate
kinase (NMP kinase)
3. Hydrolases
Hydrolysis reactions (transfer of
functional groups to water)
4. Lyases
Addition or removal of groups to form
double bonds
5. Isomerases
Isomerization (intramolecular group
Triose phosphate isomerase
6. Ligases
Ligation of two substrates at the
expense of ATP hydrolysis
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
Enzymes affects the reaction rates, not the equilibria
To describe the free-energy changes for reactions, chemists define a standard set of
conditions (temperature 298 K; partial pressure of each gas 1 atm; concentration of
each solute 1 M ) and express the free-energy change for this reacting system as
∆Gº, the standard
free-energy change. Because biochemical systems commonly
involve H concentrations far below 1 M, biochemists define a biochemical standard
free-energy change, ∆G’º , the standard free-energy change at pH 7.0.
Enzymes accelerate the reaction rate
Enzymes accelerate the
attainment of equilibria but do
not shift their positions. The
equilibrium is a function of
only the free-energy different
between reactants and
The same equilibrium is
reached (the same amount of
However, this same
equilibrium point is reached
much more quickly in the
presence of an enzyme.
Many enzymes require cofactors for activity
Apoenzyme + cofactor = holoenzyme
Cofactors can be subdivided into metal
ions and organic molecules, called
coenzymes. Often derived from vitamins,
coenzymes can be either tightly or loosely
bound to the enzyme. If tightly bound,
they are called prosthetic groups.
Enzyme enhances reaction rates by 5 to 17 order of magnitude
Forming many weak bonds
and interactions between an
enzyme and its substrate in
ES complex releases free
energy, called binding
energy, which contributes to
specificity as well as to
The active sites of enzymes have some common features
The active site of an enzyme is the
region that binds the substrates. It
contains the amino acid residues
that directly participate in the
making and breaking of bonds.
The interaction of the enzyme and
substrate at the active site promotes
the formation of the transition state.
The active site is a three-dimensional cleft or crevice formed by groups that come
from different parts of the amino acid sequence.
The active site takes up a small part part of the total volume of an enzyme.
Active sites are unique microenvironments.
Substrates are bound to enzymes by multiple weak attractions.
The specificity of binding depends on the precisely defined arrangements of atoms
in an active site.
Weak interactions are optimized in the transition state
ES is more stabilized than S.
TS has high energy.
Increased activation energy!!!
TS has low energy.
Reduced activation energy!!!
Binding energy is used to overcome the ΔG , energy barrier
A reduction in entropy, in the form of
decreased freedom of motion of two
molecules in solution
The distortion of substrates upon
binding to the enzymes is supported by
binding energy.
The need of proper alignment of
catalytic functional groups on the
Induced fit mechanism proposed
by Daniel Koshland in 1958.
Conformational change of the
enzyme to bring specific
functional groups on the enzyme
into the proper position to
catalyze the reaction.
Specific catalytic groups contribute to catalysis
1. General acid-base catalysis
2. Covalent catalysis
3. Metal ion catalysis
Enzyme Kinetics
An approach to understanding mechanism
E + S ⇌ ES ⟶ E + P
Rate =
Enzyme Kinetics
An approach to understanding mechanism
E + S ⇌ ES ⟶ E + P
Rate =
= slope
Initial rate or initial velocity (V0) when [S] >> [E]
[E] is usually in nM while [S] is five or six orders of
magnitude higher.
In the beginning of the reaction [S] is regarded as
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
1. Fast reversible combination of E & S
E + S ⇌ ES
2. ES Breaks down in a slower step, rate-limiting
ES ⟶ E + P
Steady state approximation: the concentrations of
intermediates, [ES], remain constant over time.
Vmax [S]
Michaelis-Menten equation: V0 =
KM +[S]
Vmax = k2[E]0 and KM = (k2 + k-1)/k1
Dependence of initial velocity on substrate concentration
Vmax [S]
V0 =
KM +[S]
[S] = KM
V0 = Vmax /2
[S] >> KM
V0 = Vmax
[S] << KM
Vmax [S]
V0 =
The double reciprocal plot, or Lineweaver-Burk plot
The double reciprocal
plot is another mean to
determine KM and Vmax.
Algebraic manipulation
of the basis MichaelisLenten equation to
gives a straight line plot.
Vmax [S]
V0 =
KM +[S]
V0 Vmax [S] Vmax
Interpreting Vmax and KM
The KM values of enzymes range widely. For most enzymes, the KM lies
between 10-1 and 10-7 M
The KM is equal to the concentration of substrate at which half of the active
sites are filled. Thus, KM provides a measure of the substrate concentration
required for significant catalysis to take place.
The KM value provides an approximation of substrate concentration in vivo,
which in turn suggests that most enzymes evolved to have significant activity at
the substrate concentration commonly available.
For 2-step mechanism, KM = (k2 + k-1)/k1
When k2 << k-1, KM = k-1/k1
KM = Kd, dissociation constant, = k-1/k1
The maximal velocity Vmax reveals the turnover number of an enzyme,
which is the number of substrate molecules that an enzyme can convert
into product per unit time when the enzyme is filled saturated with
The turnover number is equal to the rate constant k2, which is also called
kcat. If the total concentration of active sites [E]T is known, then:
Vmax = k2[E]T
k2 = Vmax /[E]T
For example, a 10 M solution of carbonic anhydrase (1 active site per
subunit) catalyzes the formation of 0.4 M HCO3- per second when the
5 -1
enzyme is fully saturated with substrate. Hence, k2 is 4×10 s .
The turnover number of most
enzymes with their physiological
substrates fall in the range from 1
to 104 per second.
kcat and KM signifies the kinetic efficiency of enzymes
Specificity constant, kcat/KM, is used to compare the catalytic efficiencies
of different enzymes or the turnover of different substrates. It takes into
account both the rate of catalysis with a particular substrate (kcat) and the
nature of the enzyme-substrate interaction (KM).
Upper limit of the kcat/KM is diffusion controlled in the range of 10 to 10
-1 -1
M s .
Enzymes are subject to reversible or irreversible inhibition
Inhibitors of enzymes are
among the most important
pharmaceutical agents.
HIV protease with a bound
inhibitor, darunavir, at the
interface of the dimer.
Three kinds of reversible inhibition
1. Competitive inhibition
3. Non-competitive inhibition
2. Uncompetitive inhibition
Reversible inhibitors
Substrate binds to an enzyme’s active site
to form an enzyme-substrate complex.
A competitive inhibitor binds at the active site
and thus prevents the substrate from binding
An uncompetitive inhibitor binds only to the
enzyme substrate complex.
A noncompetitive inhibitor does not prevent
the substrate from binding.
1. Competitive Inhibition
It works by reducing the proportion of enzyme molecules bound to a substrate.
where [I] is the concentration of inhibitor and KI is the
dissociation constant for the enzyme-inhibitor complex.
As the value of [I] increases, the value of KMapp
increases. In the presence of a competitive inhibitor, an
enzyme will have the same Vmax as in the absence of
an inhibitor.
2. Uncompetitive Inhibition
It works by binding to the ES complex and ESI does not result in product.
At high concentrations of substrate, V0
approaches Vmax/𝛼’. Thus, an uncompetitive
inhibitor lowers the measured Vmax. Apparent KM
also decreases, because the [S] required to
reach one-half Vmax decreases by the factor 𝛼’.
3. Noncompetitive Inhibition
A substrate can bind to both E and EI and ESI cannot form product.
E + P
The inhibitor binds to both the free enzyme and the
ES complex with the same affinity. Vmax cannot be
attained even at high substrate concentrations. KM
will remain the same.
Enzyme inhibition mechanism
Enzyme inhibition plots
Effect of reversible inhibitors on
apparent Vmax and apparent KM
Inhibitor type
Apparent Vmax
Apparent KM
None competitive
Irreversible Inhibitors
binds covalently with or destroy the functional groups on an enzyme that is
essential to the activity
or forms a particularly stable noncovalent association
Bromoacetol phosphate, an analog of
dihydroxyacetone phosphate, binds at the active
site of the enzyme and covalently modifies a
glutamic acid residue required for enzyme activity.
Enzyme Inhibition by Diisopropylphosphofluoridate
(DIPF), a Group-Specific Reagent. DIPF can inhibit an
enzyme by covalently modifying a crucial serine residue
Suicide Inactivator or mechanism based inhibitors
A unique class of irreversible inhibitor that is important in rational based drug
It undergoes the first few chemical steps of the normal enzymatic reaction, and
combines irreversibly with the enzyme.
Monoamine oxidase, an enzyme
important for neurotransmitter
synthesis, requires the cofactor
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide).
inhibits monoamine oxidase by
covalently modifying the flavin
prosthetic group only after the
inhibitor is first oxidized. The N-5
flavin adduct is stabilized by the
addition of a proton.
Regulation of enzyme activity
Groups of enzymes work together in sequential pathways to
carry out a given metabolic process. A common mean of
biochemical regulation is feedback inhibition.
The presence of the product inhibits the enzyme that
catalyzes the committed step of the pathway.
Three ways to regulate enzyme activity
Allosteric controls
Covalent modification
Proteolytic cleavage
Allosteric regulation
Allosteric enzymes function through reversible, noncovalent binding
of regulatory compounds called allosteric modulators or allosteric
effectors, which are generally small metabolites or cofactors.
Allosteric regulators bind to a distinct allosteric site, NOT the active
site, and alter the shape of the active site.
Structural changes in a multi-subunit protein
under going cooperative binding to ligand
An allosteric protein is one in
which the binding of a ligand
to one site affects the binding
properties of another site on
the same proteins.
When the modulator are
identical, the interaction is
termed homotropic. When the
modulator is different from the
normal ligand, the interaction
is heterotrophic.
Aspartate transcabamoylase (ATCase) catalyzes the first
committed step in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway
CTP and UTP, the two end products of the pyrimidine
biosynthesis, are the negative allosteric effectors of ATCase.
Their actions prevent the pyrimidine surplus.
The effectors inhibit ATCase activity, establishing a negative
feedback loop.
Allosteric enzyme exhibit a sigmoid kinetic behavior
Rather than the hyperbolic curve of
V0 and [S] in typical MichaelisMenten kinetics, allosteric
enzymes show a sigmoidal
saturation (S) curve.
Allosteric enzymes transition from a less active state to a more active state
within a narrow range of substrate.
The activity of allosteric enzymes is more sensitive to changes concentrations
near KM than are Michael-Lenten enzymes with the same Vmax.
Covalent modification
Regulation of glycogen phosphorylase activity
by covalent modification. In the more active form
of the enzyme, phosphorylase a, specific Ser
residues, one on each subunit, are phosphorylated
by phosphorylase kinase. Phosphorylase a is
converted to the less active phosphorylase b by
enzymatic loss of these phosphoryl groups,
promoted by phosphorylase phosphatase.
Some enzymes and other proteins are regulated by
proteolytic cleavage of an enzyme precursor
Zymogen is an inactive precursor of proteases that is converted to an active form by an
action of another enzyme. Specific cleavage causes conformational changes that
expose the enzyme active site.
Other enzymes are more generally called proproteins or proenzymes. For example, the
protein collagen is synthesized as the soluble precursor procollagen.