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Psychology Study Guide: Definition, Goals, Methods

 Unit 1 Study Guide- Psychology
o Definition of Psychology
o The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those
affecting behavior.
o Encompasses what we think, Feel& Do
4 Goals of Psychology
Describe Human Behavior
The first goal of any scientist or psychological is to describe or gather
Explain Human Behavior
Psychologist also seek to explain why people or animals behave as
they do. Psychologist propose these explanations developing a
o Hypothesis
- A researches prediction about what the results of a study are
expected to be,
o Theory
Predict Behavior
The third goal of psychologist is to predict,
By studying descriptive and theoretical
Influence Behavior
Applied science—Discovering ways to use scientific findings to
accomplish practical goals(Actually doing something with the
knowledge) (Helping People)
o Psychological Professions (Subfields of Psychology
 Biological Psychologist
 Pure knowledge aimed to increase psychology’s knowledge base
Explore link between physical brain&mind
Developmental Psychologists
Changes from womb to tomb
Personality Psychologists
Investigate our persistent traits
Organizational Psychologist
Study& Advise on behavior in the workplace
Counseling Psychologists
Help people w/challenges-vocational, marriage
Clinical Psychologists
Treat mental, emotional& behavioral disorders
Medical Doctors who can prescribe medicine
 Environmental
 Studies the effects of environment on behavior Ex. Extreme
Study behavior of shoppers to explain& predict behavior
Help students with problem learning
Expert witness to testify at in trials
Study the link between psychology& our physical health
Studies& Helps students and teachers in schools
8/19 & 8/20 CLASSES****
o Pre- Scientific Approaches to Psychology (Greek Philosophers)
 Origins of Psychology
o The word psychology evolves from?
Knowledge is born within us.
Knowledge grows from experiences stored in our memories.
Personality, thoughts, emotions, perception
Father of medicine
Stressed that illness and abnormal behavior were cause by natural
causes and not by the supernatural.
o 4 Humors
o Phlegm Dull, pale, cowardly
o Blood Cheerful, generous
o Yellow Bile quick tempered, Vile, vengeful
o Black Bile Sad, lazy
o Treatment of Psychological Disorders in Ancient Greece
o Historical Approaches
 Wilhelm Wundt-Structuralism (Father of Psychology) (How)
o Introspection Lab observations
o A method of self-observation which participants reported their
o Developmental structuralism---Conscious experience broke into
o 1)Objective 2) Subjective
o The mind function by combing the two.
o 3 Parts of Structuralism
o Sensations –
o Perceptions –
o Feelings o Why did Structuralism fail?
William James- Functionalism
o Who was this theory inspired by…?
o Charles Darwin
o He questioned…?
o Why we behave the way we do?
o He wanted to find what….?
o Find the function our behavior had to our life.
Sir Francis Galton- Inheritable Traits
o Believed that:
o Intellectual Abilities
o Character
o Personality
 Were influenced by?
 Genes
Studied eminent people and found that greatness runs
in families.
o Why did Inheritable Traits fail?
Sigmund Freud
Unconscious motives& internal conflicts determine behavior.
Most famous psychological
Part of pop culture
John B Watson & B.F. Skinner
The study of Psych should be limited to observable behavior
Introduced the concept of reinforcement to control& maintain behavior(Good Doggy)
Research Methods
o Critical Thinking: examines assumptions, discerns, hidden values, evaluates
evidence and assess conclusions.
o Hindsight Bias—The tendency to believe after learning an outcome, that one
would have foreseen it. “I know it all along”
o 2001 The “dot com bubble” crasjed causing thousands of people to lose
millions of dollars.
o Overconfidence---anagrams
o Observation
Scientific Method
4. prediction
5. replicate
o 7 Methods of Research
Case Study
Study of individual in great depth( Use observations, tests, interviews&
Naturalistic Observation
Watching& recording the behavior of an organism in their natural
provides large amounts of rich data
Cam study unethical topic
Can’t tell us why—cause/effect
Observations can be distorted if observers expect certain behaviors
o #1 RULE?
o Laboratory
o Study of behavior in a controlled situation
o Testing
o Psychological tests—intelligence tests, aptitude tests, and personality tests
o Surveys
3 Things surveys collect data on?
o Belief
o Attitude
o Experiences
o Sampling
Sampling Methods
Population Sampling
Group you want to study
Random Sampling
Every person has equal chance of participating
Stratified Sampling
- Subgroups in the population are represented proportionally in the sample
o Longitudinal Study
Researchers select a group of participants& observe over time, often very long.
-Sometimes drop out over time.
o Cross-Sectional Study
o Do not follow group over time, but select similar sample of different
o Correlational Study
o Positive Correlation as one goes up, so does the other
o Negative Correlation as one goes up, the other goes down
o Correlational Studies can prove _______________
o Experimental Studies:
o Independent Variable
o Variable that the researcher controls.—effect of the independent variable is
the focus of the study
o Dependent Variable
o Is a factor that may changes in response to the independent variable.
If (IV) & Then (DV) Statements
o Experimental Group
o Control Group