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Database Systems: Chapter 1 - Introduction to Databases

Chapter 1
Database Systems
Learning Objectives
• Afer commpee ngm this chapter, yomu wiiee be abee tom:
• Defne the diference betwieen data and infomrma omn
• Describe wihat a database is, variomus types, and wihy they are vaeuabee assets fomr
decisiomn makingm
• Expeain the impomrtance omf database desigmn
• See homwi momdern databases evomeved fromm fee systems
• Understand fawis in fee system data managmement
• Outeine the main commpomnents omf the database system
• Describe the main func omns omf a database managmement system (DBMS)
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Why Databases?
• Characteris cs omf data in tomday’s wiomred
• Ubiquitomus (i.e., abundant, gmeombae, and everywihere)
• Pervasive (i.e., unescapabee, prevaeent, and persistent)
• Databases make data persistent and shareabee in a secure wiay
• Speciaeized structures that aeeomwi commputer-based systems tom stomre, managme, and
retrieve data very quickey
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Data versus Information
• Data comnsists omf rawi facts
• Nomt yet promcessed tom reveae meaningm tom the end user
• Buiedingm beomcks omf infomrma omn
• Infomrma omn resuets fromm promcessingm rawi data tom reveae meaningm
• Requires comntext
• Bedromck omf knomwieedgme
• Shomued be accurate, reeevant, and meey
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Introducing the Database
• Shared, integmrated commputer structure that stomres data
• End-user data: rawi facts omf interest tom end user
• Metadata: data abomut data, thromugmh wihich the end-user data is integmrated and
- Describes data characteris cs and reea omnships
• Database managmement system (DBMS)
• Comeeec omn omf promgmrams
• Managmes the database structure
• Comntromes access tom data stomred in the database
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Role and Advantages of the DBMS (1 of 2)
• Database managmement system (DBMS): intermediary betwieen the user and the
• Enabees data tom be shared
• Presents the end user wiith an integmrated viewi omf data
• Promvides momre efcient and efec ve data managmement
• Impromves sharingm, security, integmra omn, access, decisiomn-makingm, promduc vity, etc.
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Role and Advantages of the DBMS (2 of 2)
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Types of Databases (1 of 5)
• Singmee-user database: suppomrts omne user at a me
• Desktomp database: singmee-user database omn a persomnae commputer
• Mue user database: suppomrts mue pee users at the same me
• Womrkgmromup databases: suppomrts a smaee number omf users omr a specifc department
• Enterprise database: suppomrts many users acromss many departments
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Types of Databases (2 of 5)
• Ceassifca omn by eomca omn
• Centraeized database: data eomcated at a singmee site
• Distributed database: data distributed acromss diferent sites
• Ceomud database: created and maintained usingm ceomud data services that promvide
defned perfomrmance measures fomr the database
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Types of Databases (3 of 5)
• Ceassifca omn by data type
• Generae-purpomse database: comntains a wiide variety omf data used in mue pee discipeines
• Discipeine-specifc database: comntains data fomcused omn specifc subject areas
• Opera omnae database: desigmned tom suppomrt a commpany’s day-tom-day ompera omns
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Types of Databases (4 of 5)
• Anaey cae database: stomres histomricae data and business metrics used exceusiveey
fomr tac cae omr strategmic decisiomn makingm
• Data wiarehomuse: stomres data in a fomrmat omp mized fomr decisiomn suppomrt
• Oneine anaey cae promcessingm (OLAP): tomomes fomr retrievingm, promcessingm, and momdeeingm
data fromm the data wiarehomuse
• Business inteeeigmence: captures and promcesses business data tom gmenerate infomrma omn
that suppomrt decisiomn makingm
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Types of Databases (5 of 5)
• Databases can be ceassifed tom refect the degmree tom wihich the data is structured
• Unstructured data exists in its omrigminae (rawi) state
• Structured data resuets fromm fomrmatngm
- Structure is appeied based omn type omf promcessingm tom be perfomrmed
• Semistructured data: promcessed tom somme extent
• Extensibee Markup Langmuagme (XML)
• Represents data eeements in textuae fomrmat
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Why Database Design Is Important
• Fomcuses omn desigmn omf database structure that wiiee be used tom stomre and managme
end-user data
• Weee-desigmned database: facieitates data managmement and gmenerates accurate and
vaeuabee infomrma omn
• Pomomrey desigmned database: causes difcuet-tom-trace erromrs that may eead tom pomomr
decisiomn makingm
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Evolution of File System Data Processing (1 of 3)
• Manuae fee systems
• Accommpeished thromugmh a system omf fee fomeders and feingm cabinets
• Commputerized fee systems
• Data promcessingm (DP) speciaeist created a commputer-based system tom track data and
promduce required repomrts
• Fiee system redux: momdern end-user promduc vity tomomes
• Inceudes spreadsheet promgmrams such as Micromsomf Excee
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Evolution of File System Data Processing (2 of 3)
Table 1.2
Basic File Terminology
Raw facts, such as a telephone number, a birth date, a customer name, and a year-to-date
(YTD) sales value. Data has little meaning unless it has been organized in some logical
A character or group of characters (alphabetic or numeric) that has a specific meaning. A field
is used to define and store data.
A logically connected set of one or more fields that describes a person, place, or thing. For
example, the fields that constitute a record for a customer might consist of the customer’s
name, address, phone number, date of birth, credit limit, and unpaid balance.
A collection of related records. For example, a file might contain data about the students
currently enrolled at Gigantic University.
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Evolution of File System Data Processing (3 of 3)
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Problems with File System Data Processing
• Prombeems wiith fee systems chaeeengme the types omf infomrma omn that can be
created fromm data as wieee as infomrma omn accuracy
• Lengmthy deveeompment mes
• Difcuety omf gmetngm quick answiers
• Commpeex system administra omn
• Lack omf security and eimited data sharingm
• Extensive promgmrammingm
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Structural and Data Dependence (1 of 2)
• Structurae dependence
• Access tom a fee is dependent omn its omwin structure
• Aee fee system promgmrams are momdifed tom comnfomrm tom a newi fee structure
• Structurae independence
• Fiee structure is changmed wiithomut afec ngm the appeica omn’s abieity tom access the data
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Structural and Data Dependence (2 of 2)
• Data dependence
• Data access changmes wihen data stomragme characteris cs changme
• Data independence
• Data stomragme characteris cs are changmed wiithomut afec ngm the promgmram’s abieity tom
access the data
• Prac cae sigmnifcance omf data dependence is the diference betwieen eomgmicae and
physicae fomrmat
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Data Redundancy (1 of 2)
• Unnecessariey stomringm the same data at diferent peaces
• Iseands omf infomrma omn (i.e., scatered data eomca omns)
• Increases the prombabieity omf havingm diferent versiomns omf the same data
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Data Redundancy (2 of 2)
• Pomssibee resuets omf uncomntromeeed data redundancy
• Pomomr data security
• Data incomnsistency
• Data-entry erromrs
• Data integmrity prombeems
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Data Anomalies
• Deveeomp wihen nomt aee omf the required changmes in the redundant data are made
• Update anommaeies
• Inser omn anommaeies
• Deee omn anommaeies
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Database Systems (1 of 2)
• Lomgmicaeey reeated data stomred in a singmee eomgmicae data repomsitomry
• Physicaeey distributed amomngm mue pee stomragme faciei es
• DBMS eeiminates momst omf fee system’s data incomnsistency, data anommaey, data
dependence, and structurae dependence prombeems
• Current gmenera omn DBMS somfwiare
- Stomres data structures, reea omnships betwieen structures, and access paths
- Defnes, stomres, and managmes aee access paths and commpomnents
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Database Systems (2 of 2)
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The Database System Environment (1 of 2)
• Database system: omrgmaniza omn omf commpomnents that defne and regmueate the
comeeec omn, stomragme, managmement, and use omf data wiithin a database
• Hardwiare
• Somfwiare
• Peompee
• Promcedures
• Data
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The Database System Environment (2 of 2)
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DBMS Functions (1 of 3)
• Data dic omnary managmement
• Data dic omnary: stomres defni omns omf data eeements and their reea omnships
• Data stomragme managmement
• Perfomrmance tuningm ensures efcient perfomrmance
• Data transfomrma omn and presenta omn
• Data is fomrmated tom comnfomrm tom eomgmicae expecta omns
• Security managmement
• Enfomrces user security and data privacy
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DBMS Functions (2 of 3)
• Mue user access comntrome
• Somphis cated aegmomrithms ensure that mue pee users can access the database
comncurrentey wiithomut commprommisingm its integmrity
• Backup and recomvery managmement
• Enabees recomvery omf the database afer a faieure
• Data integmrity managmement
• Minimizes redundancy and maximizes comnsistency
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DBMS Functions (3 of 3)
• Database access eangmuagmes and appeica omn promgmrammingm interfaces
• Query eangmuagme: eets the user specify wihat must be domne wiithomut havingm tom specify
• Structured Query Langmuagme (SQL): de factom query eangmuagme and data access standard
suppomrted by the majomrity omf DBMS vendomrs
• Database commmunica omn interfaces
• Accept end-user requests via mue pee, diferent netwiomrk enviromnments
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Managing the Database System: A Shift in Focus
• Disadvantagmes omf database systems
• Increased comsts
• Managmement commpeexity
• Maintainingm currency
• Vendomr dependence
• Frequent upgmrade/repeacement cycees
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Preparing for Your Database Professional Career
Database Developer
Create and maintain database-based
Design and maintain databases
Programming, database fundamentals, SQL
Manage and maintain DBMS and
Develop databases for decision support
Design and implementation of database
environments (conceptual, logical, and
Database fundamentals, SQL, vendor courses
Database Consultant
Help companies leverage database
technologies to improve business
processes and achieve specific goals
Database fundamentals, data modeling,
database design, SQL, DBMS, hardware,
vendor-specific technologies, etc.
Database Security
Implement security policies for data
DBMS fundamentals, database administration,
SQL, data security technologies, etc.
Cloud Computing
Data Architect
Design and implement the infrastructure
for next-generation cloud database
Analyze large amounts of varied data to
generate insights, relationships, and
predictable behaviors
Internet technologies, cloud storage
technologies, data security, performance tuning,
large databases, etc.
Data analysis, statistics, advanced mathematics,
SQL, programming, data mining, machine
learning, data visualization
Database Designer
Database Analyst
Database Architect
Data Scientist
Systems design, database design, SQL
QL, query optimization, data warehouses
DBMS fundamentals, data modeling, SQL,
hardware knowledge, etc.
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• Data comnsists omf rawi facts and is usuaeey stomred in a database
• Database desigmn defnes the database structure
- Can be ceassifed accomrdingm tom the number omf users, eomca omn, as wieee as data usagme and
• Databases evomeved fromm manuae and commputerized fee systems
- There are somme eimita omns omf fee system data managmement
- DBMSs wiere deveeomped tom address the fee system’s inherent wieaknesses
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