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Personal Career Development Plan: Ageism & Frailty Research

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Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Mahe
Sklodoyiska•Curie grant agreement No 764632
Personal Career Development Plan
Name & Title: Host institution: Robert Gordon University Supervisor: Angela Kydd (Prof) Date:
October, 2019 (start date for all the activities highlighted in this document)
Project title:
Putting ageism Ati context: examining the relation between age discrimination, frailty and health
outcomes among individuals aged 65 years and over (WP2) cActk,
-Objectives: A quantitative udy to examine the relationship between age crimination, frailty and
health outcome among older individuals aged 65 years and -over who participated in the English Lon
udinal Study of Ageing.
Expected Results: The WHO calls for equity and equality in health and social care for all. However,
there is evidence that older adults are discriminated against because of their age. While there is no
doubt that the population of 9r adults aged 65 years and over has increased globally mention over
80s in the last three decades, frailty is notably a leading cause of mortality among this population. It
is expected that health and social care should include management of frailty among this population.
Most importantly„tee management of frailty requires the identification of risk factors associated
with frailty. Although perceived discrimination has been known to adversely influence health
outcomes, the particular role of age disgiiminatr on frailty and on consequent health outcomes is
not yet fully understood. This study will provide b blueprint for assessing the health and well-being
of frail older 7 individuals. A status report on age discrimination among community-dwellers and a
policy pa pe, how to reduce ageism will be the main products. or.? khs, (-1 ,
o 10 years)
a) To secure an academic-clinician position as an Assistant Professor in year 2024 - 2025 • By
completing a PhD program in 2021. • By securing and completing a postdoctoral training in 2021 2023. • By acquiring 0 teaching and supervisory experience during my PhD pr gram. \sK" b) To have
20 peer-reviewed publications within the next 10 years e • By publishing at least two articles every
year. ‘.1 • By involving in (at least) two collaborative projects in the nex Years. • By securing a grant
in the next 5 years to research my area of interest. c) To have a settled immigration status in 2024 •
By securing two more years of work in the UK after my current position ending in 2021. •
Alternatively, by moving back to Canada in 2021.
MID-TERM CAREER GOALS (3 to 5 years)
2. Objectives:
a) To become excellently competent in use of quantitative research methods in the next five years
tAs ce.co-1,),Cv1 elan • By completing a PhD program that will quantitatively examine the
relationship between age discrimination and frailty among older adults in 2021. • By developing a
good longitudinal analysis skill via (at least three) training opportunities within and outside the UK
on longitudinal research approach within the next 18 months. • By looking for opportitccl, laborate
on projects (at least two projects) that will be examining large quantitative surveys within the next 5
years. 72, voc.,, •
b) To develop good transferrable skills (policy and grants) within the next 5 years • By publishing at
least one policy brief and one policy report before the end of my PhD (2021). • By organising one
training event, one policy conference and one scientific conference before October 2021. 1,..,‘,24\ 9,
K01-0? toke( e By chairing/co-chairing one training event and one symposium before October • 2021
in order to develop strong communication skills. CA.C‘t eS
c) To complete my PhD programme in 2021 • By completing my postgraduate certificate courses in
2020:1A0,X6\-' • By transferring into a PhD in 2020.
• BY completing my research analysis in October 2020. • By completely writing my first draft PhD
thesis (80,000 words) in March 2021. d) To complete fellowship training in public health in 2024. •
By applying for fellowship training programme in public health in the US, UK or Canada in 2021/22. •
By doing my postdoctoral training on a public health or population health-related project.
SHORT-TERM GOALS (1 - 2 years):
1. Ob° Ces for research output • , a) To publish two peer-reviewed articles in the next 12 months. •
By completing my systematic review manuscript in December 2019. • Running the first analysis on
the ELSA in February 2020. • By working on at least one publishable project in line with my interest
during my secondment in 2020.
b) Objectives for secondment, conferences, training sessions, courses and seminars:
Activity Time scale (12 to 24 months) Target a) Postgraduate certificate module 2 course
20/1/2020- 30/4/2020 Pass b) 2 months secondment placement at 15/02/2020 - Participation the
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands 14/04/2020 c) 2 months secondment placement
at 1/08/2020 Participation the United Nations Economic Centre in Euro•e 30/09/2020 d) 2 months
secondment placement at the AGE Platform Euro•e 15/01/2021 - 14/03/2021 Participation e) ITN
EuroAgeism Training in Krakow 13/06/2020 - Participation + Poland 17/06/2020 Presentation f)
WHO World health assembly, Geneva 18/05/2020 - Participation 23 05/2020 g) International
Federation on Ageing 28/10/2020 - Participation Global Conference, Niagara 4/11/2020
0 cLA 2. OVjectiCres for research skills and techniques
a) To improve my quantitative research skill within 12 months (October 2020) By participating
in the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) tr ing during the postgraduate certificate
module 2 course at the Robert •rdon University in January 2020. By reading and learning the
methodology of 24 relevant lonqitudina •sea rch papers (2 papers every month) in the next
12 months.
By utilising the longitudinal research mentorship available during my secondment (Fontys
University). b) To improve my academic writing skills in the next 12 months (October 2020) • By
attending a one-day seminar on "Better Academic Writing" organised by the postgraduate school of
the Robert Gordon University (RGU) on the 17th October 2019. • By writing (at least) 500 words
every week on my PhD thesis. • By regularly participating in the academic writing seminars
organised by the RGU Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA)
during my PhD program. °take:5 3• Anticipated networking To establish a strong research network
by visiting or participating in the activities of the following organisations within the next 24 months:
• Acute Frailty Network, UK. • Canadian Frailty Network. • Advantage Joint Action on Frailty in
Europe. • Partners in the EuroAgeism consortium (AGE Platform Europe and Economic Centre
Europe). U ations • Ageing Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER), University of Aberdeen. •
Ageing Research Network, Aberdeen:'('. kA - PERFORMANCE WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS (January
2019 to October 2019)
1• Academic Progression: Successful completion of the rt module 1 compulsory course organogre
ised io by the postgraduate school at the Robert University (a requisite for PhD prssn). 2• Research
out deliverables: • Deliverable 1• A report on ethical Protocol and issues that are involved in
researching frail older people. It will detail the process of ethical approval through Robert Gordon
University in the United Kingdo. • Deliverable 2: A rn systematic review of literature to establish the
existing literature on frailty and ageism. This review was registered On the prospective June 7, 2019
with record number register of systematic This (PR Was and the protocol was published on to be
published in an open access journal by mid-2020. Ci3J)Q019135851. This review is anticipated
6. Progress review: This personal career development plan (PCDP) will be reviewed every six months
with my supervisor to ensure that the objectives therein are being executed consistently. During the
PhD period, considerable adjustment will be made to this PCDP as necessary.
Date and Signature of ESR:
Date and Signature of Supervisor: