Uploaded by Christina Aziz

Teacher/Student Contract: Classroom Agreement

Teacher/student Contract
As a teacher, I promise I will always be alert to be:
Your friend/mother not only a teacher.
Show my love and care
Laugh with you
Know how to reach your heart.
Will not let the class boring(will use various teaching and activities methods)
Talk with you whenever you want someone to listen to you.
As a student, I promise I will always be alert to be:
Will be in my place prepared with my books and copybooks (After 3 minutes of the
beginning of the session)
Work as a team
Be responsible for my words and actions.
Be respectful to everyone.
Be kind and helpful.
Do my best to be the best version of myself.
Treat others as I want to be treated.
Be on time for class (not later than two minutes)
Speak only English in class.
Answer after raising my hands.
Do not miss nor copy homework.
Be prepared (Bringing books, copybooks and stationary)
Use appropriate language in class
After being evaluated by the end of the month, you will be rewarded for being ‘student of the
month’ (as you did not do any of the above).
Your signature
My signature